]> https://gitweb.dealii.org/ - dealii-svn.git/commitdiff
Simplify updates of neighbor pointers which got terribly complicated with the
authorleicht <leicht@0785d39b-7218-0410-832d-ea1e28bc413d>
Tue, 20 Oct 2009 06:03:02 +0000 (06:03 +0000)
committerleicht <leicht@0785d39b-7218-0410-832d-ea1e28bc413d>
Tue, 20 Oct 2009 06:03:02 +0000 (06:03 +0000)
anisotropic refinement capabilities. This also ensures valid neighbor
information on inactive cells.

git-svn-id: https://svn.dealii.org/trunk@19956 0785d39b-7218-0410-832d-ea1e28bc413d


index 6eba2e21acc42082696895d75eb2dbaaf1fe9c48..d701a94a8a634ea7c83075ea2001a66bf86054ad 100644 (file)
@@ -374,361 +374,6 @@ namespace
-                                  /**
-                                   * In 3d, set the neighbor information of
-                                   * all outer neighbor of all children of
-                                   * the given cell <tt>cell</tt>, if
-                                   * <tt>refining=true</tt>. In this
-                                   * constellation the function is called
-                                   * after the creation of children in @p
-                                   * execute_refinement. If
-                                   * <tt>refining=false</tt>, it is assumed,
-                                   * that the given cell is just coarsened,
-                                   * i.e. that its children are about to be
-                                   * deleted, thus they do not need new
-                                   * neighbor information.
-                                   *
-                                   * In both cases, the neighbor information
-                                   * of the cell's neighbors are updated, if
-                                   * necessary.
-                                   */
-  template <int spacedim>
-  void
-  update_neighbors (const typename Triangulation<3, spacedim>::cell_iterator &cell,
-                   const bool                                                refining)
-  {
-    const unsigned int dim = 3;
-    Assert(cell->has_children(),
-          ExcMessage("Only cells with children can ask for an update of neighbor information."));
-    typedef
-      typename Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::cell_iterator cell_iterator;
-    typedef
-      typename Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::face_iterator face_iterator;
-    const RefinementCase<dim> ref_case=cell->refinement_case();
-                                    // visit each face in turn
-    for (unsigned int f=0; f<GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell; ++f)
-      {
-       cell_iterator neighbor=cell->neighbor(f);
-                                        // as default: set all children neighbors
-                                        // to the cell's neighbor first, if we
-                                        // are to set neighbors after refining.
-       if (refining)
-         for (unsigned int c=0; c<GeometryInfo<dim>::max_children_per_face; ++c)
-           cell->child(GeometryInfo<dim>::child_cell_on_face(ref_case,f,c))
-             ->set_neighbor(f, neighbor);
-       else
-                                          // in this case, if we are refined
-                                          // anisotropically in a way that does
-                                          // not refine the current face, then
-                                          // set our child's neighbor as our
-                                          // neighbor (the child's neighbor might
-                                          // be more current...).
-         if (GeometryInfo<dim>::face_refinement_case(cell->refinement_case(), f) == RefinementCase<dim-1>::no_refinement)
-           {
-             const typename Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::active_cell_iterator
-               child_on_this_face=cell->child(GeometryInfo<dim>::child_cell_on_face(cell->refinement_case(),
-                                                                                    f,
-                                                                                    cell->face_orientation(f),
-                                                                                    cell->face_flip(f),
-                                                                                    cell->face_rotation(f),
-                                                                                    RefinementCase<dim>::no_refinement));
-             neighbor=child_on_this_face->neighbor(f);
-             cell->set_neighbor(f, child_on_this_face->neighbor(f));
-           }
-       if (neighbor.state()!=IteratorState::valid)
-                                          // the neighbor is at the
-                                          // boundary, so simply copy
-                                          // this to all children at
-                                          // this face. As this has
-                                          // been done already, there
-                                          // is nothing more to do here
-         {}
-       else if (neighbor->active())
-         {
-                                            // the neighbor is active,
-                                            // so it cannot be refined
-                                            // along the given face. We
-                                            // have to set the neighbor
-                                            // of our children to this
-                                            // neighbor. This has been
-                                            // done already. If our
-                                            // face is not refined AND
-                                            // if the neighbor is not
-                                            // coarser we also have to
-                                            // adjust the neighbor's
-                                            // neighborship info.
-           if ((GeometryInfo<dim>::face_refinement_case(ref_case,f) ==
-                RefinementCase<dim-1>::no_refinement)
-               &&
-               !cell->neighbor_is_coarser(f))
-             {
-               if (refining)
-                 neighbor->set_neighbor(cell->neighbor_of_neighbor(f),
-                                        cell->child(GeometryInfo<dim>::child_cell_on_face(ref_case,f,0)));
-               else
-                 neighbor->set_neighbor(cell->neighbor_of_neighbor(f),
-                                        cell);
-             }                             
-         }// else if (neighbor->active())
-       else
-         {
-           const bool f_or=cell->face_orientation(f);
-           const bool f_fl=cell->face_flip(f);
-           const bool f_ro=cell->face_rotation(f);
-                                            // now the neighbor has children, so
-                                            // it is kind of complicated.
-           const RefinementCase<dim-1> our_face_ref_case
-             = GeometryInfo<dim>::face_refinement_case(ref_case,f,f_or,f_fl,f_ro);
-           const RefinementCase<dim-1> face_ref_case
-             = cell->face(f)->refinement_case();
-           switch (face_ref_case)
-             {
-               case RefinementCase<dim>::no_refinement:
-                                                      // in this case neither our
-                                                      // cell nor the neighbor is
-                                                      // refined along face
-                                                      // f. however, the above
-                                                      // case should have caught
-                                                      // this situation, as the
-                                                      // neighbor has to be
-                                                      // active then.
