// make sure that we have eigenvectors and they are mass-orthonormal:
// a) (A*x_i-\lambda*B*x_i).L2() == 0
- // b) x_i*B*y_i=\delta_{ij}
+ // b) x_j*B*x_i=\delta_{ij}
Vector<double> Ax(eigenfunctions[0]), Bx(eigenfunctions[0]);
for (unsigned int i=0; i < eigenfunctions.size(); ++i)
for (unsigned int j=0; j < eigenfunctions.size(); j++)
Assert( std::abs( eigenfunctions[j] * Bx - (i==j))< 1e-8,
- ExcMessage(std::to_string(eigenfunctions[j] * Bx)));
+ ExcMessage("Eigenvectors " +
+ Utilities::int_to_string(i) +
+ " and " +
+ Utilities::int_to_string(j) +
+ " are not orthonormal!"));
Assert (Ax.l2_norm() < 1e-8,
- ExcMessage(std::to_string(Ax.l2_norm())));
+ ExcMessage("Returned vector " +
+ Utilities::int_to_string(i) +
+ " is not an eigenvector!"));
for (unsigned int i=0; i<eigenfunctions.size(); ++i)
// make sure that we have eigenvectors and they are mass-orthonormal:
// a) (A*x_i-\lambda*B*x_i).L2() == 0
- // b) x_i*B*y_i=\delta_{ij}
+ // b) x_j*B*x_i=\delta_{ij}
const double precision = 1e-7;
PETScWrappers::MPI::Vector Ax(eigenfunctions[0]), Bx(eigenfunctions[0]);
for (unsigned int j=0; j < eigenfunctions.size(); j++)
Assert( std::abs( eigenfunctions[j] * Bx - (i==j))< precision,
- ExcMessage(std::to_string(eigenfunctions[j] * Bx)));
+ ExcMessage("Eigenvectors " +
+ Utilities::int_to_string(i) +
+ " and " +
+ Utilities::int_to_string(j) +
+ " are not orthonormal!"));
// make sure that we have eigenvectors and they are mass-orthonormal:
// a) (A*x_i-\lambda*B*x_i).L2() == 0
- // b) x_i*B*y_i=\delta_{ij}
+ // b) x_j*B*x_i=\delta_{ij}
const double precision = 1e-7;
TrilinosWrappers::MPI::Vector Ax(eigenfunctions[0]), Bx(eigenfunctions[0]);
for (unsigned int j=0; j < eigenfunctions.size(); j++)
Assert( std::abs( eigenfunctions[j] * Bx - (i==j))< precision,
- ExcMessage(std::to_string(eigenfunctions[j] * Bx)));
+ ExcMessage("Eigenvectors " +
+ Utilities::int_to_string(i) +
+ " and " +
+ Utilities::int_to_string(j) +
+ " are not orthonormal!"));
Assert (Ax.l2_norm() < precision,
- ExcMessage(std::to_string(Ax.l2_norm())));
+ ExcMessage("Returned vector " +
+ Utilities::int_to_string(i) +
+ " is not an eigenvector!"));