]> https://gitweb.dealii.org/ - dealii-svn.git/commitdiff
Remove some code written in Feb.98 which has never received testing, was never used...
authorwolf <wolf@0785d39b-7218-0410-832d-ea1e28bc413d>
Tue, 10 Aug 1999 08:34:39 +0000 (08:34 +0000)
committerwolf <wolf@0785d39b-7218-0410-832d-ea1e28bc413d>
Tue, 10 Aug 1999 08:34:39 +0000 (08:34 +0000)
git-svn-id: https://svn.dealii.org/trunk@1653 0785d39b-7218-0410-832d-ea1e28bc413d


index bfed4555bd8e351fcb5e4fb82db9da8cbf5fb776..dbb4a45cc5337519f57201c5baa69fa78e08c595 100644 (file)
@@ -159,8 +159,7 @@ class DoFDimensionInfo<3> {
  * is the same as that for the alike triangulation iterators.
  * This class also provides functions to create the sparsity patterns of
- * global matrices as well as matrices living on (parts of) the boundary
- * and handles some simple forms of transfer of data from one grid to another.
+ * global matrices as well as matrices living on (parts of) the boundary.
  * \subsection{Distribution of indices for degrees of freedom}
@@ -289,63 +288,8 @@ class DoFDimensionInfo<3> {
  * relevant in this context.
- * \subsection{Data transfer between grids}
- *
- * {\bf Note: The functionality described in this section has never been tested
- * and is expected to be broken or at least incomplete. Contact the author if
- * you need these functions for more information.}
- *
- * The #DoFHandler# class offers two functions #make_transfer_matrix# which create
- * a matrix to transform the data of one grid to another. The functions assumes the
- * coarsest mesh of the two grids to be the same. However there are few ways to
- * check this (only the number of cells on the coarsest grid is compared). Also,
- * the selected finite element type of the two degree of freedom handler objects
- * must be the same.
- *
- * The algorithm goes recursively from the coarse mesh cells to their children
- * until the grids differ at this level. It then tries to prolong or restrict the
- * old cell(s) to the new cell(s) and makes up a matrix of these prolongations and
- * restrictions. This matrix multiplied with a vector on the old grid yields an
- * approximation of the projection of the function on the old grid to the new one.
- *
- * Building and using the transfer matrix is usually quite an expensive operation,
- * since we have to perform two runs over all cells (one for building the sparsity
- * structure, one to build the entries) and because of the memory consumption.
- * It may, however, pay if you have many
- * equations, since then the entries in the matrix can be considered as block
- * entries which are then applied to all function values at a given degree of
- * freedom.
- *
- * To build the matrix, you first have to call
- * #make_transfer_matrix (old_dof_object, sparsity_pattern);#, then create a
- * sparse matrix out of this pattern, e.g. by #SparseMatrix<double> m(sparsity_pattern);#
- * and finally give this to the second run:
- * #make_transfer_matrix (old_dof_object, m);#. The spasity pattern created
- * by the first run is automatically compressed.
- *
- * When creating the #SparseMatrixStruct# sparsity pattern, you have to give the
- * dimension and the maximum number of entries per row. Obviously the image
- * dimension is the number of dofs on the new grid (you can get this using the
- * #n_dofs()# function), while the range dimension is the number of dofs on the
- * old grid. The maximum number of entries per row is determined by the maximum
- * number of levels $d$ which we have to cross upon transferring from one cell to
- * another (presently, transfer of one cell is only possible for #d=0,1#, i.e.
- * the two cells match or one is refined once more than the other, the
- * number of degrees of freedom per vertex $d_v$, those on lines $d_l$, those
- * on quads $d_q$ and the number of subcells a cell is
- * refined to, which is $2^{dim}$. The maximum number of entries per row in one
- * dimension is then given by $(2*d_l+d_v)*2+1$ if $d=1$. For example, a one
- * dimensional linear element would need two entries per row.
- * In two dimensions, the maxmimum number is $(4*d_q+12*d_l+5*d_v)*4+1$ if $d=1$.
