* (which defaults to one, i.e. a scalar function), and the time variable,
* which defaults to zero.
- Function(const unsigned int n_components = 1,
- const time_type initial_time = 0.0);
+ explicit Function(const unsigned int n_components = 1,
+ const time_type initial_time = 0.0);
* Copy constructor.
* Constructor; set values of all components to the provided one. The
* default number of components is one.
- ConstantFunction(const RangeNumberType value,
- const unsigned int n_components = 1);
+ explicit ConstantFunction(const RangeNumberType value,
+ const unsigned int n_components = 1);
* Constructor; takes an <tt>std::vector<RangeNumberType></tt> object as an
* argument. The number of components is determined by
* <tt>values.size()</tt>.
- ConstantFunction(const std::vector<RangeNumberType> &values);
+ explicit ConstantFunction(const std::vector<RangeNumberType> &values);
* Constructor; takes an <tt>Vector<RangeNumberType></tt> object as an
* argument. The number of components is determined by
* <tt>values.size()</tt>.
- ConstantFunction(const Vector<RangeNumberType> &values);
+ explicit ConstantFunction(const Vector<RangeNumberType> &values);
* Constructor; uses whatever stores in [begin_ptr, begin_ptr+n_components)
* Constructor. The number of components is preset to one.
- ZeroFunction(const unsigned int n_components = 1);
+ explicit ZeroFunction(const unsigned int n_components = 1);
} // namespace Functions
* value, convert this into an object that matches the Function<dim,
* RangeNumberType> interface.
- ScalarFunctionFromFunctionObject(
+ explicit ScalarFunctionFromFunctionObject(
const std::function<RangeNumberType(const Point<dim> &)> &function_object);
* method will trigger an exception, unless you first call the
* set_function_gradients() method.
- FunctionFromFunctionObjects(
+ explicit FunctionFromFunctionObjects(
const std::vector<std::function<RangeNumberType(const Point<dim> &)>>
& values,
const double initial_time = 0.0);
* the first argument. This should be such that the entire tensor_function
* fits inside the <tt>n_component</tt> length return vector.
- VectorFunctionFromTensorFunction(
+ explicit VectorFunctionFromTensorFunction(
const TensorFunction<1, dim, RangeNumberType> &tensor_function,
const unsigned int selected_component = 0,
const unsigned int n_components = dim);