} // end of loop over all constraint lines
-#ifdef DEBUG
// if in debug mode: check that no dof is constrained to another dof that
// is also constrained. exclude dofs from this check whose constraint
// lines are not stored on the local processor
- for (const ConstraintLine &line : lines)
- for (const std::pair<size_type, number> &entry : line.entries)
- if ((local_lines.size() == 0) || (local_lines.is_element(entry.first)))
- {
- // make sure that entry->first is not the index of a line itself
- const bool is_circle = is_constrained(entry.first);
- Assert(is_circle == false,
- ExcDoFConstrainedToConstrainedDoF(line.index, entry.first));
- }
+ Assert(std::none_of(lines.begin(),
+ lines.end(),
+ [this](const ConstraintLine &line) {
+ for (const std::pair<size_type, number> &entry :
+ line.entries)
+ if ((local_lines.size() == 0) ||
+ (local_lines.is_element(entry.first)))
+ {
+ // make sure that entry->first is not the index of
+ // a line itself
+ const bool is_circle =
+ is_constrained(entry.first);
+ if (is_circle)
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }),
+ ExcMessage("The constraints represented by this object have a cycle. "
+ "This is not allowed."));
sorted = true;