- triangulation.refine_global(refinement);
// @sect4{Assembly of offline matrices}
// scratch space, and initialize the DataOut<dim> object. All of these
// operations are pretty standard and discussed in detail in the
// Discretization and OfflineData classes.
- //
- // We have to make take care of a special case when resuming an
- // interrupted computation though: In order to be able to read in the
- // saved mesh and associated state vector we have to make sure to
- // not refine the coarse mesh:
print_head(pcout, "create triangulation");
+ discretization.setup();
if (resume)
- {
- discretization.refinement = 0;
- discretization.setup();
- discretization.triangulation.load(base_name + "-checkpoint.mesh");
- }
+ discretization.triangulation.load(base_name + "-checkpoint.mesh");
- {
- discretization.setup();
- }
+ discretization.triangulation.refine_global(discretization.refinement);
pcout << "Number of active cells: "
<< discretization.triangulation.n_global_active_cells()