- * You can get these numbers by drawing little pictures and counting, there is
- * no mystique behind this. You can also get the right number by calling the
- * #max_transfer_entries (max_level_difference)# function. The actual number
- * depends on the finite element selected and may be much less, especially in
- * higher dimensions.
- *
- *
- *
- * @author Wolfgang Bangerth, 1998 */
+ * @author Wolfgang Bangerth, 1998
+ */
 template <int dim>
 class DoFHandler  :  public Subscriptor,
                     public DoFDimensionInfo<dim>
@@ -599,51 +543,6 @@ class DoFHandler  :  public Subscriptor,
                                         SparseMatrixStruct &sparsity) const; 
-                                    /**
-                                     * Make up the transfer matrix which
-                                     * transforms the data vectors from one
-                                     * triangulation to the present one.
-                                     * You have to pass references to the old
-                                     * dof handler object and to a matrix
-                                     * sparsity object. This function therefore
-                                     * only makes up the sparsity pattern.
-                                     *
-                                     * The given sparsity pattern is
-                                     * compressed at the end.
-                                     *
-                                     * In the matrix, row indices belong to
-                                     * new dof numbers, column indices to the
-                                     * ones on the old grid. Therefore,
-                                     * multiplying this matrix by a vector
-                                     * of the old grid yields the vector on
-                                     * the new one.
-                                     *
-                                     * For more details see the general
-                                     * documentation for this class.
-                                     */
-    void make_transfer_matrix (const DoFHandler<dim> &transfer_from,
-                              SparseMatrixStruct    &transfer_pattern) const;
-                                    /**
-                                     * Make up the transfer matrix which
-                                     * transforms the data vectors from one
-                                     * triangulation to the present one.
-                                     * You have to pass references to the old
-                                     * dof handler object and to a matrix
-                                     * object. This function therefore
-                                     * builds the matrix itself
-                                     *
-                                     * The matrix object should be
-                                     * associated with the sparsity pattern
-                                     * constructed by the other
-                                     * #make_transfer_matrix# object.
-                                     *
-                                     * For more details see the general
-                                     * documentation for this class.
-                                     */
-    void make_transfer_matrix (const DoFHandler<dim> &transfer_from,
-                              SparseMatrix<double>  &transfer_matrix) const;
                                      * Return the maximum number of
                                      * degrees of freedom a degree of freedom
@@ -681,19 +580,6 @@ class DoFHandler  :  public Subscriptor,
     unsigned int max_couplings_between_boundary_dofs () const;
-                                    /**
-                                     * Return the maximum number of entries
-                                     * a row in a transfer matrix may contain
-                                     * if any two cells of which the dofs are
-                                     * to be transferred differ in refinement
-                                     * level at most by #max_level_diff#.
-                                     * It is assumed that the finite element
-                                     * selected by the last call to
-                                     * #distribute_dofs# is used also for
-                                     * the transfer process.
-                                     */
-    unsigned int max_transfer_entries (const unsigned int max_level_diff) const;
                                      * Take a vector of values which live on
                                      * cells (e.g. an error per cell) and
@@ -1397,10 +1283,6 @@ class DoFHandler  :  public Subscriptor,
                                      * Exception
-    DeclException0 (ExcOnlyOnelevelTransferImplemented);
-                                    /**
-                                     * Exception
-                                     */
     DeclException0 (ExcInvalidBoundaryIndicator);
                                      * Exception
@@ -1526,23 +1408,6 @@ class DoFHandler  :  public Subscriptor,
     unsigned int distribute_dofs_on_cell (active_cell_iterator &cell,
                                          unsigned int next_free_dof);
-                                    /**
-                                     * Make up part of the sparsity pattern of
-                                     * the transfer matrix by looking at the
-                                     * two cells given.
-                                     */
-    void transfer_cell (const cell_iterator &old_cell,
-                       const cell_iterator &new_cell,
-                       SparseMatrixStruct  &transfer_pattern) const;
-                                    /**
-                                     * Make up part of the transfer matrix by
-                                     * looking at the two cells given.
