set_tests_properties(${_test_full} PROPERTIES RUN_SERIAL TRUE)
- #
- # Limit concurrency of mpi tests. We can only set concurrency for
- # the entire test, which includes the compiling and linking stages
- # that are purely sequential. There is no good way to model this
- # without unnecessarily restricting concurrency. Consequently, we
- # just choose to model an "average" concurrency as one half of the
- # number of MPI jobs.
- #
- if(_n_cpu GREATER 2)
- math(EXPR _slots "${_n_cpu} / 2")
- set_tests_properties(${_test_full} PROPERTIES PROCESSORS ${_slots})
- endif()
- # In case ENABLE_PERFORMANCE_TESTS is set we limit the concurrency
- # of performance tests to the number of specified mpi ranks times
- # the number of specified threads.
+ # Limit concurrency of tests that run on multiple mpi ranks, or
+ # that explicitly spawn multiple worker threads.
set(_slots 1)
if(_n_cpu GREATER 0)