, task_has_finished(false)
+ /**
+ * Destructor. Wait for the results to be ready. This ensures that the
+ * last Task object holding a shared pointer to the current TaskData
+ * object blocks until the task has actually finished -- in essence,
+ * this makes sure that one cannot just abandon a task completely
+ * by letting all Task objects that point to it go out of scope.
+ */
+ ~TaskData()
+ {
+ // Explicitly wait for the results to be ready. This class stores
+ // a std::future object, and we could just let the compiler generate
+ // the destructor which would then call the destructor of std::future
+ // which *may* block until the future is ready. As explained in
+ // https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/thread/future/~future
+ // this is only a *may*, not a *must*. (The standard does not
+ // appear to say anything about it at all.) As a consequence,
+ // let's be explicit about waiting.
+ //
+ // One of the corner cases we have to worry about is that if a task
+ // ends by throwing an exception, then wait() will re-throw that
+ // exception on the thread that calls it, the first time around
+ // someone calls wait() (or the return_value() function of the
+ // surrounding class). So if we get to this constructor and an exception
+ // is thrown by wait(), then that means that the last Task object
+ // referring to a task is going out of scope with nobody having
+ // ever checked the return value of the task itself. In that case,
+ // one could argue that they would also not have cared about whether
+ // an exception is thrown, and that we should simply ignore the
+ // exception. This is what we do here. It is also the simplest solution,
+ // because we don't know what one should do with the exception to begin
+ // with: destructors aren't allowed to throw exceptions, so we can't
+ // just rethrow it here if one had been triggered.
+ try
+ {
+ wait();
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {}
+ }
* Wait for the std::future object to be ready, i.e., for the
* time when the std::promise receives its value. If this has