-                     Assert (false, ExcInternalError());
-                     break;
-               case RefinementCase<dim>::cut_x:
-               case RefinementCase<dim>::cut_y:
-               case RefinementCase<dim>::cut_xy:
-               {
-                                                  // this is really tricky and
-                                                  // originally there were some
-                                                  // 800 lines of code which were
-                                                  // still buggy. thus we use a
-                                                  // different kind of approach
-                                                  // here: we create a map of our
-                                                  // child cells at the given
-                                                  // face with the (sub)face as
-                                                  // key. Then create a
-                                                  // corresponding (multi-)map of
-                                                  // the neighbor and its
-                                                  // children. As a third
-                                                  // ingredient, we need a map
-                                                  // pointing us from a face to
-                                                  // its parent.
-                 const unsigned int nb_nb=cell->neighbor_face_no(f);
-                 std::map<face_iterator, cell_iterator> our_children;
-                                                  // we only need to fill this
-                                                  // map, if the cell was just
-                                                  // refined. after coarsening,
-                                                  // we should use our own cell
-                                                  // instead
-                 if (refining)
-                   for (unsigned int c=0; c<std::max(GeometryInfo<dim-1>::n_children(our_face_ref_case),1U); ++c)
-                     {
-                       cell_iterator child
-                         =
-                         cell->child(GeometryInfo<dim>::child_cell_on_face(ref_case,
-                                                                           f,c,
-                                                                           f_or,
-                                                                           f_fl,
-                                                                           f_ro,
-                                                                           our_face_ref_case));
-                       our_children.insert(std::make_pair(child->face(f),child));
-                     }
-                 else
-                   our_children.insert(std::make_pair(cell->face(f),cell));
-                 std::map<face_iterator,face_iterator> parents;
-                 for (unsigned int face_child=0; face_child<neighbor->face(nb_nb)->n_children(); ++face_child)
-                   parents.insert(std::make_pair(neighbor->face(nb_nb)->child(face_child),neighbor->face(nb_nb)));
-                 bool inserted=true;
-                 while (inserted)
-                   {
-                     inserted=false;
-                     typename std::map<face_iterator,face_iterator>::iterator
-                       cur_face = parents.begin();
-                     for (;cur_face!=parents.end(); ++cur_face)
-                       if (cur_face->first->has_children())
-                         for (unsigned int fc=0; fc<cur_face->first->n_children(); ++fc)
-                           if (parents.find(cur_face->first->child(fc))==parents.end())
-                             {
-                               parents.insert(std::make_pair(cur_face->first->child(fc),cur_face->first));
-                               inserted=true;
-                             }
-                   }
-                 const bool nb_f_or=neighbor->face_orientation(nb_nb);
-                 const bool nb_f_fl=neighbor->face_flip(nb_nb);
-                 const bool nb_f_ro=neighbor->face_rotation(nb_nb);
-                 std::multimap<face_iterator,cell_iterator> nb_children;
-                 nb_children.insert(std::make_pair(neighbor->face(nb_nb),neighbor));
-                 int current_level=neighbor->level();
-                 inserted=true;
-                 while (inserted)
-                   {
-                     inserted=false;
-                     typename std::multimap<face_iterator,cell_iterator>::iterator
-                       it = nb_children.begin();
-                     for (;it!=nb_children.end(); ++it)
-                                                        // only treat
-                                                        // untreated
-                                                        // cells,
-                                                        // i.e. those
-                                                        // with
-                                                        // level()==current_level
-                       if (it->second->level()==current_level &&
-                           it->second->has_children())
-                         {
-                           RefinementCase<dim-1> nb_face_ref_case
-                             =GeometryInfo<dim>::face_refinement_case(it->second->refinement_case(),
-                                                                      nb_nb,
-                                                                      nb_f_or,
-                                                                      nb_f_fl,
-                                                                      nb_f_ro);
-                           for (unsigned int c=0; c<std::max(GeometryInfo<dim-1>::n_children(nb_face_ref_case),1U); ++c)
-                             {
-                               cell_iterator child=
-                                 it->second->child(GeometryInfo<dim>::child_cell_on_face(it->second->refinement_case(),
-                                                                                         nb_nb,c,
-                                                                                         nb_f_or,
-                                                                                         nb_f_fl,
-                                                                                         nb_f_ro,
-                                                                                         nb_face_ref_case));
-                               nb_children.insert(std::make_pair(child->face(nb_nb),child));
-                               inserted=true;
-                             }
-                         }
-                     ++current_level;
-                   }
-                                                  // now loop over all of our
-                                                  // children and set their
-                                                  // neighbor, if available. only
-                                                  // necessary, if we are
-                                                  // refining.
-                                                  // declare some iterator which
-                                                  // are needed in any case
-                 typename std::map<face_iterator,cell_iterator>::iterator
-                   our_it = our_children.begin(),
-                   end_our_it = our_children.end();
-                 typename std::multimap<face_iterator,cell_iterator>::iterator
-                   nb_it, end_nb_it;
-                 if (refining)
-                   {
-                     for (; our_it!=end_our_it; ++our_it)
-                       {
-                         face_iterator parent_face=our_it->first;
-                         bool further_parents=true;
-                         while(further_parents &&
-                               nb_children.find(parent_face)==nb_children.end())
-                           {
-                             if (parents.find(parent_face)==parents.end())
-                               further_parents=false;
-                             parent_face=parents.find(parent_face)->second;
-                           }
-                         if (further_parents)
-                                                            // we found a
-                                                            // corresponding
-                                                            // neighbor_child. if
-                                                            // not, do nothing,
-                                                            // as the default
-                                                            // neighbor set above
-                                                            // is correct.
