<< " should not be stored by this object, but a constraint "
<< "is being added.");
+ /**
+ * Exception
+ *
+ * @ingroup Exceptions
+ */
+ DeclException2 (ExcColumnNotStoredHere,
+ size_type,
+ size_type,
+ << "The index set given to this constraint matrix indicates "
+ << "constraints using degree of freedom " << arg2
+ << " should not be stored by this object, but a constraint "
+ << "for degree of freedom " << arg1 <<" uses it.");
* Exception
// exists, since we don't want to enter it twice
Assert (lines_cache[calculate_line_index(line)] != numbers::invalid_size_type,
+ Assert (!local_lines.size() || local_lines.is_element(column),
+ ExcColumnNotStoredHere(line, column));
ConstraintLine *line_ptr = &lines[lines_cache[calculate_line_index(line)]];
Assert (line_ptr->line == line, ExcInternalError());
for (ConstraintLine::Entries::const_iterator