const Triangulation<dim, spacedim> &tria);
- /**
- * A structure that allows the transfer of cell data of type @p T from one processor
- * to another. It corresponds to a packed buffer that stores a vector of
- * CellId and a vector of type @p T.
- *
- * This class facilitates the transfer by providing the save/load functions
- * that are able to pack up the vector of CellId's and the associated
- * data of type @p T into a stream.
- *
- * Type @p T is assumed to be serializable by <code>boost::serialization</code> (for
- * example <code>unsigned int</code> or <code>std::vector@<double@></code>).
- *
- * @deprecated The implementation in deal.II has been rewritten, making this class
- * obsolete for use within deal.II. Use your own data structures instead.
- */
- template <int dim, typename T>
- struct DEAL_II_DEPRECATED CellDataTransferBuffer
- {
- /**
- * A vector to store IDs of cells to be transferred.
- */
- std::vector<CellId> cell_ids;
- /**
- * A vector of cell data to be transferred.
- */
- std::vector<T> data;
- /**
- * Write the data of this object to a stream for the purpose of
- * serialization using the [BOOST serialization
- * library](
- *
- * @pre The user is responsible to keep the size of @p data
- * equal to the size as @p cell_ids .
- */
- template <class Archive>
- void
- save(Archive &ar, const unsigned int) const
- {
- // Implement the code inline as some compilers do otherwise complain
- // about the use of a deprecated interface.
- Assert(cell_ids.size() == data.size(),
- ExcDimensionMismatch(cell_ids.size(), data.size()));
- // archive the cellids in an efficient binary format
- const std::size_t n_cells = cell_ids.size();
- ar & n_cells;
- for (const auto &id : cell_ids)
- {
- CellId::binary_type binary_cell_id = id.template to_binary<dim>();
- ar & binary_cell_id;
- }
- ar &data;
- }
- /**
- * Read the data of this object from a stream for the purpose of
- * serialization using the [BOOST serialization
- * library](
- * Throw away the previous content.
- */
- template <class Archive>
- void
- load(Archive &ar, const unsigned int)
- {
- // Implement the code inline as some compilers do otherwise complain
- // about the use of a deprecated interface.
- std::size_t n_cells;
- ar & n_cells;
- cell_ids.clear();
- cell_ids.reserve(n_cells);
- for (unsigned int c = 0; c < n_cells; ++c)
- {
- CellId::binary_type value;
- ar & value;
- cell_ids.emplace_back(value);
- }
- ar &data;
- }
-#ifdef DOXYGEN
- /**
- * Read or write the data of this object to or from a stream for the
- * purpose of serialization using the [BOOST serialization
- * library](
- */
- template <class Archive>
- void
- serialize(Archive &archive, const unsigned int version);
- // This macro defines the serialize() method that is compatible with
- // the templated save() and load() method that have been implemented.
- };
* An implementation of the marching-square (2d) and marching-cube algorithm
* for creating data structures (vectors of Point and CellData) to