-                           {
-                             nb_it=nb_children.lower_bound(parent_face);
-                             end_nb_it=nb_children.upper_bound(parent_face);
-                                                              // advance to
-                                                              // the last
-                                                              // child at
-                                                              // the given
-                                                              // face, as
-                                                              // this is on
-                                                              // the
-                                                              // highest
-                                                              // level and
-                                                              // thus the
-                                                              // finest one
-                                                              // possible
-                             for (; nb_it!=end_nb_it; ++nb_it)
-                               our_it->second->set_neighbor(f, nb_it->second);
-                           }
-                       }
-                   }
-                                                  // now do the same for the
-                                                  // neighbor and its
-                                                  // children. this is also
-                                                  // necessary if we are
-                                                  // coarsening
-                 nb_it=nb_children.begin();
-                 end_nb_it=nb_children.end();
-                 for (; nb_it!=end_nb_it; ++nb_it)
-                   {
-                     face_iterator parent_face=nb_it->first;
-                     bool further_parents=true;
-                     while(further_parents &&
-                           our_children.find(parent_face)==our_children.end())
-                       {
-                         if (parents.find(parent_face)==parents.end())
-                           further_parents=false;
-                         parent_face=parents.find(parent_face)->second;
-                       }
-                     if (further_parents)
-                                                        // we found a
-                                                        // corresponding
-                                                        // child. if
-                                                        // not, do
-                                                        // nothing, as
-                                                        // the old
-                                                        // neighbor is
-                                                        // still
-                                                        // correct.
-                       {
-                                                          // here, we
-                                                          // only have
-                                                          // one child
-                                                          // at any
-                                                          // given
-                                                          // face, so
-                                                          // we do not
-                                                          // need a
-                                                          // loop.
-                         our_it=our_children.find(parent_face);
-                         nb_it->second->set_neighbor(nb_nb, our_it->second);
-                       }
-                   }
-                 break;
-               }
-               default:
-                     Assert(false, ExcInternalError());
-                     break;
-             }// switch (our_face_ref_case)
-         }// else -> neighbor has children
-      }// for all faces
-  }
                                    * For a given Triangulation, update the
                                    * number cache for lines. For 1d, we have
@@ -1243,6 +888,152 @@ namespace
+                                  /**
+                                   * For a given triangulation: set up the
+                                   * neighbor information on all cells.
+                                   */
+  template <int dim, int spacedim>
+  void
+  update_neighbors (Triangulation<dim,spacedim> &triangulation)
+  {
+                                    // each face can be neighbored on two sides
+                                    // by cells. according to the face's
+                                    // intrinsic normal we define the left
+                                    // neighbor as the one for which the face
+                                    // normal points outward, and store that
+                                    // one first, with an offset of one we
+                                    // store the right neighbor for which the
+                                    // face normal points inward. This
+                                    // information depends on the type of cell
+                                    // and local number of face for the
+                                    // 'standard ordering and orientation' of
+                                    // faces and then on the face_orientation
+                                    // information for the real mesh. Set up a
+                                    // table to have fast access to those
+                                    // offsets (0 for left and 1 for
+                                    // right). Some of the values are invalid
+                                    // as they reference too large face
+                                    // numbers, but we just leave them at a
+                                    // zero value.
+                                    //
+                                    // Note, that in 2d for lines as faces the
+                                    // normal direction given in the
+                                    // GeometryInfo class is not consistent. We
+                                    // thus define here that the normal for a
+                                    // line points to the right if the line
+                                    // points upwards.
+                                    //
+                                    // first index:  dimension (minus 2)
+                                    // second index: local face index
+                                    // third index:  face_orientation (false and true)
+    static const unsigned int left_right_offset[2][6][2] =
+      {
+                                            // quadrilateral
+           {{0,1}, // face 0, face_orientation = false and true
+            {1,0}, // face 1, face_orientation = false and true 
+            {1,0}, // face 2, face_orientation = false and true 
+            {0,1}, // face 3, face_orientation = false and true                      
+            {0,0}, // face 4, invalid face                      
+            {0,0}},// face 5, invalid face                      
+                                            // hexahedron
+           {{0,1},
+            {1,0},
+            {0,1},
+            {1,0},
+            {0,1},
+            {1,0}}};
+                                    // now create a vector of the two active
+                                    // neighbors (left and right) for each face
+                                    // and fill it by looping over all cells. For
+                                    // cases with anisotropic refinement and more
+                                    // then one cell neighboring at a given side
+                                    // of the face we will automatically get the
+                                    // active one on the highest level as we loop
+                                    // over cells from lower levels first.
+    const typename Triangulation<dim,spacedim>::cell_iterator dummy;
+    std::vector<typename Triangulation<dim,spacedim>::cell_iterator>
+      adjacent_cells(2*triangulation.n_raw_faces(), dummy);
+    typename Triangulation<dim,spacedim>::cell_iterator
+      cell = triangulation.begin(),
+      endc = triangulation.end();
+    for (; cell != endc; ++cell)
+      for (unsigned int f=0; f<GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell; ++f)
+       {
+         const typename Triangulation<dim,spacedim>::face_iterator face=cell->face(f);
+         const unsigned int offset=left_right_offset[dim-2][f][cell->face_orientation(f)];
+         adjacent_cells[2*face->index() + offset] = cell;
+                                          // if this cell is not refined, but the
+                                          // face is, then we'll have to set our
+                                          // cell as neighbor for the cild faces
+                                          // as well. Fortunately the normal
+                                          // orientation of children will be just
+                                          // the same.
+         if (dim==2)
+           {
+             if (cell->active() && face->has_children())
+               {
+                 adjacent_cells[2*face->child(0)->index() + offset] = cell;
+                 adjacent_cells[2*face->child(1)->index() + offset] = cell;
+               }
+           }
+         else // -> dim == 3
+           {
+                                              // We need the same as in 2d
+                                              // here. Furthermore, if the face is
+                                              // refined with cut_x or cut_y then
+                                              // those children again in the other
+                                              // direction, and if this cell is
+                                              // refined isotropically (along the
+                                              // face) then the neighbor will
+                                              // (probably) be refined as cut_x or
+                                              // cut_y along the face. For those
+                                              // neighboring children cells, their
+                                              // neighbor will be the current,
+                                              // inactive cell, as our children are
+                                              // too fine to be neighbors. Catch that
+                                              // case by also acting on inactive
+                                              // cells with isotropic refinement
+                                              // along the face. If the situation
+                                              // described is not present, the data
+                                              // will be overwritten later on when we
+                                              // visit cells on finer levels, so no
+                                              // harm will be done.
