now being used to ensure the quality of the code.
- Improved support for LinearOperator (Trilinos payload, Schur complement,
- iterative inverse), removal of old wrapper classes
+ \texttt{LinearOperator}, a flexible template class that implements the action of a
+ linear operator (see \cite{MaierBardelloniHeltai-2016-b}), now supports
+ computations with Trilinos, Schur complements, and linear constraints. This
+ class is, as of this release, the official replacement for about half a dozen
+ similar (but less general) classes, such as \texttt{FilteredMatrix},
+ \texttt{IterativeInverse}, and \texttt{PointerMatrix}.
Significant extension of matrix-free capabilities, including support for face integrals in discontinuous Galerkin schemes, a new Hermite-like polynomial basis adapted to face integrals that involve derivatives of shape functions, and several performance enhancements