-                                     */
-    void transfer_cell (const cell_iterator  &old_cell,
-                       const cell_iterator  &new_cell,
-                       SparseMatrix<double> &transfer_matrix) const;
                                      * Space to store the DoF numbers for the
                                      * different levels. Analogous to the
index 295d96993f0b39251b2a5a52b8983fcad08b086e..1946e2511f44d313fc587f9a21a953b73f630ab8 100644 (file)
@@ -2148,230 +2148,6 @@ void DoFHandler<dim>::make_boundary_sparsity_pattern (const FunctionMap  &bounda
-template <int dim>
-void DoFHandler<dim>::make_transfer_matrix (const DoFHandler<dim> &transfer_from,
-                                           SparseMatrixStruct    &transfer_pattern) const {
-  Assert (tria->n_cells(0) == transfer_from.tria->n_cells(0),
-         ExcGridsDoNotMatch());
-  Assert (*selected_fe == *transfer_from.selected_fe,
-         ExcGridsDoNotMatch());
-                                  // assert for once at the beginning the
-                                  // the matrices have the correct sizes
-#ifdef DEBUG
-  for (unsigned int c=0; c<GeometryInfo<dim>::children_per_cell; ++c)
-    {
-      Assert (selected_fe->prolongate(c).m() == selected_fe->total_dofs,
-             ExcMatrixHasWrongSize(selected_fe->prolongate(c).m()));
-      Assert (selected_fe->prolongate(c).n() == selected_fe->total_dofs,
-             ExcMatrixHasWrongSize(selected_fe->prolongate(c).n()));
-      Assert (selected_fe->restrict(c).m() == selected_fe->total_dofs,
-             ExcMatrixHasWrongSize(selected_fe->restrict(c).m()));
-      Assert (selected_fe->restrict(c).n() == selected_fe->total_dofs,
-             ExcMatrixHasWrongSize(selected_fe->restrict(c).n()));
-    };
-  cell_iterator old_cell = transfer_from.begin(0),
-               new_cell = begin(0);
-  unsigned int  n_coarse_cells = tria->n_cells(0);
-                                  // first run: make up sparsity structure
-  for (unsigned int j=0; j<n_coarse_cells; ++j, ++old_cell, ++new_cell) 
-    transfer_cell (old_cell, new_cell, transfer_pattern);
-  transfer_pattern.compress();
-template <int dim>
-void DoFHandler<dim>::make_transfer_matrix (const DoFHandler<dim> &transfer_from,
-                                           SparseMatrix<double>  &transfer_matrix) const {
-  cell_iterator old_cell = transfer_from.begin(0),
-               new_cell = begin(0);
-  unsigned int  n_coarse_cells = tria->n_cells(0);
-                                  // second run: make up matrix entries
-  for (unsigned int j=0; j<n_coarse_cells; ++j, ++old_cell, ++new_cell) 
-    transfer_cell (old_cell, new_cell, transfer_matrix);
-template <int dim>
-void DoFHandler<dim>::transfer_cell (const typename DoFHandler<dim>::cell_iterator &old_cell,
-                                    const typename DoFHandler<dim>::cell_iterator &new_cell,
-                                    SparseMatrixStruct      &transfer_pattern) const {
-  if (!new_cell->active() && !old_cell->active())
-                                    // both cells have children; go deeper
-    for (unsigned int child=0; child<GeometryInfo<dim>::children_per_cell; ++child)
-      transfer_cell (old_cell->child(child), new_cell->child(child),
-                    transfer_pattern);
-  else
-    if (new_cell->active() && old_cell->active())
-                                      // both cells have no children
-      {
-       vector<int> old_dofs(selected_fe->total_dofs);
-       vector<int> new_dofs(selected_fe->total_dofs);
-       old_cell->get_dof_indices (old_dofs);
-       new_cell->get_dof_indices (new_dofs);
-                                        // copy dofs one-by-one
-       for (unsigned int j=0; j<old_dofs.size(); ++j)
-         transfer_pattern.add (new_dofs[j], old_dofs[j]);
-      }
-    else
-      if (!new_cell->active() && old_cell->active())
-                                        // new cell has children, old one has not
-       {
-         cell_iterator child[GeometryInfo<dim>::children_per_cell];
-         for (unsigned int c=0; c<GeometryInfo<dim>::children_per_cell; ++c) 
-           {
-             child[c] = new_cell->child(c);
-             Assert (child[c]->active(),
-                     ExcOnlyOnelevelTransferImplemented());
-           };
-                                          // numbers of old dofs
-         vector<int> old_dof_indices (selected_fe->total_dofs);
-         old_cell->get_dof_indices (old_dof_indices);
-         for (unsigned int c=0; c<GeometryInfo<dim>::children_per_cell; ++c)
-           {
-                                              // numbers of child dofs
-             vector<int> child_dof_indices(selected_fe->total_dofs);
-             child[c]->get_dof_indices (child_dof_indices);
-             for (unsigned int k=0; k<selected_fe->total_dofs; ++k)
-               for (unsigned int j=0; j<selected_fe->total_dofs; ++j)
-                 if (selected_fe->prolongate(c)(k,j) != 0.) 
