(!cell_worker) == !(flags & work_on_cells),
- "If you specify a cell_worker, you need to set assemble_own_cells or assemble_ghost_cells."));
- Assert(
- (flags &
- (assemble_own_interior_faces_once | assemble_own_interior_faces_both)) !=
- (assemble_own_interior_faces_once | assemble_own_interior_faces_both),
- ExcMessage(
- "You can only specify assemble_own_interior_faces_once OR assemble_own_interior_faces_both."));
- Assert(
- (flags & (assemble_ghost_faces_once | assemble_ghost_faces_both)) !=
- (assemble_ghost_faces_once | assemble_ghost_faces_both),
- ExcMessage(
- "You can only specify assemble_ghost_faces_once OR assemble_ghost_faces_both."));
+ "If you provide a cell worker function, you also need to request "
+ "that work should be done on cells by setting the 'work_on_cells' flag. "
+ "Conversely, if you don't provide a cell worker function, you "
+ "cannot set the 'work_on_cells' flag. One of these two "
+ "conditions is not satisfied."));
+ Assert((flags & (assemble_own_interior_faces_once |
+ assemble_own_interior_faces_both)) !=
+ (assemble_own_interior_faces_once |
+ assemble_own_interior_faces_both),
+ ExcMessage(
+ "If you provide a face worker function, you also need to request "
+ "that work should be done on interior faces by setting either the "
+ "'assemble_own_interior_faces_once' flag or the "
+ "'assemble_own_interior_faces_both' flag. "
+ "Conversely, if you don't provide a face worker function, you "
+ "cannot set either of these two flags. One of these two "
+ "conditions is not satisfied."));
+ Assert((flags & (assemble_ghost_faces_once | assemble_ghost_faces_both)) !=
+ (assemble_ghost_faces_once | assemble_ghost_faces_both),
+ ExcMessage(
+ "You can only 'specify assemble_ghost_faces_once' "
+ "OR 'assemble_ghost_faces_both', but not both of these flags."));
!(flags & cells_after_faces) ||
(flags & (assemble_own_cells | assemble_ghost_cells)),
- "The option cells_after_faces only makes sense if you assemble on cells."));
+ "The option 'cells_after_faces' only makes sense if you assemble on cells."));
- Assert((!face_worker) == !(flags & work_on_faces),
- ExcMessage(
- "If you specify a face_worker, assemble_face_* needs to be set."));
+ Assert(
+ (!face_worker) == !(flags & work_on_faces),
+ ExcMessage(
+ "If you provide a face worker function, you also need to request "
+ "that work should be done on faces by setting the 'work_on_faces' flag. "
+ "Conversely, if you don't provide a face worker function, you "
+ "cannot set the 'work_on_faces' flag. One of these two "
+ "conditions is not satisfied."));
(!boundary_worker) == !(flags & assemble_boundary_faces),
- "If you specify a boundary_worker, assemble_boundary_faces needs to be set."));
+ "If you provide a boundary face worker function, you also need to request "
+ "that work should be done on boundary faces by setting the 'assemble_boundary_faces' flag. "
+ "Conversely, if you don't provide a boundary face worker function, you "
+ "cannot set the 'assemble_boundary_faces' flag. One of these two "
+ "conditions is not satisfied."));
auto cell_action = [&](const CellIteratorBaseType &cell,
ScratchData & scratch,