* // first usage: set up cache
* Utilities::MPI::RemotePointEvaluation<dim, spacedim> cache;
- * const auto result_1 = VectorToos::point_values(
+ * const auto result_1 = VectorTools::point_values(
* mapping, dof_handler_1, vector_1, evaluation_points, cache);
* // further usages: reuse the cache
- * const auto result_2 = VectorToos::point_values(
+ * const auto result_2 = VectorTools::point_values(
* cache, dof_handler_2, vector_2);
* @endcode
* cache.reinit(evaluation_points, triangulation, mapping);
* // use the cache
- * const auto result_1 = VectorToos::point_values(
+ * const auto result_1 = VectorTools::point_values(
* cache, dof_handler_1, vector_1);
- * const auto result_2 = VectorToos::point_values(
+ * const auto result_2 = VectorTools::point_values(
* cache, dof_handler_2, vector_2);
* @endcode