- * Harmonic singularity on the L-shaped domain in 2D.
+ * A function that solves the Laplace equation (with specific
+ * boundary values but zero right hand side) and that has a
+ * singularity at the center of the L-shaped domain in 2D (i.e.,
+ * at the location of the re-entrant corner of this non-convex
+ * domain).
* The function is given in polar coordinates by $r^{\frac{2}{3}}
- * \sin(\frac{2}{3} \phi)$ with a singularity at the origin and should be
- * used with GridGenerator::hyper_L().
+ * \sin(\frac{2}{3} \phi)$ with a singularity at the origin and
+ * should be used with GridGenerator::hyper_L(). Here, $\phi$ is
+ * defined as the *clockwise* angle against the positive $x$-axis.
+ *
+ * This function is often used to illustrate that the solutions of the Laplace
+ * equation
+ * @f[
+ * -\Delta u = 0
+ * @f]
+ * can be singular even if the boundary values are smooth. (Here, if the
+ * domain is the L-shaped domain $(-1,1)^2 \backslash [0,1]^2$, the
+ * boundary values for $u$ are zero on the two line segments adjacent to the
+ * origin, and equal to $r^{\frac{2}{3}} \sin(\frac{2}{3} \phi)$ on the
+ * remaining parts of the boundary.) The function itself remains bounded on
+ * the domain, but its gradient is of the form $r^{-1/3}$ in the vicinity of
+ * the origin and consequently diverges as one approaches the origin.
* @ingroup functions