]> https://gitweb.dealii.org/ - dealii.git/commitdiff
Documentation: Remove BlockLinearOperator from the glossary 1143/head
authorMatthias Maier <tamiko@43-1.org>
Wed, 15 Jul 2015 20:45:43 +0000 (15:45 -0500)
committerMatthias Maier <tamiko@43-1.org>
Wed, 15 Jul 2015 20:45:43 +0000 (15:45 -0500)

index 0aba9b36986e535c5e1a742c9b9dad3e33e13387..09c415d751ef59dcb74a3be1deda198046a77e48 100644 (file)
  * op_a *= op_b; // If op_b is an endomorphism of the domain space of op_a
  * @endcode
- * block_operator() and block_diagonal_operator() provide further
- * encapsulation of individual linear operators into blocked linear
- * operator variants.
- *
  * @note The LinearOperator facility obsoletes some of the @ref Matrix2
- * "derived matrix" classes, such as BlockDiagonalMatrix, IterativeInverse,
- * ProductMatrix, ScaledMatrix, ProductSparseMatrix,
- * InverseMatrixRichardson, SchurMatrix, ShiftedMatrix,
- * ShiftedMatrixGeneralized, TransposeMatrix
+ * "derived matrix" classes, such as IterativeInverse, ProductMatrix,
+ * ScaledMatrix, ProductSparseMatrix, InverseMatrixRichardson, SchurMatrix,
+ * ShiftedMatrix, ShiftedMatrixGeneralized, TransposeMatrix
  * <h3>Packaged Operation</h3>

In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.

Douglas Adams

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