-                   transfer_pattern.add (child_dof_indices[k],
-                                         old_dof_indices[j]);
-           };
-       } else {
-                                          // old cell has children, new one has not
-         cell_iterator child[GeometryInfo<dim>::children_per_cell];
-         for (unsigned int c=0; c<GeometryInfo<dim>::children_per_cell; ++c) 
-           {
-             child[c] = old_cell->child(c);
-             Assert (child[c]->active(),
-                     ExcOnlyOnelevelTransferImplemented());
-           };
-                                                  // numbers of new dofs
-         vector<int> new_dof_indices(selected_fe->total_dofs);
-         new_cell->get_dof_indices(new_dof_indices);
-         for (unsigned int c=0; c<GeometryInfo<dim>::children_per_cell; ++c)
-           {
-                                              // numbers of child dofs
-             vector<int> child_dof_indices (selected_fe->total_dofs);
-             child[c]->get_dof_indices (child_dof_indices);
-             for (unsigned int k=0; k<selected_fe->total_dofs; ++k)
-               for (unsigned int j=0; j<selected_fe->total_dofs; ++j)
-                 if (selected_fe->restrict(c)(k,j) != 0.)
-                   transfer_pattern.add (new_dof_indices[k],
-                                         child_dof_indices[j]);
-           };
-       };
-template <int dim>
-void DoFHandler<dim>::transfer_cell (const typename DoFHandler<dim>::cell_iterator &old_cell,
-                                    const typename DoFHandler<dim>::cell_iterator &new_cell,
-                                    SparseMatrix<double>            &transfer_matrix) const {
-  if (!new_cell->active() && !old_cell->active())
-                                    // both cells have children; go deeper
-    for (unsigned int child=0; child<GeometryInfo<dim>::children_per_cell; ++child)
-      transfer_cell (old_cell->child(child), new_cell->child(child),
-                    transfer_matrix);
-  else
-    if (new_cell->active() && old_cell->active())
-                                      // both cells have no children
-      {
-       vector<int> old_dofs (selected_fe->total_dofs);
-       vector<int> new_dofs (selected_fe->total_dofs);
-       old_cell->get_dof_indices (old_dofs);
-       new_cell->get_dof_indices (new_dofs);
-                                        // copy dofs one-by-one
-       for (unsigned int j=0; j<old_dofs.size(); ++j)
-                                          // use the SparseMatrix<double>:: as a workaround
-                                          // for a bug in egcs
-         transfer_matrix.SparseMatrix<double>::set (new_dofs[j], old_dofs[j], 1.0);
-      }
-    else
-      if (!new_cell->active() && old_cell->active())
-                                        // new cell has children, old one has not
-       {
-         cell_iterator child[GeometryInfo<dim>::children_per_cell];
-         for (unsigned int c=0; c<GeometryInfo<dim>::children_per_cell; ++c) 
-           {
-             child[c] = new_cell->child(c);
-             Assert (child[c]->active(),
-                     ExcOnlyOnelevelTransferImplemented());
-           };
-                                          // numbers of old dofs
-         vector<int> old_dof_indices (selected_fe->total_dofs);
-         old_cell->get_dof_indices (old_dof_indices);
-         for (unsigned int c=0; c<GeometryInfo<dim>::children_per_cell; ++c)
-           {
-                                              // numbers of child dofs
-             vector<int> child_dof_indices (selected_fe->total_dofs);
-             child[c]->get_dof_indices (child_dof_indices);
-             for (unsigned int k=0; k<selected_fe->total_dofs; ++k)
-               for (unsigned int j=0; j<selected_fe->total_dofs; ++j)
-                 if (selected_fe->prolongate(c)(k,j) != 0.) 
