class ReadWriteVector;
# endif
+ /**
+ * @addtogroup TpetraWrappers
+ * @{
+ */
* A namespace for classes that provide wrappers for Trilinos' Tpetra vectors.
* This namespace provides wrappers for the Tpetra::Vector class from the
* Tpetra package ( that is part of
* Trilinos.
+ *
+ * @ingroup TpetraWrappers
namespace TpetraWrappers
+ /**
+ * @cond internal
+ */
+ /**
+ * A namespace for internal implementation details of the TrilinosWrapper
+ * members.
+ *
+ * @ingroup TpetraWrappers
+ */
+ namespace internal
+ {
+ /**
+ * Declare type for container size.
+ */
+ using size_type = dealii::types::global_dof_index;
+ /**
+ * This class implements a wrapper for accessing the Trilinos Tpetra
+ * vector in the same way as we access deal.II objects: it is initialized
+ * with a vector and an element within it, and has a conversion operator
+ * to extract the scalar value of this element. It also has a variety of
+ * assignment operator for writing to this one element.
+ *
+ * @ingroup TpetraWrappers
+ */
+ template <typename Number>
+ class VectorReference
+ {
+ private:
+ /**
+ * Constructor. It is made private so as to only allow the actual vector
+ * class to create it.
+ */
+ VectorReference(Vector<Number> &vector, const size_type index);
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Copy constructor.
+ */
+ VectorReference(const VectorReference &) = default;
+ /**
+ * This looks like a copy operator, but does something different than
+ * usual. In particular, it does not copy the member variables of this
+ * reference. Rather, it handles the situation where we have two vectors
+ * @p v and @p w, and assign elements like in <tt>v(i)=w(i)</tt>. Here,
+ * both left and right hand side of the assignment have data type
+ * VectorReference, but what we really mean is to assign the vector
+ * elements represented by the two references. This operator implements
+ * this operation. Note also that this allows us to make the assignment
+ * operator const.
+ */
+ const VectorReference &
+ operator=(const VectorReference &r) const;
+ /**
+ * Same as above but for non-const reference objects.
+ */
+ VectorReference &
+ operator=(const VectorReference &r);
+ /**
+ * Set the referenced element of the vector to <tt>s</tt>.
+ */
+ const VectorReference &
+ operator=(const Number &s) const;
+ /**
+ * Add <tt>s</tt> to the referenced element of the vector->
+ */
+ const VectorReference &
+ operator+=(const Number &s) const;
+ /**
+ * Subtract <tt>s</tt> from the referenced element of the vector->
+ */
+ const VectorReference &
+ operator-=(const Number &s) const;
+ /**
+ * Multiply the referenced element of the vector by <tt>s</tt>.
+ */
+ const VectorReference &
+ operator*=(const Number &s) const;
+ /**
+ * Divide the referenced element of the vector by <tt>s</tt>.
+ */
+ const VectorReference &
+ operator/=(const Number &s) const;
+ /**
+ * Convert the reference to an actual value, i.e. return the value of
+ * the referenced element of the vector.
+ */
+ operator Number() const;
+ /**
+ * Exception
+ */
+ DeclException1(ExcTrilinosError,
+ int,
+ << "An error with error number " << arg1
+ << " occurred while calling a Trilinos function");
+ private:
+ /**
+ * Point to the vector we are referencing.
+ */
+ Vector<Number> &vector;
+ /**
+ * Index of the referenced element of the vector.
+ */
+ const size_type index;
+ // Make the vector class a friend, so that it can create objects of the
+ // present type.
+ friend class Vector<Number>;
+ }; // class VectorReference
+ } // namespace internal
+ /**
+ * @endcond
+ */
* This class implements a wrapper to the Trilinos distributed vector
* class Tpetra::Vector. This class requires Trilinos to be
* actions on the GPU. In particular, there is no need for manually
* synchronizing memory between host and @ref GlossDevice "device".
- * @ingroup TrilinosWrappers
+ * @ingroup TpetraWrappers
* @ingroup Vectors
template <typename Number>
class Vector : public ReadVector<Number>, public Subscriptor
+ /**
+ * Declare some of the standard types used in all containers.
