they affect the sparsity pattern.
You can also visualize the output using <a
-href="">GNUPLOT</a> (one of the simpler visualization
-programs; maybe not the easiest to use since it is command line driven, but
-also universally available on all Linux and other Unix-like systems) by changing from <code>print_svg()</code> to <code>print_gnuplot()</code> in <code>distribute_dofs()</code> and <code>renumber_dofs()</code>:
+href="">GNUPLOT</a> (which we have already
+used above) by
+changing from <code>print_svg()</code> to <code>print_gnuplot()</code>
+in <code>distribute_dofs()</code> and <code>renumber_dofs()</code> (and
+using the file ending `.gnuplot` instead of `.svg`):
examples/\step-2> gnuplot
Terminal type set to 'x11'
gnuplot> set style data points
-gnuplot> plot "sparsity_pattern.1"
+gnuplot> plot "sparsity-pattern-1.gnuplot"
Another practice based on