-                                                    // use the SparseMatrix<double>::
-                                                    // as a workaround
-                                                    // for a bug in egcs
-                   transfer_matrix.SparseMatrix<double>::set (child_dof_indices[k],
-                                                              old_dof_indices[j],
-                                                              selected_fe->prolongate(c)(k,j));
-           };
-       } else {
-                                          // old cell has children, new one has not
-         cell_iterator child[GeometryInfo<dim>::children_per_cell];
-         for (unsigned int c=0; c<GeometryInfo<dim>::children_per_cell; ++c) 
-           {
-             child[c] = old_cell->child(c);
-             Assert (child[c]->active(),
-                     ExcOnlyOnelevelTransferImplemented());
-           };
-                                                  // numbers of new dofs
-         vector<int> new_dof_indices (selected_fe->total_dofs);
-         new_cell->get_dof_indices(new_dof_indices);
-         for (unsigned int c=0; c<GeometryInfo<dim>::children_per_cell; ++c)
-           {
-                                              // numbers of child dofs
-             vector<int> child_dof_indices (selected_fe->total_dofs);
-             child[c]->get_dof_indices (child_dof_indices);
-             for (unsigned int k=0; k<selected_fe->total_dofs; ++k)
-               for (unsigned int j=0; j<selected_fe->total_dofs; ++j)
-                 if (selected_fe->restrict(c)(k,j) != 0.)
-                                                    // use the SparseMatrix<double>:: as
-                                                    // a workaround
-                                                    // for a bug in egcs
-                   transfer_matrix.SparseMatrix<double>::set (new_dof_indices[k],
-                                                              child_dof_indices[j],
-                                                              selected_fe->restrict(c)(k,j));
-           };
-       };
 #if deal_II_dimension == 1
 template <>
@@ -2389,22 +2165,6 @@ unsigned int DoFHandler<1>::max_couplings_between_boundary_dofs () const {
   return 0;
-template <>
-unsigned int DoFHandler<1>::max_transfer_entries (const unsigned int max_level_diff) const {
-  Assert (max_level_diff<2, ExcOnlyOnelevelTransferImplemented());
-  switch (max_level_diff)
-    {
-      case 0:
-           return 1;
-      case 1:
-           return (2*selected_fe->dofs_per_line+
-                   selected_fe->dofs_per_vertex) * 2 + 1;
-    };
-  return 0;
@@ -2472,23 +2232,6 @@ unsigned int DoFHandler<2>::max_couplings_between_boundary_dofs () const {
   return 3*selected_fe->dofs_per_vertex + 2*selected_fe->dofs_per_line;
-template <>
-unsigned int DoFHandler<2>::max_transfer_entries (const unsigned int max_level_diff) const {
-  Assert (max_level_diff<2, ExcOnlyOnelevelTransferImplemented());
-  switch (max_level_diff)
-    {
-      case 0:
-           return 1;
-      case 1:
-           return (4*selected_fe->dofs_per_quad +
-                   12*selected_fe->dofs_per_line+
-                   5*selected_fe->dofs_per_vertex) * 4 +1;
-    };
-  return 0;

In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.

Douglas Adams

Typeset in Trocchi and Trocchi Bold Sans Serif.