+ */
using value_type = Number;
using real_type = typename numbers::NumberTraits<Number>::real_type;
using size_type = types::global_dof_index;
+ using reference = internal::VectorReference<Number>;
+ using MapType = Tpetra::Map<int, dealii::types::signed_global_dof_index>;
+ using VectorType =
+ Tpetra::Vector<Number, int, dealii::types::signed_global_dof_index>;
- * Constructor. Create a vector of dimension zero.
+ * @name 1: Basic Object-handling
+ */
+ /** @{ */
+ /**
+ * Default constructor that generates an empty (zero size) vector. The
+ * function <tt>reinit()</tt> will have to give the vector the correct
+ * size and distribution among processes in case of an MPI run.
Vector(const Vector &V);
+ /**
+ * Copy constructor from Teuchos::RCP<Tpetra::Vector>.
+ */
+ Vector(const Teuchos::RCP<VectorType> V);
* This constructor takes an IndexSet that defines how to distribute the
* individual components among the MPI processors. Since it also
const MPI_Comm communicator,
const bool omit_zeroing_entries = false);
+ /**
+ * Reinit functionality. This function destroys the old vector content
+ * and generates a new one based on the input partitioning. In addition
+ * to just specifying one index set as in all the other methods above,
+ * this method allows to supply an additional set of ghost entries.
+ *
+ * Depending on whether the @p locally_relevant_or_ghost_entries argument uniquely
+ * subdivides elements among processors or not, the resulting vector may
+ * or may not have ghost elements. See the general documentation of this
+ * class for more information.
+ *
+ * @see
+ * @ref GlossGhostedVector "vectors with ghost elements"
+ */
+ void
+ reinit(const IndexSet &locally_owned_entries,
+ const IndexSet &locally_relevant_or_ghost_entries,
+ const MPI_Comm communicator = MPI_COMM_WORLD);
* Change the dimension to that of the vector @p V. The elements of @p V are not
* copied.
* improve performance.
+ import_elements(
+ const ReadWriteVector<Number> &V,
+ VectorOperation::values operation,
+ const Teuchos::RCP<const Utilities::MPI::CommunicationPatternBase>
+ &communication_pattern);
+ /**
+ * @deprecated Use Teuchos::RCP<> instead of std::shared_ptr<>.
+ */
+ void
const ReadWriteVector<Number> &V,
VectorOperation::values operation,
const std::shared_ptr<const Utilities::MPI::CommunicationPatternBase>
- &communication_pattern = {});
+ &communication_pattern);
+ /*
+ * Imports all the elements present in the vector's IndexSet from the
+ * input vector @p V. VectorOperation::values @p operation is used to decide if
+ * the elements in @p V should be added to the current vector or replace the
+ * current elements.
+ */
+ void
+ import_elements(const ReadWriteVector<Number> &V,
+ VectorOperation::values operation);
* @deprecated Use import_elements() instead.
import_elements(V, operation, communication_pattern);
+ /** @} */
+ /**
+ * @name 2: Data-Access
+ */
+ /** @{ */
+ /**
+ * Provide access to a given element, both read and write.
+ *
+ * When using a vector distributed with MPI, this operation only makes
+ * sense for elements that are actually present on the calling processor.
+ * Otherwise, an exception is thrown.
+ */
+ reference
+ operator()(const size_type index);
+ /** @} */
+ /**
+ * @name 3: Modification of vectors
+ */
+ /** @{ */
* Multiply the entire vector by a fixed factor.
const Number b,
const Vector<Number> &W);
+ /**
+ * A collective add operation: This function adds a whole set of values
+ * stored in @p values to the vector components specified by @p indices.
+ */
+ void
+ add(const std::vector<size_type> &indices,
+ const std::vector<TrilinosScalar> &values);
+ /**
+ * Take an address where <tt>n_elements</tt> are stored contiguously and
+ * add them into the vector. Handles all cases which are not covered by
+ * the other two <tt>add()</tt> functions above.
+ */
+ void
+ add(const size_type n_elements,
+ const size_type *indices,
+ const Number *values);
* Scaling and simple addition of a multiple of a vector, i.e. <tt>*this
* = s*(*this)+a*V</tt>.
sadd(const Number s, const Number a, const Vector<Number> &V);
+ /**
+ * A collective set operation: instead of setting individual elements of a
+ * vector, this function allows to set a whole set of elements at once.