+             if (face->has_children() &&
+                 (cell->active() ||
+                  GeometryInfo<dim>::face_refinement_case(cell->refinement_case(),f) == RefinementCase<dim-1>::isotropic_refinement))
+               {
+                 for (unsigned int c=0; c<face->n_children(); ++c)
+                   adjacent_cells[2*face->child(c)->index() + offset] = cell;
+                 if (face->child(0)->has_children())
+                   {
+                     adjacent_cells[2*face->child(0)->child(0)->index() + offset] = cell;
+                     adjacent_cells[2*face->child(0)->child(1)->index() + offset] = cell;
+                   }
+                 if (face->child(1)->has_children())
+                   {
+                     adjacent_cells[2*face->child(1)->child(0)->index() + offset] = cell;
+                     adjacent_cells[2*face->child(1)->child(1)->index() + offset] = cell;
+                   }
+               } // if cell active and face refined
+           } // else -> dim==3     
+       } // for all faces of all cells
+                                    // now loop again over all cells and set the
+                                    // corresponding neighbor cell. Note, that we
+                                    // have to use the opposite of the
+                                    // left_right_offset in this case as we want
+                                    // the offset of the neighbor, not our own.
+    for (cell=triangulation.begin(); cell != endc; ++cell)
+      for (unsigned int f=0; f<GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell; ++f)
+       cell->set_neighbor(f,
+                          adjacent_cells[2*cell->face(f)->index() + 1
+                                         - left_right_offset[dim-2][f][cell->face_orientation(f)]]);
+  }
 }// end of anonymous namespace
@@ -3095,114 +2886,33 @@ namespace internal
        delete_children (Triangulation<2,spacedim> &triangulation,
                         typename Triangulation<2,spacedim>::cell_iterator &cell,
-                        std::vector<unsigned int> &,
+                        std::vector<unsigned int> &line_cell_count,
                         std::vector<unsigned int> &)
            const unsigned int dim=2;
            const RefinementCase<dim> ref_case=cell->refinement_case();
-           for (unsigned int face_no=0; face_no<GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell; ++face_no)
-             if (!cell->at_boundary(face_no))
-               {
-                 if (GeometryInfo<dim>::face_refinement_case(ref_case, face_no)
-                     ==RefinementCase<1>::no_refinement)
-                   cell->set_neighbor(face_no,cell->child(face_no%2)->neighbor(face_no));
-                 typename Triangulation<dim,spacedim>::cell_iterator
-                   neighbor=cell->neighbor(face_no);
-                                                  // it is possible that the neighbor is
-                                                  // coarser if it has already been
-                                                  // coarsened earlier in this cycle. for
-                                                  // anisotropic refinement that can
-                                                  // happen, even if the neighbor is on a
-                                                  // higher level.
-                                                  // it is also possible, that the
-                                                  // neighbor information of cell was not
-                                                  // the best information currently
-                                                  // available. however, the neighbor
-                                                  // information now set should be
-                                                  // accurate, as we have taken the
-                                                  // pointer from one of our children, if
-                                                  // that could be mor accurate and these
-                                                  // children can't be further refined.
-                                                  // if the neighbor is coarser, do
-                                                  // nothing: we won't have to reset our
-                                                  // pointer of course and the coarser
-                                                  // neighbor does not point to this cell
-                 if (cell->neighbor_is_coarser(face_no))
-                   {
-                     Assert(neighbor->active(),
-                            ExcInternalError());
-                     continue;
-                   }
-                 const unsigned int nb_nb=cell->neighbor_of_neighbor(face_no);
-                 neighbor->set_neighbor(nb_nb, cell);
-                                                  // go down the list of children which
-                                                  // are not refined along the face (if
-                                                  // any)
-                 while (neighbor->has_children() &&
-                        (GeometryInfo<dim>::face_refinement_case(neighbor->refinement_case(), nb_nb)
-                         ==RefinementCase<dim-1>::no_refinement))
-                   {
-                     neighbor=neighbor->child(GeometryInfo<dim>
-                                              ::child_cell_on_face(neighbor->refinement_case(),
-                                                                   nb_nb,
-                                                                   0));
-                     neighbor->set_neighbor(nb_nb, cell);
-                   }
-                                                  // now we can safely set the cells
-                                                  // neighbor
-                 cell->set_neighbor(face_no,neighbor);
-                                                  // if there are still children, they
-                                                  // have to be refined along the face
-                                                  // currently under consideration
-                 if (neighbor->has_children())
-                   {
-                     unsigned int n_subfaces=GeometryInfo<dim-1>::n_children(
-                       GeometryInfo<dim>::face_refinement_case(neighbor->refinement_case(), nb_nb));
-                     Assert (n_subfaces>0, ExcInternalError());
-                     for (unsigned int i=0; i<n_subfaces; ++i)
-                       {
-                         typename Triangulation<dim,spacedim>::cell_iterator
-                           neighbor_child=neighbor->child(
-                           GeometryInfo<dim>::child_cell_on_face(neighbor->refinement_case(),
-                                                                 nb_nb, i));
-                         neighbor_child->set_neighbor(nb_nb, cell);
-                                                          // once again, this
-                                                          // neighbor_child can be
-                                                          // refined several times,
-                                                          // as long as this
-                                                          // refinement is not along
-                                                          // the current subface. if
-                                                          // there are children
-                                                          // refined along the
-                                                          // subface they will be
-                                                          // coarsened away later in
-                                                          // this process, so we
-                                                          // don't care about them
-                                                          // here
-                         while (neighbor_child->has_children() &&
-                                (GeometryInfo<dim>::face_refinement_case(neighbor_child->refinement_case(),
-                                                                         nb_nb)
-                                 == RefinementCase<dim-1>::no_refinement))
-                           {
-                             neighbor_child=neighbor_child
-                                            ->child(GeometryInfo<dim>
-                                                    ::child_cell_on_face(neighbor_child->refinement_case(),
-                                                                         nb_nb,
-                                                                         0));
-                             neighbor_child->set_neighbor(nb_nb, cell);
-                           }
-                       }
-                   }
-               }
+           Assert(line_cell_count.size()==triangulation.n_raw_lines(), ExcInternalError());
+                                            // vectors to hold all lines which
+                                            // may be deleted
+           std::vector<typename Triangulation<dim,spacedim>::line_iterator>
+             lines_to_delete(0);
+           lines_to_delete.reserve(4*2+4);
+                                            // now we decrease the counters for
+                                            // lines contained in the child
+                                            // cells
+           for (unsigned int c=0; c<cell->n_children(); ++c)
+             {
+               typename Triangulation<dim,spacedim>::cell_iterator
+                 child=cell->child(c);
+               for (unsigned int l=0; l<GeometryInfo<dim>::lines_per_cell; ++l)
+                 --line_cell_count[child->line_index(l)];
+             }
                                             // delete the vertex which will not
                                             // be needed anymore. This vertex
                                             // is the second of the second line
@@ -3214,28 +2924,11 @@ namespace internal
            if (ref_case==RefinementCase<dim>::cut_xy)
                triangulation.vertices_used[cell->child(0)->line(1)->vertex_index(1)] = false;
-                                                // clear user pointers, to
-                                                // avoid that they may appear
-                                                // at unwanted places later
-                                                // on...
