here was relatively simple because it only involved an integral operator, not
derivatives which are more difficult to define on the surface. The step-38
tutorial program considers such problems and provides the necessary tools.
+From a practical perspective, the Boundary Element Method (BEM) used
+here suffers from two bottlenecks. The first is that assembling the
+matrix has a cost that is *quadratic* in the number of unknowns, that
+is ${\cal O}(N^2)$ where $N$ is the total number of unknowns. This can
+be seen by looking at the `assemble_system()` function, which has this
+ for (const auto &cell : dof_handler.active_cell_iterators())
+ {
+ ...
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dof_handler.n_dofs(); ++i)
+ ...
+Here, the first loop walks over all cells (one factor of $N$) whereas
+the inner loop contributes another factor of $N$.
+This has to be contrasted with the finite element method for *local*
+differential operators: There, we loop over all cells (one factor of
+$N$) and on each cell do an amount of work that is independent of how
+many cells or unknowns there are. This clearly presents a
+The second bottleneck is that the system matrix is dense (i.e., is of
+type FullMatrix) because every degree of freedom couples with every
+other degree of freedom. As pointed out above, just *computing* this
+matrix with its $N^2$ nonzero entries necessarily requires at least
+${\cal O}(N^2)$ operations, but it's worth pointing out that it also
+costs this many operations to just do one matrix-vector product. If
+the GMRES method used to solve the linear system requires a number of
+iterations that grows with the size of the problem, as is typically
+the case, then solving the linear system will require a number of
+operations that grows even faster than just ${\cal O}(N^2)$.
+"Real" boundary element methods address these issues by strategies
+that determine which entries of the matrix will be small and can
+consequently be neglected (at the cost of introducing an additional
+error, of course). This is possible by recognizing that the matrix
+entries decay with the (physical) distance between the locations where
+degrees of freedom $i$ and $j$ are defined. This can be exploited in
+methods such as the Fast Multipole Method (FMM) that control which
+matrix entries must be stored and computed to achieve a certain
+accuracy, and -- if done right -- result in methods in which both
+assembly and solution of the linear system requires less than
+${\cal O}(N^2)$ operations.
+Implementing these methods clearly presents opportunities to extend
+the current program.