+ * It is assumed that the elements to be set are located in contiguous
+ * memory.
+ */
+ void
+ set(const size_type n_elements,
+ const size_type *indices,
+ const Number *values);
* Scale each element of this vector by the corresponding element in the
* argument. This function is mostly meant to simulate multiplication
all_zero() const;
+ /** @} */
+ /**
+ * @name 4: Scalar products, norms and related operations
+ */
+ /** @{ */
* Return the mean value of the element of this vector.
add_and_dot(const Number a,
const Vector<Number> &V,
const Vector<Number> &W);
+ /** @} */
+ /**
+ * @name 5: Scalar products, norms and related operations
+ */
+ /** @{ */
* This function always returns false and is present only for backward
* compatibility.
locally_owned_elements() const;
+ /** @} */
+ /**
+ * @name 6: Mixed stuff
+ */
+ /** @{ */
* Compress the underlying representation of the Trilinos object, i.e.
* flush the buffers of the vector object if it has any. This function is
compress(const VectorOperation::values operation);
* Return a const reference to the underlying Trilinos
* Tpetra::Vector class.
Tpetra::Vector<Number, int, types::signed_global_dof_index> &
+ /**
+ * Return a const Teuchos::RCP to the underlying Trilinos
+ * Tpetra::Vector class.
+ */
+ Teuchos::RCP<
+ const Tpetra::Vector<Number, int, types::signed_global_dof_index>>
+ trilinos_rcp() const;
+ /**
+ * Return a (modifiable) Teuchos::RCP to the underlying Trilinos
+ * Tpetra::Vector class.
+ */
+ Teuchos::RCP<Tpetra::Vector<Number, int, types::signed_global_dof_index>>
+ trilinos_rcp();
* Prints the vector to the output stream @p out.
memory_consumption() const;
+ /**
+ * Return the mpi communicator
+ */
+ const MPI_Comm
+ mpi_comm() const;
+ /** @} */
* The vectors have different partitioning, i.e. their IndexSet objects
* don't represent the same indices.
+ *
+ * @ingroup Exceptions
const MPI_Comm mpi_comm);
- * Pointer to the actual Tpetra vector object.
+ * Teuchos::RCP to the actual Tpetra vector object.
- std::unique_ptr<
- Tpetra::Vector<Number, int, types::signed_global_dof_index>>
- vector;
+ Teuchos::RCP<VectorType> vector;
* IndexSet of the elements of the last imported vector.
* CommunicationPattern for the communication between the
* source_stored_elements IndexSet and the current vector.
- std::shared_ptr<const TpetraWrappers::CommunicationPattern>
+ Teuchos::RCP<const TpetraWrappers::CommunicationPattern>
+ // Make the reference class a friend.
+ friend class internal::VectorReference<Number>;
+ /* ------------------------- Inline functions ---------------------- */
template <typename Number>
inline bool
Vector<Number>::has_ghost_elements() const
return false;
+ template <typename Number>
+ inline void
+ Vector<Number>::add(const std::vector<size_type> &indices,
+ const std::vector<TrilinosScalar> &values)
+ {
+ // if we have ghost values, do not allow
+ // writing to this vector at all.