-               cell->child(0)->line(1)->clear_user_data();
-               cell->child(0)->line(3)->clear_user_data();
-               cell->child(3)->line(0)->clear_user_data();
-               cell->child(3)->line(2)->clear_user_data();
-                                                // same for user flags
-               cell->child(0)->line(1)->clear_user_flag();
-               cell->child(0)->line(3)->clear_user_flag();
-               cell->child(3)->line(0)->clear_user_flag();
-               cell->child(3)->line(2)->clear_user_flag();
-                                                // delete the four interior
-                                                // lines
-               cell->child(0)->line(1)->clear_used_flag();
-               cell->child(0)->line(3)->clear_used_flag();
-               cell->child(3)->line(0)->clear_used_flag();
-               cell->child(3)->line(2)->clear_used_flag();
+               lines_to_delete.push_back(cell->child(0)->line(1));
+               lines_to_delete.push_back(cell->child(0)->line(3));
+               lines_to_delete.push_back(cell->child(3)->line(0));
+               lines_to_delete.push_back(cell->child(3)->line(2));
@@ -3243,38 +2936,9 @@ namespace internal
                                                 // the inner line will not be
                                                 // used any more
-               cell->child(0)->line(inner_face_no)->clear_user_data();
-               cell->child(0)->line(inner_face_no)->clear_user_flag();
-               cell->child(0)->line(inner_face_no)->clear_used_flag();
+               lines_to_delete.push_back(cell->child(0)->line(inner_face_no));
-                                            // if the neighbor does not need
-                                            // the subfaces, delete them.  in case of
-                                            // anisotropic refinement we can't just
-                                            // ask the neighbor's level here to
-                                            // assure, that he is not refined along
-                                            // the face
-           for (unsigned int face=0; face<GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell; ++face) 
-             if (((cell->neighbor(face).state() != IteratorState::valid) ||
-                  (!cell->neighbor(face)->has_children())) &&
-                 (GeometryInfo<dim>::face_refinement_case(ref_case,face)
-                  !=RefinementCase<dim-1>::no_refinement))
-               {
-                 typename Triangulation<dim,spacedim>::line_iterator
-                   line=cell->face(face);
-                                                  // delete middle vertex
-                 triangulation.vertices_used[line->child(0)->vertex_index(1)] = false;
-                                                  // delete the two subfaces
-                 for (unsigned int subface=0;
-                      subface<line->n_children(); ++subface)
-                   {
-                     line->child(subface)->clear_user_data ();
-                     line->child(subface)->clear_user_flag ();
-                     line->child(subface)->clear_used_flag ();
-                   }
-                 line->clear_children();
-               }
                                             // invalidate children
            for (unsigned int child=0; child<cell->n_children(); ++child)
@@ -3288,6 +2952,63 @@ namespace internal
            cell->clear_children ();
+                                            // look at the refinement of outer
+                                            // lines. if nobody needs those
+                                            // anymore we can add them to the
+                                            // list of lines to be deleted.
+           for (unsigned int line_no=0; line_no<GeometryInfo<dim>::lines_per_cell; ++line_no)
+             {
+               typename Triangulation<dim,spacedim>::line_iterator
+                 line=cell->line(line_no);
+               if (line->has_children())
+                 {
+                                                    // if one of the cell counters is
+                                                    // zero, the other has to be as well
+                   Assert((line_cell_count[line->child_index(0)] == 0 &&
+                           line_cell_count[line->child_index(1)] == 0) ||
+                          (line_cell_count[line->child_index(0)] > 0 &&
+                           line_cell_count[line->child_index(1)] > 0),
+                          ExcInternalError());
+                   if (line_cell_count[line->child_index(0)]==0)
+                     {
+                       for (unsigned int c=0; c<2; ++c)
+                         Assert (!line->child(c)->has_children(),
+                                 ExcInternalError());
+                                                        // we may delete the line's
+                                                        // children and the middle vertex
+                                                        // as no cell references them
+                                                        // anymore
+                       triangulation.vertices_used[line->child(0)->vertex_index(1)] = false;
+                       lines_to_delete.push_back(line->child(0));
+                       lines_to_delete.push_back(line->child(1));
+                       line->clear_children();
+                     }
+                 }
+             }
+                                            // finally, delete unneeded lines
+                                            // clear user pointers, to avoid that
+                                            // they may appear at unwanted places
+                                            // later on...
+                                            // same for user flags, then finally
+                                            // delete the lines
+           typename std::vector<typename Triangulation<dim,spacedim>::line_iterator>::iterator
+             line=lines_to_delete.begin(),
+             endline=lines_to_delete.end();
+           for (; line!=endline; ++line)
+             {
+               (*line)->clear_user_data();
+               (*line)->clear_user_flag();
+               (*line)->clear_used_flag();
+             }
@@ -3329,12 +3050,6 @@ namespace internal
                for (unsigned int f=0; f<GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell; ++f)
-                                            // first we need to reset the neighbor
-                                            // pointers of the neighbors from this cell's
-                                            // children to this cell. This is done by a
-                                            // seperate function.
