* Computed once.
- std::vector<double> shape_values;
+ AlignedVector<double> shape_values;
* Values of shape function derivatives. Access by function @p derivative.
* Computed once.
- std::vector<Tensor<1, dim>> shape_derivatives;
+ AlignedVector<Tensor<1, dim>> shape_derivatives;
* Values of shape function second derivatives. Access by function @p
* Computed once.
- std::vector<Tensor<2, dim>> shape_second_derivatives;
+ AlignedVector<Tensor<2, dim>> shape_second_derivatives;
* Values of shape function third derivatives. Access by function @p
* Computed once.
- std::vector<Tensor<3, dim>> shape_third_derivatives;
+ AlignedVector<Tensor<3, dim>> shape_third_derivatives;
* Values of shape function fourth derivatives. Access by function @p
* Computed once.
- std::vector<Tensor<4, dim>> shape_fourth_derivatives;
+ AlignedVector<Tensor<4, dim>> shape_fourth_derivatives;
* Unit tangential vectors. Used for the computation of boundary forms and
* Computed on each cell.
- mutable std::vector<DerivativeForm<1, dim, spacedim>> covariant;
+ mutable AlignedVector<DerivativeForm<1, dim, spacedim>> covariant;
* Tensors of contravariant transformation at each of the quadrature
* Computed on each cell.
- mutable std::vector<DerivativeForm<1, dim, spacedim>> contravariant;
+ mutable AlignedVector<DerivativeForm<1, dim, spacedim>> contravariant;
* Auxiliary vectors for internal use.
- mutable std::vector<std::vector<Tensor<1, spacedim>>> aux;
+ mutable std::vector<AlignedVector<Tensor<1, spacedim>>> aux;
* Stores the support points of the mapping shape functions on the @p
* The determinant of the Jacobian in each quadrature point. Filled if
* #update_volume_elements.
- mutable std::vector<double> volume_elements;
+ mutable AlignedVector<double> volume_elements;