# resulting output can be piped into a data file and then be visualized
# by importing into a spreadsheet, or using the following GNUPLOT script:
-# set xdata time
-# set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d"
-# set xrange ["1997-11-01":"2018-08-01"]
-# set format x "%Y"
-# set style data lines
-# set key top left
-# set terminal png
-# set output "line-count.png"
-# plot "< cat line-count.dat | sort" using 1:2 title "Lines of code in source files", \
-# "" using 1:3 title "Lines of code in tests"
+# set xdata time
+# set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d"
+# set xrange ["1997-11-01":"2021-12-31"]
+# set yrange [0:1000000]
+# set format x "%Y"
+# set style data lines
+# set key top left
+# unset arrow
+# unset label
+# set arrow from "2021-06-18",400000 to "2021-06-18",700000 head
+# set label "9.3" at "2021-06-18",375000
+# set arrow from "2020-05-20",350000 to "2020-05-20",650000 head
+# set label "9.2" at "2020-05-20",325000
+# set arrow from "2019-05-21",300000 to "2019-05-21",600000 head
+# set label "9.1" at "2019-05-21",275000
+# set arrow from "2018-05-11",250000 to "2018-05-11",550000 head lw 2
+# set label "9.0" at "2018-05-11",225000
+# set arrow from "2013-07-24",150000 to "2013-07-24",450000 head lw 2
+# set label "8.0" at "2013-07-24",125000
+# set arrow from "2011-01-09",100000 to "2011-01-09",400000 head lw 2
+# set label "7.0" at "2011-01-09",75000
+# set terminal png
+# set output "line-count.png"
+# plot "< cat line-count.dat | sort" using 1:2 title "Lines of code in source files", \
+# "" using 1:3 title "Lines of code in tests", \
+# "< echo 2018-01-01 700000 ; echo 2022-01-01 900000" using 1:2 title "50,000 lines per year"