-           update_neighbors<spacedim> (cell, false);
                                             // delete interior quads and lines and the
@@ -4268,332 +3983,6 @@ namespace internal
                subcells[i]->set_material_id (cell->material_id());
                subcells[i]->set_subdomain_id (cell->subdomain_id());
-                                            // now the only thing
-                                            // still to be done is
-                                            // setting neighborship
-                                            // information.
-                                            //
-                                            // we have to do that for
-                                            // all children of our
-                                            // current cell. if the
-                                            // neighbor is a refined
-                                            // one or if we use anisotropic
-                                            // refinement and there is only
-                                            // one child of the current cell
-                                            // adjacent to a certain face,
-                                            // we also have to reset the
-                                            // neighbors neighbor pointers.
-                                            // In earlier versions of the
-                                            // library these tasks were done one
-                                            // after the other. here we combine
-                                            // these steps, as otherwise we
-                                            // would have to gather the same
-                                            // information on the refinement
-                                            // situation along a certain face
-                                            // twice. As this is a more
-                                            // complicated task for anisotropic
-                                            // refinement, we prefer to do it
-                                            // only once.
-                                            //
-                                            // note that in case the
-                                            // neighboring cell is
-                                            // not refined along the
-                                            // common face, the
-                                            // neighbor iterators
-                                            // point to the common
-                                            // mother cell. the same
-                                            // applies if there is no
-                                            // neighbor: the
-                                            // iterators are past the
-                                            // end
-           typename Triangulation<dim,spacedim>::cell_iterator
-             nb_children[GeometryInfo<dim>::max_children_per_face],
-             nb_child,
-             children[GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell][GeometryInfo<dim>::max_children_per_face];
-                                            // first, set up an array of our current
-                                            // children / subcells. for all faces and
-                                            // subfaces store the info, which subcell is
-                                            // adjacent to that subface
-           for (unsigned int face=0; face<GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell; ++face)
-             for (unsigned int c=0; c<GeometryInfo<dim>::max_children_per_face; ++c)
-               children[face][c]=subcells[GeometryInfo<dim>::child_cell_on_face(ref_case,
-                                                                                face,c)];
-           for (unsigned int face=0; face<GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell;
-                ++face)
-             {
-               const typename Triangulation<dim,spacedim>::cell_iterator
-                 neighbor=cell->neighbor(face);
-               const RefinementCase<dim-1>
-                 face_ref_case=GeometryInfo<dim>::face_refinement_case(ref_case,face);
-               const unsigned int
-                 n_subfaces=std::max(GeometryInfo<dim-1>::n_children(face_ref_case),
-                                     static_cast<unsigned int>(1));
-                                                // if no neighbor set invalid pointer for
-                                                // all children adjacent to that face
-               if (neighbor.state() != IteratorState::valid)
-                 for (unsigned int c=0; c<n_subfaces; ++c)
-                   children[face][c]
-                     ->set_neighbor(face,neighbor);
-               else
-                                                  // neighbor exists
-                 {
-                                                    // now there are two possibilities:
-                                                    // either the neighbor is not refined
-                                                    // along the common face or it is
-                                                    // refined along the common face once,
-                                                    // this must be terminal then
-                                                    // (otherwise something went wrong in
-                                                    // prepare_refinement_and_coarsening()).
-                                                    // however, if at any time the neighbor
-                                                    // has children, which are not refined
-                                                    // along the face currently under
-                                                    // consideration, one of these children
-                                                    // would have been set as the neighbor
-                                                    // of our current cell. therefore the
-                                                    // question wether the neighbor is
-                                                    // refined along the common face is
-                                                    // equivalent to the question, wether
-                                                    // the neighbor has children.  if our
-                                                    // current cell is not refined along
-                                                    // the face face_no, then we have to
-                                                    // set the current neighbor as the new
-                                                    // neighbor, even if the neighbor is
-                                                    // further refined
-                   if (!neighbor->has_children())
-                     {
-                                                        // if the neighbor has no children,
-                                                        // set the neighbor-pointer of all
-                                                        // children to this neighbor cell
-                       for (unsigned int c=0; c<n_subfaces; ++c)
-                         children[face][c]
-                           ->set_neighbor(face,neighbor);
-                                                        // if the current cell is not
-                                                        // refined along the face we have
-                                                        // to update the neighbors neighbor
-                                                        // pointer. we have to do this only,
-                                                        // if the neighbor is not coarser
-                       if (n_subfaces==1 && !cell->neighbor_is_coarser(face))
-                         {
-                           const unsigned int nb_nb = cell->neighbor_of_neighbor(face);
-                           neighbor->set_neighbor(nb_nb, children[face][0]);
-                         }
-                     }
-                   else
-                     {
-                                                        // neighbor has children
-                       const unsigned int nb_nb = cell->neighbor_of_neighbor(face);
-                       const RefinementCase<dim> nb_ref_case = neighbor->refinement_case();
-                       const RefinementCase<dim-1> nb_face_ref_case = GeometryInfo<dim>::face_refinement_case(nb_ref_case,
-                                                                                                              nb_nb);
-                       const unsigned int nb_n_subfaces = std::max(GeometryInfo<dim-1>::
-                                                                   n_children(nb_face_ref_case),
-                                                                   static_cast<unsigned int>(1));
-                       for (unsigned int c=0; c<GeometryInfo<dim>::max_children_per_face; ++c)
-                         {
-                           nb_child=neighbor->child(GeometryInfo<dim>::
-                                                    child_cell_on_face(nb_ref_case,
-                                                                       nb_nb,
-                                                                       c));
-                                                            // there could be an unknown
-                                                            // number of refinements for
-                                                            // nb_child that do
-                                                            // not refine the common
-                                                            // face.
-                                                            // consider for example the
-                                                            // following case, where the
-                                                            // lower cell has been refined
-                                                            // in this step into c1 and c2.
