* If the point requested does not lie in a locally-owned or ghost cell,
* then this function throws an exception of type GridTools::ExcPointNotFound.
* You can catch this exception and decide what to do in that case. Hence,
- * this function should always be called inside a try-block.
+ * for programs that work with partitioned (parallel) triangulations, this
+ * function should always be called inside a `try`-block unless it is a
+ * priori clear that the point with which it is called must be inside
+ * a locally owned or ghost cell (and not close enough to the boundary
+ * between ghost and artificial cells so that decision which cell it is
+ * on depends on floating point accuracy).
* @param mapping The mapping used to determine whether the given point is
- * inside a given cell.
+ * inside a given cell.
* @param mesh A variable of a type that satisfies the requirements of the
- * @ref ConceptMeshType "MeshType concept".
+ * @ref ConceptMeshType "MeshType concept".
* @param p The point for which we want to find the surrounding cell.
- * @param marked_vertices An array of bools indicating whether an
- * entry in the vertex array should be considered
- * (and the others must be ignored) as the potentially
- * closest vertex to the specified point. On specifying a non-default
- * @p marked_vertices, find_closest_vertex() would
- * only search among @p marked_vertices for the closest vertex.
- * The size of this array should be equal to n_vertices() of the
- * triangulation (as opposed to n_used_vertices() ). The motivation of using
- * @p marked_vertices is to cut down the search space of vertices if one has
- * a priori knowledge of a collection of vertices that the point of interest
- * may be close to.
+ * @param marked_vertices An array of `bool`s indicating whether an
+ * entry in the vertex array should be considered
+ * (and the others must be ignored) as the potentially
+ * closest vertex to the specified point. On specifying a non-default
+ * @p marked_vertices, find_closest_vertex() would
+ * only search among @p marked_vertices for the closest vertex.
+ * The size of this array should be equal to n_vertices() of the
+ * triangulation (as opposed to n_used_vertices() ). The motivation of using
+ * @p marked_vertices is to cut down the search space of vertices if one has
+ * a priori knowledge of a collection of vertices that the point of interest
+ * may be close to.
* @param tolerance Tolerance in terms of unit cell coordinates. Depending
- * on the problem, it might be necessary to adjust the tolerance in order
- * to be able to identify a cell. Floating
- * point arithmetic implies that a point will, in general, not lie exactly
- * on a vertex, edge, or face. In either case, it is not predictable which
- * of the cells adjacent to a vertex or an edge/face this function returns.
- * Consequently, algorithms that call this function need to take into
- * account that the returned cell will only contain the point approximately.
+ * on the problem, it might be necessary to adjust the tolerance in order
+ * to be able to identify a cell. Floating
+ * point arithmetic implies that a point will, in general, not lie exactly
+ * on a vertex, edge, or face. In either case, it is not predictable which
+ * of the cells adjacent to a vertex or an edge/face this function returns.
+ * Consequently, algorithms that call this function need to take into
+ * account that the returned cell will only contain the point approximately.
* @return A pair of an iterators into the mesh that points to the
* surrounding cell, and of the unit cell coordinates of that point. This