// or the reinit() functions:
if (Utilities::MPI::n_mpi_processes(
internal::AffineConstraints::get_mpi_communicator(vec)) > 1)
- Assert(local_lines != IndexSet(),
- ExcMessage(
- "You are using the AffineConstraints class in a "
- "program that is running in parallel. In this case, "
- "it is inefficient to store all constraints: This class "
- "should really only store constraints for those degrees "
- "of freedom that are locally relevant. It is considered "
- "a bug not to do that. Please call either the "
- "constructor of this class, or one of its reinit() "
- "functions that provide this class with index sets "
- "of the locally owned and the locally relevant "
- "degrees of freedom."));
+ {
+ Assert(local_lines != IndexSet(),
+ ExcMessage(
+ "You are using the AffineConstraints class in a "
+ "program that is running in parallel. In this case, "
+ "it is inefficient to store all constraints: This class "
+ "should really only store constraints for those degrees "
+ "of freedom that are locally relevant. It is considered "
+ "a bug not to do that. Please call either the "
+ "constructor of this class, or one of its reinit() "
+ "functions that provide this class with index sets "
+ "of the locally owned and the locally relevant "
+ "degrees of freedom."));
+ Assert(vec_owned_elements.size() == locally_owned_dofs.size(),
+ ExcMessage("You have previously initialized this "
+ "AffineConstraints object with an index set "
+ "that stated that vectors have size " +
+ std::to_string(locally_owned_dofs.size()) +
+ " entries, but you are now calling "
+ "AffineConstraints::distribute() with a vector "
+ "of size " +
+ std::to_string(vec_owned_elements.size()) +
+ "."));
+ }
// Check that the set of indices we will import is a superset of
// the locally-owned ones. This *should* be the case if, as one
// simply import the *entire* vector.
if (local_lines != IndexSet())
+ Assert(vec_owned_elements.size() ==
+ needed_elements_for_distribute.size(),
+ ExcInternalError());
Assert(needed_elements_for_distribute != IndexSet(),