Assert(n_rows() == compute_n_rows(), ExcNeedsCollectSizes());
Assert(n_cols() == compute_n_cols(), ExcNeedsCollectSizes());
- // Resize scratch arrays
- if (block_column_indices.size() < n_block_cols())
- {
- block_column_indices.resize(n_block_cols());
- counter_within_block.resize(n_block_cols());
- }
+ const size_type n_cols = static_cast<size_type>(end - begin);
- const size_type n_added_cols = static_cast<size_type>(end - begin);
- // Resize sub-arrays to n_added_cols. This
- // is a bit wasteful, but we resize
- // only a few times (then the maximum
- // row length won't increase that
- // much any more). At least we know
- // that all arrays are going to be of
- // the same size, so we can check
- // whether the size of one is large
- // enough before actually going
- // through all of them.
- if (block_column_indices[0].size() < n_added_cols)
- for (size_type i = 0; i < this->n_block_cols(); ++i)
- block_column_indices[i].resize(n_added_cols);
- // Reset the number of added elements
- // in each block to zero.
- for (size_type i = 0; i < this->n_block_cols(); ++i)
- counter_within_block[i] = 0;
- // Go through the column indices to
- // find out which portions of the
- // values should be set in which
- // block of the matrix. We need to
- // touch all the data, since we can't
- // be sure that the data of one block
- // is stored contiguously (in fact,
- // indices will be intermixed when it
- // comes from an element matrix).
- for (ForwardIterator it = begin; it != end; ++it)
+ if (indices_are_sorted && n_cols > 0)
- const size_type col = *it;
- const std::pair<size_type, size_type> col_index =
- this->column_indices.global_to_local(col);
- const size_type local_index = counter_within_block[col_index.first]++;
- block_column_indices[col_index.first][local_index] = col_index.second;
- }
+ block_column_indices[0].resize(0);
+ const std::pair<size_type, size_type> row_index =
+ this->row_indices.global_to_local(row);
+ const auto n_blocks = column_indices.size();
+ // Assume we start with the first block: since we assemble sparsity
+ // patterns one cell at a time this should always be true
+ size_type current_block = 0;
+ size_type current_start_index = column_indices.block_start(current_block);
+ size_type next_start_index =
+ current_block == n_blocks - 1 ?
+ numbers::invalid_dof_index :
+ column_indices.block_start(current_block + 1);
+ for (auto it = begin; it < end; ++it)
+ {
+ // BlockIndices::global_to_local() is a bit slow so instead we just
+ // keep track of which block we are in - as the indices are sorted we
+ // know that the block number can only increase.
+ if (*it >= next_start_index)
+ {
+ // we found a column outside the present block: write the present
+ // block entries and continue to the next block
+ sub_objects[row_index.first][current_block]->add_entries(
+ row_index.second,
+ block_column_indices[0].begin(),
+ block_column_indices[0].end(),
+ true);
+ block_column_indices[0].clear();
+ auto block_and_col = column_indices.global_to_local(*it);
+ current_block = block_and_col.first;
+ current_start_index = column_indices.block_start(current_block);
+ next_start_index =
+ current_block == n_blocks - 1 ?
+ numbers::invalid_dof_index :
+ column_indices.block_start(current_block + 1);
+ }
+ const size_type local_index = *it - current_start_index;
+ block_column_indices[0].push_back(local_index);
+ // Check that calculation:
#ifdef DEBUG
- // If in debug mode, do a check whether
- // the right length has been obtained.
- size_type length = 0;
- for (size_type i = 0; i < n_block_cols(); ++i)
- length += counter_within_block[i];
- Assert(length == n_added_cols, ExcInternalError());
+ {
+ auto check_block_and_col = column_indices.global_to_local(*it);
+ Assert(current_block == check_block_and_col.first,
+ ExcInternalError());
+ Assert(local_index == check_block_and_col.second,
+ ExcInternalError());
+ }
+ }
+ // add whatever is left over:
+ sub_objects[row_index.first][current_block]->add_entries(
+ row_index.second,
+ block_column_indices[0].begin(),
+ block_column_indices[0].end(),
+ true);
- // Now we found out about where the
- // individual columns should start and
- // where we should start reading out
- // data. Now let's write the data into
- // the individual blocks!
- const std::pair<size_type, size_type> row_index =
- this->row_indices.global_to_local(row);
- for (size_type block_col = 0; block_col < n_block_cols(); ++block_col)
+ return;
+ }
+ else
- if (counter_within_block[block_col] == 0)
- continue;
- sub_objects[row_index.first][block_col]->add_entries(
- row_index.second,
- block_column_indices[block_col].begin(),
- block_column_indices[block_col].begin() +
- counter_within_block[block_col],
- indices_are_sorted);
+ // Resize sub-arrays to n_cols. This
+ // is a bit wasteful, but we resize
+ // only a few times (then the maximum
+ // row length won't increase that
+ // much any more). At least we know
+ // that all arrays are going to be of
+ // the same size, so we can check
+ // whether the size of one is large
+ // enough before actually going
+ // through all of them.
+ if (block_column_indices[0].size() < n_cols)
+ for (size_type i = 0; i < this->n_block_cols(); ++i)
+ block_column_indices[i].resize(n_cols);
+ // Reset the number of added elements
+ // in each block to zero.
+ for (size_type i = 0; i < this->n_block_cols(); ++i)
+ counter_within_block[i] = 0;
+ // Go through the column indices to
+ // find out which portions of the
+ // values should be set in which
+ // block of the matrix. We need to
+ // touch all the data, since we can't
+ // be sure that the data of one block
+ // is stored contiguously (in fact,
+ // indices will be intermixed when it
+ // comes from an element matrix).
+ for (ForwardIterator it = begin; it != end; ++it)
+ {
+ const size_type col = *it;
+ const std::pair<size_type, size_type> col_index =
+ this->column_indices.global_to_local(col);
+ const size_type local_index = counter_within_block[col_index.first]++;
+ block_column_indices[col_index.first][local_index] = col_index.second;
+ }
+ // Now we found out about where the
+ // individual columns should start and
+ // where we should start reading out
+ // data. Now let's write the data into
+ // the individual blocks!
+ const std::pair<size_type, size_type> row_index =
+ this->row_indices.global_to_local(row);
+ for (size_type block_col = 0; block_col < n_block_cols(); ++block_col)
+ {
+ if (counter_within_block[block_col] == 0)
+ continue;
+ sub_objects[row_index.first][block_col]->add_entries(
+ row_index.second,
+ block_column_indices[block_col].begin(),
+ block_column_indices[block_col].begin() +
+ counter_within_block[block_col],
+ indices_are_sorted);
+ }