+ AssertDimension(indices.size(), values.size());
+ add(indices.size(),,;
+ }
+ template <typename Number>
+ inline void
+ Vector<Number>::add(const size_type n_elements,
+ const size_type *indices,
+ const Number *values)
+ {
+ auto vector_2d = vector->template getLocalView<Kokkos::HostSpace>(
+ Tpetra::Access::ReadWrite);
+# else
+ vector->template sync<Kokkos::HostSpace>();
+ auto vector_2d = vector.template getLocalView<Kokkos::HostSpace>();
+# endif
+ auto vector_1d = Kokkos::subview(vector_2d, Kokkos::ALL(), 0);
+ vector->template modify<Kokkos::HostSpace>();
+# endif
+ for (size_type i = 0; i < n_elements; ++i)
+ {
+ const size_type row = indices[i];
+ const TrilinosWrappers::types::int_type local_row =
+ vector->getMap()->getLocalElement(row);
+ if (local_row != Teuchos::OrdinalTraits<int>::invalid())
+ vector_1d(local_row) += values[i];
+ }
+ vector->template sync<
+ typename Tpetra::Vector<Number, int, types::signed_global_dof_index>::
+ device_type::memory_space>();
+# endif
+ }
+ template <typename Number>
+ inline void
+ Vector<Number>::set(const size_type n_elements,
+ const size_type *indices,
+ const Number *values)
+ {
+ auto vector_2d = vector->template getLocalView<Kokkos::HostSpace>(
+ Tpetra::Access::ReadWrite);
+# else
+ vector->template sync<Kokkos::HostSpace>();
+ auto vector_2d = vector->template getLocalView<Kokkos::HostSpace>();
+# endif
+ auto vector_1d = Kokkos::subview(vector_2d, Kokkos::ALL(), 0);
+ vector->template modify<Kokkos::HostSpace>();
+# endif
+ for (size_type i = 0; i < n_elements; ++i)
+ {
+ const size_type row = indices[i];
+ const TrilinosWrappers::types::int_type local_row =
+ vector->getMap()->getLocalElement(row);
+ if (local_row != Teuchos::OrdinalTraits<int>::invalid())
+ vector_1d(local_row) = values[i];
+ }
+ vector->template sync<
+ typename Tpetra::Vector<Number, int, types::signed_global_dof_index>::
+ device_type::memory_space>();
+# endif
+ }
+ template <typename Number>
+ inline internal::VectorReference<Number>
+ Vector<Number>::operator()(const size_type index)
+ {
+ return internal::VectorReference(*this, index);
+ }
+# ifndef DOXYGEN
+ // VectorReference
+ namespace internal
+ {
+ template <typename Number>
+ inline VectorReference<Number>::VectorReference(Vector<Number> &vector,
+ const size_type index)
+ : vector(vector)
+ , index(index)
+ {}
+ template <typename Number>
+ inline const VectorReference<Number> &
+ VectorReference<Number>::operator=(const VectorReference<Number> &r) const
+ {
+ // as explained in the class
+ // documentation, this is not the copy
+ // operator. so simply pass on to the
+ // "correct" assignment operator
+ *this = static_cast<Number>(r);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <typename Number>
+ inline VectorReference<Number> &
+ VectorReference<Number>::operator=(const VectorReference<Number> &r)
+ {
+ // as above
+ *this = static_cast<Number>(r);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <typename Number>
+ inline const VectorReference<Number> &
+ VectorReference<Number>::operator=(const Number &value) const
+ {
+ vector.set(1, &index, &value);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <typename Number>
+ inline const VectorReference<Number> &
+ VectorReference<Number>::operator+=(const Number &value) const
+ {
+ vector.add(1, &index, &value);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <typename Number>
+ inline const VectorReference<Number> &
+ VectorReference<Number>::operator-=(const Number &value) const
+ {
+ Number new_value = -value;
+ vector.add(1, &index, &new_value);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <typename Number>
+ inline const VectorReference<Number> &
+ VectorReference<Number>::operator*=(const Number &value) const
+ {
+ Number new_value = static_cast<Number>(*this) * value;
+ vector.set(1, &index, &new_value);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <typename Number>
+ inline const VectorReference<Number> &
+ VectorReference<Number>::operator/=(const Number &value) const
+ {
+ Number new_value = static_cast<Number>(*this) / value;
+ vector.set(1, &index, &new_value);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ } // namespace internal
+# endif /* DOXYGEN */
} // namespace TpetraWrappers
-} // namespace LinearAlgebra
+ /** @} */
+} // namespace LinearAlgebra
* Declare dealii::LinearAlgebra::TpetraWrappers::Vector as distributed vector.
