* Return a @p Vector with the indices of selected points flagged with a 1.
* This method is mainly for testing and verifying that the class is working
* correctly. By passing this vector to a DataOut object, the user can
- * verify that the positions returned by @p get_points agree with the
- * positions that @p DataOut interprets from the @p Vector returned. The
+ * verify that the positions returned by @p get_support_locations agree with
+ * the positions that @p DataOut interprets from the @p Vector returned. The
* code snippet below demonstrates how this could be done:
* @code
* // Make a DataOut object and attach the dof_handler
get_support_locations(std::vector<std::vector<Point<dim>>> &locations);
- /**
- * @deprecated
- *
- * This function only exists for backward compatibility as this is the
- * interface provided by previous versions of the library. The function
- * get_support_locations replaces it and reflects the fact that the points
- * returned are actually the support points.
- */
- void
- get_points(std::vector<std::vector<Point<dim>>> &locations);
* Stores the actual location of the points used by the data_postprocessor.
* This can be used to compare with the points requested, for example by
* defines a state of the class and ensures this does not happen. Additional
* points or vectors can only be added while the class is not closed, and
* the class must be closed before datasets can be added or written to file.
- * @p PointValueHistory::get_points and @p PointValueHistory::status do not
- * require the class to be closed. If a method that requires a class to be
- * open or close is called while in the wrong state a @p ExcInvalidState
+ * @p PointValueHistory::get_support_locations and @p PointValueHistory::status
+ * do not require the class to be closed. If a method that requires a class to
+ * be open or close is called while in the wrong state a @p ExcInvalidState
* exception is thrown.
test_copy.add_point(Point<2>(1, 0.2));
std::vector<std::vector<Point<dim>>> selected_locations;
- test_copy.get_points(selected_locations);
+ test_copy.get_support_locations(selected_locations);
no_dof_handler.close(); // closing still required!
std::vector<std::vector<Point<dim>>> selected_locations;
- node_monitor.get_points(selected_locations);
+ node_monitor.get_support_locations(selected_locations);
// write output to a file
Vector<double> node_locations = node_monitor.mark_support_locations();
// write output to a file