* therefore 12 lines for each subcells of a patch.
* Given the lines as described above, a cut through this data in Gnuplot
- * can then be achieved like this (& stands for the dollar sign in the
- * following):
+ * can then be achieved like this:
* @verbatim
* set data style lines
- * splot [:][:][0:] "T" using 1:2:(&3==.5 ? &4 : -1)
+ * splot [:][:][0:] "T" using 1:2:(\$3==.5 ? \$4 : -1)
* @endverbatim
- * This command plots data in x- and y-direction unbounded, but in
- * z-direction only those data points which are above the x-y-plane (we
+ * This command plots data in $x$- and $y$-direction unbounded, but in
+ * $z$-direction only those data points which are above the $x$-$y$-plane (we
* assume here a positive solution, if it has negative values, you might
* want to decrease the lower bound). Furthermore, it only takes the data
* points with z-values (<tt>&3</tt>) equal to 0.5, i.e. a cut through the