* function also works for cells that do not exist except that you make it
* up by naming its vertices from the list.
- * The parameter @p vertex_indices is expected to have
- * GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_cell entries. A std::vector is implicitly
- * convertible to an ArrayView, so it can be passed directly. See the
- * ArrayView class for more information.
+ * The size of @p vertex_indices, combined with `dim`, implicitly encodes
+ * the ReferenceCell type of the provided cell. For example, if `dim == 2` and
+ * `vertex_indices.size() == 3` then the cell is a triangle, but if
+ * `dim == 2` and `vertex_indices.size() == 4` then the cell is a
+ * quadrilateral. A std::vector is implicitly convertible to an ArrayView, so
+ * it can be passed directly to this function. See the ArrayView class for
+ * more information.
* @note This function is only implemented for codimension zero objects.