template <int dim>
struct CellData
+ /**
+ * Constructor
+ */
+ CellData();
* Read or write the data of this object to or from a stream for the
* purpose of serialization using the [BOOST serialization
* Data used in Triangulation::create_triangulation().
- template <int dim, int spacedim>
+ template <int dim, int spacedim = dim>
struct Description
+ /**
+ * Constructor.
+ */
+ Description();
* Read or write the data of this object to or from a stream for the
* purpose of serialization using the [BOOST serialization
+ template <int dim>
+ CellData<dim>::CellData()
+ : subdomain_id(numbers::invalid_subdomain_id)
+ , level_subdomain_id(numbers::invalid_subdomain_id)
+ , manifold_id(numbers::flat_manifold_id)
+ {
+ std::fill(id.begin(), id.end(), numbers::invalid_unsigned_int);
+ std::fill(manifold_line_ids.begin(),
+ manifold_line_ids.end(),
+ numbers::flat_manifold_id);
+ std::fill(manifold_quad_ids.begin(),
+ manifold_quad_ids.end(),
+ numbers::flat_manifold_id);
+ }
template <int dim>
template <class Archive>
+ template <int dim, int spacedim>
+ Description<dim, spacedim>::Description()
+ : comm(MPI_COMM_NULL)
+ , settings(Settings::default_setting)
+ , smoothing(Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::MeshSmoothing::none)
+ {}
template <int dim, int spacedim>
template <class Archive>
--- /dev/null
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Copyright (C) 2023 by the deal.II authors
+// This file is part of the deal.II library.
+// The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
+// it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
+// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE.md at
+// the top level directory of deal.II.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Create a parallel::fullydistributed::Triangulation manually.
+#include <deal.II/base/mpi.h>
+#include <deal.II/distributed/fully_distributed_tria.h>
+#include <deal.II/distributed/shared_tria.h>
+#include <deal.II/distributed/tria.h>
+#include <deal.II/fe/fe_q.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/grid_generator.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/grid_out.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/grid_tools.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/tria.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/tria_description.h>
+#include "../grid/tests.h"
+using namespace dealii;
+template <int dim>
+test(MPI_Comm comm)
+ // subdivided hypercube settings
+ std::array<unsigned int, dim> n_subdivision = {{5, 6}};
+ std::array<double, dim> sizes = {{1.0, 1.0}};
+ // parallel info
+ const auto n_ranks = Utilities::MPI::n_mpi_processes(comm);
+ const auto my_rank = Utilities::MPI::this_mpi_process(comm);
+ // create description
+ TriangulationDescription::Description<dim, dim> construction_data;
+ construction_data.comm = comm;
+ construction_data.cell_infos.resize(1);
+ const auto is_local =
+ Utilities::create_evenly_distributed_partitioning(my_rank,
+ n_ranks,
+ n_subdivision[1]);
+ if (!is_local.is_empty())
+ {
+ // 1) collect vertices
+ for (unsigned int j = std::max<int>(0, is_local.nth_index_in_set(0) - 1);
+ j <= std::min<unsigned int>(
+ is_local.nth_index_in_set(is_local.n_elements() - 1) + 3,
+ n_subdivision[1] + 1);
+ ++j)
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= n_subdivision[0]; ++i)
+ construction_data.coarse_cell_vertices.emplace_back(
+ sizes[0] / n_subdivision[0] * i, sizes[1] / n_subdivision[1] * j);
+ // 2) setup cells
+ for (unsigned int j = std::max<int>(0, is_local.nth_index_in_set(0) - 1),
+ j_local = 0;
+ j < std::min<unsigned int>(
+ is_local.nth_index_in_set(is_local.n_elements() - 1) + 2,
+ n_subdivision[1]);
+ ++j, ++j_local)
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_subdivision[0]; ++i)
+ {
+ const unsigned int c_global = i + j * n_subdivision[0];
+ // 2a) coarse cell info
+ CellData<dim> cell_data;
+ const unsigned int stride = n_subdivision[0] + 1;
+ cell_data.vertices[0] = (i + 0) + (j_local + 0) * stride;
+ cell_data.vertices[1] = (i + 1) + (j_local + 0) * stride;
+ cell_data.vertices[2] = (i + 0) + (j_local + 1) * stride;
+ cell_data.vertices[3] = (i + 1) + (j_local + 1) * stride;
+ construction_data.coarse_cells.emplace_back(cell_data);
+ // 2b) local to global cell id map
+ construction_data.coarse_cell_index_to_coarse_cell_id.emplace_back(
+ c_global);
+ // 2c) level cell info
+ TriangulationDescription::CellData<dim> cell_data_;
+ cell_data_.id = CellId(c_global, {}).template to_binary<dim>();
+ cell_data_.subdomain_id =
+ is_local.is_element(j) ?
+ my_rank :
+ (j < is_local.nth_index_in_set(0) ? (my_rank - 1) :
+ (my_rank + 1));
+ cell_data_.level_subdomain_id = cell_data_.subdomain_id;
+ if (i == 0)
+ cell_data_.boundary_ids.emplace_back(0, 0);
+ else if (i + 1 == n_subdivision[0])
+ cell_data_.boundary_ids.emplace_back(1, 1);
+ else if (j == 0)
+ cell_data_.boundary_ids.emplace_back(2, 2);
+ else if (j + 1 == n_subdivision[1])
+ cell_data_.boundary_ids.emplace_back(3, 3);
+ construction_data.cell_infos[0].emplace_back(cell_data_);
+ }
+ }
+ // actually create triangulation
+ parallel::fullydistributed::Triangulation<dim> tria_pft(comm);
+ tria_pft.create_triangulation(construction_data);
+ // test triangulation
+ FE_Q<dim> fe(2);
+ DoFHandler<dim> dof_handler(tria_pft);
+ dof_handler.distribute_dofs(fe);
+ // print statistics
+ print_statistics(tria_pft);
+ print_statistics(dof_handler);
+main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ Utilities::MPI::MPI_InitFinalize mpi_initialization(argc, argv, 1);
+ MPILogInitAll all;
+ const MPI_Comm comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD;
+ {
+ deallog.push("2d");
+ test<2>(comm);
+ deallog.pop();
+ }