(Timo Heister, Lei Qiao, 2015/09/09)
+ <li>New: Introduced third-order derivatives of the shape functions, which
+ can now be accessed through FEValues and FEValuesViews using similar interfaces
+ as shape_values, shape_derivatives and shape_hessians.
+ (Maien Hamed, 2015/09/08)
+ </li>
<li>Cleanup: TableIndices<N> can now be used (constructed and accessed)
with N > 7.
* to the Jacobian pushed forward gradient and second derivative.
* Before the correction, the third derivatives would be given by
+ * @f[
* D_{ijkl} = \frac{d^3\phi_i}{d \hat x_J d \hat x_K d \hat x_L} (J_{jJ})^{-1} (J_{kK})^{-1} (J_{lL})^{-1},
- * where J_{iI}=\frac{d x_i}{d \hat x_I}. After the correction, the correct
+ * @f]
+ * where $J_{iI}=\frac{d x_i}{d \hat x_I}$. After the correction, the correct
* third derivative would be given by
- * \frac{d^3\phi_i}{d x_j d x_k d x_l} = D_{ijkl} - H_{mjl} \frac{d^2 \phi_i}{d x_k d x_m} - H_{mkl} \frac{d^2 \phi_i}{d x_j d x_m} - H_{mjk} \frac{d^2 \phi_i}{d x_l d x_m} - K_{mjkl} \frac{d \phi_i}{d x_m},
- * where H_{ijk} = \frac{d^2 x_i}{d \hat x_J d \hat x_K} (J_{jJ})^{-1} (J_{kK})^{-1},
- * and K_{ijkl} = \frac{d^3 x_i}{d \hat x_J d \hat x_K d \hat x_L} (J_{jJ})^{-1} (J_{kK})^{-1} (J_{lL})^{-1}
+ * @f[
+ * \frac{d^3\phi_i}{d x_j d x_k d x_l} = D_{ijkl} - H_{mjl} \frac{d^2 \phi_i}{d x_k d x_m}
+ * - H_{mkl} \frac{d^2 \phi_i}{d x_j d x_m} - H_{mjk} \frac{d^2 \phi_i}{d x_l d x_m}
+ * - K_{mjkl} \frac{d \phi_i}{d x_m},
+ * @f]
+ * where $H_{ijk}$ is the Jacobian pushed-forward derivative and $K_{ijkl}$ is
+ * the Jacobian pushed-forward second derivative.
correct_third_derivatives (internal::FEValues::FiniteElementRelatedData<dim,spacedim> &output_data,
* transformed is specified by their MappingType argument. See the documentation there
* for possible choices.
+ * <h4>Derivatives of the mapping</h4>
+ *
+ * Some applications require the derivatives of the mapping, of which the first order
+ * derivative is the mapping Jacobian, $J_{iJ}(\hat{\mathbf x})=\frac{\partial x_i}{\partial \hat x_J}$,
+ * described above. Higher order derivatives of the mapping are similarly
+ * defined, for example the Jacobian derivative,
+ * $\hat H_{iJK}(\hat{\mathbf x}) = \frac{\partial^2 x_i}{\partial \hat x_J \partial \hat x_K}$,
+ * and the Jacobian second derivative,
+ * $\hat K_{iJKL}(\hat{\mathbf x}) = \frac{\partial^3 x_i}{\partial \hat x_J \partial
+ * \hat x_K \partial \hat x_L}$.
+ * It is also useful to define the "pushed-forward" versions of the higher order derivatives:
+ * the Jacobian pushed-forward
+ * derivative, $H_{ijk}(\hat{\mathbf x}) = \frac{\partial^2 x_i}{\partial \hat x_J \partial
+ * \hat x_K}(J_{jJ})^{-1}(J_{kK})^{-1}$,
+ * and the Jacobian pushed-forward second derivative,
+ * $K_{ijkl}(\hat{\mathbf x}) = \frac{\partial^3 x_i}{\partial \hat x_J \partial \hat x_K \partial
+ * \hat x_L}(J_{jJ})^{-1}(J_{kK})^{-1}(J_{lL})^{-1}$.
+ * These pushed-forward versions can be used to compute the higher order derivatives of functions
+ * defined on the reference cell with respect to the
+ * real cell coordinates. for instance, the Jacobian derivative with respect to the real cell coordinates is
+ * given by:
+ *
+ * @f[
+ * \frac{\partial}{\partial x_j}\left[J_{iJ}(\hat{\mathbf x})\right] =
+ * H_{ikn}(\hat{\mathbf x})J_{nJ}(\hat{\mathbf x}),
+ * @f]
+ * and the derivative of the Jacobian inverse with respect to the real cell coordinates is similarly given by:
+ * @f[
+ * \frac{\partial}{\partial x_j}\left[\left(J_{iJ}(\hat{\mathbf x})\right)^{-1}\right]
+ * = -H_{nik}(\hat{\mathbf x})\left(J_{nJ}(\hat{\mathbf x})\right)^{-1}.
+ * @f]
+ *
+ * In a similar fashion, higher order derivatives, with respect to the real cell coordinates, of functions
+ * defined on the reference cell can
+ * be defined using the Jacobian pushed-forward higher-order derivatives.
+ * For example, the derivative, with respect to the real cell coordinates, of the Jacobian pushed-forward
+ * derivative is given by:
+ *
+ * @f[
+ * \frac{\partial}{\partial x_l}\left[H_{ijk}(\hat{\mathbf x})\right] = K_{ijkl}(\hat{\mathbf x})
+ * -H_{mjl}(\hat{\mathbf x})H_{imk}(\hat{\mathbf x})-H_{mkl}(\hat{\mathbf x})H_{imk}(\hat{\mathbf x}).
+ * @f]
* <h3>References</h3>