-                                                            //  ---------------
-                                                            // |       |       |
-                                                            // |       |  n2.1 |
-                                                            // |       |       |
-                                                            // |  n1    -------
-                                                            // |       |       |
-                                                            // |       |  n2.2 |   
-                                                            // |       |       |
-                                                            //  ---------------
-                                                            // |       |       |
-                                                            // |       |       |
-                                                            // |       |       |
-                                                            // |  c1   |  c2   |
-                                                            // |       |       |
-                                                            // |       |       |
-                                                            //  ---------------
-                                                            // the neighbor of cell c was
-                                                            // the whole of cell n. what we
-                                                            // have done so far is setting
-                                                            // the right neighbor
-                                                            // information for cells c1 and
-                                                            // n1 as well as c2 and n2,
-                                                            // where n2 is the mother cell
-                                                            // of n2.1 and n2.2. however,
-                                                            // n2 is further refined and we
-                                                            // would have to set n2.2 as
-                                                            // neighbor of child c2 and
-                                                            // vice versa. this is specific
-                                                            // to anisotropic refinement.
-                                                            // note that n2.2 could be
-                                                            // further refined with cut_y
-                                                            // (if n1 was also refined with
-                                                            // cut_y). 
-                                                            // go down that list to
-                                                            // the end. note, that nb_nb
-                                                            // stays constant, for all
-                                                            // children of a cell have
-                                                            // their faces in the same
-                                                            // direction and orientation as
-                                                            // the mother cell
-                           while(nb_child->has_children()
-                                 && (GeometryInfo<dim>::face_refinement_case(nb_child->refinement_case(),
-                                                                             nb_nb)
-                                     == RefinementCase<dim-1>::no_refinement))
-                                                              // nb_child has children
-                                                              // which are not refined at
-                                                              // the current (sub)face,
-                                                              // therefore one of these
-                                                              // children is the true
-                                                              // neighbor of our cell
-                             nb_child = nb_child
-                                        ->child(GeometryInfo<dim>::
-                                                child_cell_on_face(nb_child->refinement_case(),
-                                                                   nb_nb,
-                                                                   0));
-                                                            // there's one more possibility
-                                                            // here, if the current cell is
-                                                            // refined along the face: the
-                                                            // last child found above could
-                                                            // still be refined once along
-                                                            // the common face, e.g. n1 or
-                                                            // n2.2 in the above picture
-                                                            // could be refined with
-                                                            // cut_x. this refinement leeds
-                                                            // to an inreased number of
-                                                            // hanging nodes. therefore it
-                                                            // was introduced in this
-                                                            // refinement cycle and the
-                                                            // additional hanging nodes
-                                                            // will be removed now, as the
-                                                            // current cell is also
-                                                            // refined. this temporaray
-                                                            // effect can occur during
-                                                            // anisotropic refinement, as
-                                                            // it is possible there, that a
-                                                            // coarser cell (along the face
-                                                            // between the cells) is on a
-                                                            // higher level and therefore
-                                                            // refined after the already
-                                                            // refined neighbor.
-                           if (nb_child->has_children())
-                             {
-                                                                // This is only valid, if
-                                                                // the current cell is
-                                                                // refined along the face
-                                                                // considered here
-                               Assert(n_subfaces > 1, ExcInternalError());
-                               for (unsigned int sub=0;
-                                    sub<GeometryInfo<dim>::max_children_per_face; ++sub)
-                                 {
-                                                                    // collect all the
-                                                                    // children of nb_child
-                                                                    // and set their
-                                                                    // neighbor
-                                                                    // pointers. we will
-                                                                    // care for our own
-                                                                    // children later on
-                                   nb_children[sub]=nb_child->
-                                                    child(GeometryInfo<dim>::
-                                                          child_cell_on_face(nb_child->refinement_case(),
-                                                                             nb_nb, sub));
-                                   nb_children[sub]->set_neighbor(nb_nb, children[face][c]);
-                                 }
-                             }
-                                                            // now set the neighbor
-                                                            // pointers of the neighbor's
-                                                            // children.
-                           nb_child->set_neighbor(nb_nb, children[face][c]);
-                                                            // if this cell is as refined
-                                                            // as the neighbor, set the
-                                                            // neighbor pointers of the
-                                                            // subcells to the
-                                                            // corresponting
-                                                            // neighbor_child. else, set
-                                                            // the neighbor pointers to the
-                                                            // common neighbor mother cell
-                           if (nb_n_subfaces==n_subfaces)
-                             children[face][c]->set_neighbor(face,nb_child);
-                           else
-                             children[face][c]->set_neighbor(face,neighbor);
-                         }
-                     }
-                 }         
-             }
-                                            // by now, all the outer neighbors have been
-                                            // set, the inner neighbors have to be
-                                            // considered in the following
-           if (ref_case==RefinementCase<dim>::cut_xy)
-             {
-                                                // children:
-                                                //   .--.--.
-                                                //   |2 . 3|
-                                                //   .--.--.
-                                                //   |0 | 1|
-                                                //   .--.--.
-               subcells[0]->set_neighbor (1, subcells[1]);
-               subcells[0]->set_neighbor (3, subcells[2]);
-               subcells[1]->set_neighbor (0, subcells[0]);
-               subcells[1]->set_neighbor (3, subcells[3]);
-               subcells[2]->set_neighbor (1, subcells[3]);
-               subcells[2]->set_neighbor (2, subcells[0]);
-               subcells[3]->set_neighbor (0, subcells[2]);
-               subcells[3]->set_neighbor (2, subcells[1]);
-             }
-           else if (ref_case==RefinementCase<dim>::cut_x)
-             {
-                                                // children:
-                                                //   .--.--.
-                                                //   |  .  |
-                                                //   .0 . 1.
-                                                //   |  |  |
-                                                //   .--.--.
-               subcells[0]->set_neighbor (1, subcells[1]);
-               subcells[1]->set_neighbor (0, subcells[0]);
-             }
-           else
-             {
-               Assert(ref_case==RefinementCase<dim>::cut_y, ExcInternalError());
-                                                // children:
-                                                //   .-----.
-                                                //   |  1  |
-                                                //   .-----.
-                                                //   |  0  |
-                                                //   .-----.
