- * Refine all cells @p times times, by alternatingly calling
- * set_all_refine_flags and execute_coarsening_and_refinement.
- *
- * The latter function may throw an exception if it creates cells that are
- * distorted (see its documentation for an explanation). This exception will
- * be propagated through this function if that happens, and you may not get
- * the actual number of refinement steps in that case.
+ * Refine all cells @p times times. In other words, in each one of
+ * the @p times iterations, loop over all cells and refine each cell
+ * uniformly into $2^\text{dim}$ children. In practice, this
+ * function repeats the following operations @p times times: call
+ * set_all_refine_flags() followed by
+ * execute_coarsening_and_refinement(). The end result is that the
+ * number of cells increases by a factor of
+ * $(2^\text{dim})^\text{times}=2^{\text{dim} \times \text{times}}$.
+ *
+ * The execute_coarsening_and_refinement() function called in this
+ * loop may throw an exception if it creates cells that are
+ * distorted (see its documentation for an explanation). This
+ * exception will be propagated through this function if that
+ * happens, and you may not get the actual number of refinement
+ * steps in that case.
* @note This function triggers the pre- and post-refinement signals before
* and after doing each individual refinement cycle (i.e. more than once if
- * times > 1) . See the section on signals in the general documentation of
+ * `times > 1`) . See the section on signals in the general documentation of
* this class.