-               subcells[0]->set_neighbor (3, subcells[1]);
-               subcells[1]->set_neighbor (2, subcells[0]);
-             }
                                             // set child index for
                                             // even children children
@@ -9226,115 +8615,6 @@ namespace internal
                            new_hexes[current_child]->set_face_rotation    (f, f_ro[f]);
-                                                      /////////////////////////////////
-                                                      // now the only thing still
-                                                      // to be done is setting
-                                                      // neighborship
-                                                      // information.
-                                                      //
-                                                      // the easiest part is setting the
-                                                      // inner neighbors, i.e. children
-                                                      // neighboring other children of
-                                                      // the same mother cube.
-                     switch (ref_case)
-                       {
-                         case RefinementCase<dim>::cut_x:
-                               new_hexes[0]->set_neighbor(1, new_hexes[1]);
-                               new_hexes[1]->set_neighbor(0, new_hexes[0]);
-                               break;
-                         case RefinementCase<dim>::cut_y:
-                               new_hexes[0]->set_neighbor(3, new_hexes[1]);
-                               new_hexes[1]->set_neighbor(2, new_hexes[0]);
-                               break;
-                         case RefinementCase<dim>::cut_z:
-                               new_hexes[0]->set_neighbor(5, new_hexes[1]);
-                               new_hexes[1]->set_neighbor(4, new_hexes[0]);
-                               break;
-                         case RefinementCase<dim>::cut_xy:
-                               new_hexes[0]->set_neighbor(1, new_hexes[1]);
-                               new_hexes[0]->set_neighbor(3, new_hexes[2]);
-                               new_hexes[1]->set_neighbor(0, new_hexes[0]);
-                               new_hexes[1]->set_neighbor(3, new_hexes[3]);
-                               new_hexes[2]->set_neighbor(1, new_hexes[3]);
-                               new_hexes[2]->set_neighbor(2, new_hexes[0]);
-                               new_hexes[3]->set_neighbor(0, new_hexes[2]);
-                               new_hexes[3]->set_neighbor(2, new_hexes[1]);
-                               break;
-                         case RefinementCase<dim>::cut_xz:
-                               new_hexes[0]->set_neighbor(1, new_hexes[2]);
-                               new_hexes[0]->set_neighbor(5, new_hexes[1]);
-                               new_hexes[1]->set_neighbor(1, new_hexes[3]);
-                               new_hexes[1]->set_neighbor(4, new_hexes[0]);
-                               new_hexes[2]->set_neighbor(0, new_hexes[0]);
-                               new_hexes[2]->set_neighbor(5, new_hexes[3]);
-                               new_hexes[3]->set_neighbor(0, new_hexes[1]);
-                               new_hexes[3]->set_neighbor(4, new_hexes[2]);
-                               break;
-                         case RefinementCase<dim>::cut_yz:
-                               new_hexes[0]->set_neighbor(3, new_hexes[1]);
-                               new_hexes[0]->set_neighbor(5, new_hexes[2]);
-                               new_hexes[1]->set_neighbor(2, new_hexes[0]);
-                               new_hexes[1]->set_neighbor(5, new_hexes[3]);
-                               new_hexes[2]->set_neighbor(3, new_hexes[3]);
-                               new_hexes[2]->set_neighbor(4, new_hexes[0]);
-                               new_hexes[3]->set_neighbor(2, new_hexes[2]);
-                               new_hexes[3]->set_neighbor(4, new_hexes[1]);
-                               break;
-                         case RefinementCase<dim>::cut_xyz:
-                               new_hexes[0]->set_neighbor(1, new_hexes[1]);
-                               new_hexes[0]->set_neighbor(3, new_hexes[2]);
-                               new_hexes[0]->set_neighbor(5, new_hexes[4]);
-                               new_hexes[1]->set_neighbor(0, new_hexes[0]);
-                               new_hexes[1]->set_neighbor(3, new_hexes[3]);
-                               new_hexes[1]->set_neighbor(5, new_hexes[5]);
-                               new_hexes[2]->set_neighbor(1, new_hexes[3]);
-                               new_hexes[2]->set_neighbor(2, new_hexes[0]);
-                               new_hexes[2]->set_neighbor(5, new_hexes[6]);
-                               new_hexes[3]->set_neighbor(0, new_hexes[2]);
-                               new_hexes[3]->set_neighbor(2, new_hexes[1]);
-                               new_hexes[3]->set_neighbor(5, new_hexes[7]);
-                               new_hexes[4]->set_neighbor(1, new_hexes[5]);
-                               new_hexes[4]->set_neighbor(3, new_hexes[6]);
-                               new_hexes[4]->set_neighbor(4, new_hexes[0]);
-                               new_hexes[5]->set_neighbor(0, new_hexes[4]);
-                               new_hexes[5]->set_neighbor(3, new_hexes[7]);
-                               new_hexes[5]->set_neighbor(4, new_hexes[1]);
-                               new_hexes[6]->set_neighbor(1, new_hexes[7]);
-                               new_hexes[6]->set_neighbor(2, new_hexes[4]);
-                               new_hexes[6]->set_neighbor(4, new_hexes[2]);
-                               new_hexes[7]->set_neighbor(0, new_hexes[6]);
-                               new_hexes[7]->set_neighbor(2, new_hexes[5]);
-                               new_hexes[7]->set_neighbor(4, new_hexes[3]);
-                               break;
-                         default:
-                               Assert (false, ExcInternalError());
-                               break;
-                       }
-                                                      // it's a bit more complicated for
-                                                      // outer neighbors. Leave this to a
-                                                      // separate function
-                     update_neighbors<spacedim> (hex, true);
                                                       // now see if
                                                       // we have
                                                       // created
@@ -12730,6 +12010,12 @@ Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::execute_coarsening_and_refinement ()
   if (smooth_grid & limit_level_difference_at_vertices)
     Assert (satisfies_level1_at_vertex_rule (*this) == true,
+#if deal_II_dimension > 1
+                                  // finally build up neighbor connectivity
+                                  // information
+  update_neighbors(*this);
                                   // Inform RefinementListeners
                                    // about end of refinement.

In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.

Douglas Adams

Typeset in Trocchi and Trocchi Bold Sans Serif.