template <typename Number>
: Subscriptor()
- , vector(new Tpetra::Vector<Number, int, types::signed_global_dof_index>(
- Teuchos::RCP<Tpetra::Map<int, types::signed_global_dof_index>>(
- new Tpetra::Map<int, types::signed_global_dof_index>(
- 0,
- 0,
- Utilities::Trilinos::tpetra_comm_self()))))
+ , vector(new VectorType(Teuchos::rcp(
+ new MapType(0, 0, Utilities::Trilinos::tpetra_comm_self()))))
template <typename Number>
Vector<Number>::Vector(const Vector<Number> &V)
: Subscriptor()
- , vector(new Tpetra::Vector<Number, int, types::signed_global_dof_index>(
- V.trilinos_vector(),
- Teuchos::Copy))
+ , vector(new VectorType(V.trilinos_vector(), Teuchos::Copy))
+ {}
+ template <typename Number>
+ Vector<Number>::Vector(const Teuchos::RCP<VectorType> V)
+ : Subscriptor()
+ , vector(V)
Vector<Number>::Vector(const IndexSet ¶llel_partitioner,
const MPI_Comm communicator)
: Subscriptor()
- , vector(new Tpetra::Vector<Number, int, types::signed_global_dof_index>(
+ , vector(new VectorType(
parallel_partitioner.make_tpetra_map_rcp(communicator, false)))
const MPI_Comm communicator,
const bool omit_zeroing_entries)
- Teuchos::RCP<Tpetra::Map<int, types::signed_global_dof_index>> input_map =
+ Teuchos::RCP<MapType> input_map =
parallel_partitioner.make_tpetra_map_rcp(communicator, false);
if (vector->getMap()->isSameAs(*input_map) == false)
- vector = std::make_unique<
- Tpetra::Vector<Number, int, types::signed_global_dof_index>>(
- input_map);
+ vector = Teuchos::rcp(new VectorType(input_map));
else if (omit_zeroing_entries == false)
+ template <typename Number>
+ void
+ Vector<Number>::reinit(const IndexSet &locally_owned_entries,
+ const IndexSet &ghost_entries,
+ const MPI_Comm communicator)
+ {
+ IndexSet parallel_partitioner = locally_owned_entries;
+ parallel_partitioner.add_indices(ghost_entries);
+ Teuchos::RCP<MapType> input_map =
+ parallel_partitioner.make_tpetra_map_rcp(communicator, true);
+ vector = Teuchos::rcp(new VectorType(input_map));
+ }
template <typename Number>
Vector<Number>::reinit(const Vector<Number> &V,
- vector = std::make_unique<
- Tpetra::Vector<Number, int, types::signed_global_dof_index>>(
- V.trilinos_vector());
+ vector = Teuchos::rcp(new VectorType(V.trilinos_vector()));
return *this;
const ReadWriteVector<Number> &V,
VectorOperation::values operation,
- const std::shared_ptr<const Utilities::MPI::CommunicationPatternBase>
+ const Teuchos::RCP<const Utilities::MPI::CommunicationPatternBase>
// If no communication pattern is given, create one. Otherwise, use the
// one given.
- if (communication_pattern == nullptr)
+ if (communication_pattern.is_null())
// The first time import is called, a communication pattern is
// created. Check if the communication pattern already exists and if
- tpetra_comm_pattern = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<
+ tpetra_comm_pattern = Teuchos::rcp_dynamic_cast<
const TpetraWrappers::CommunicationPattern>(communication_pattern);
- tpetra_comm_pattern != nullptr,
+ tpetra_comm_pattern.is_null(),
std::string("The communication pattern is not of type ") +
- Tpetra::Export<int, types::signed_global_dof_index> tpetra_export(
- tpetra_comm_pattern->get_tpetra_export());
- Tpetra::Vector<Number, int, types::signed_global_dof_index> source_vector(
- tpetra_export.getSourceMap());
+ Teuchos::RCP<const Tpetra::Export<int, types::signed_global_dof_index>>
+ tpetra_export = tpetra_comm_pattern->get_tpetra_export_rcp();
+ VectorType source_vector(tpetra_export->getSourceMap());
# endif
if (operation == VectorOperation::insert)
- vector->doExport(source_vector, tpetra_export, Tpetra::REPLACE);
+ vector->doExport(source_vector, *tpetra_export, Tpetra::REPLACE);
else if (operation == VectorOperation::add)
- vector->doExport(source_vector, tpetra_export, Tpetra::ADD);
+ vector->doExport(source_vector, *tpetra_export, Tpetra::ADD);
AssertThrow(false, ExcNotImplemented());
+ template <typename Number>
+ void
+ Vector<Number>::import_elements(
+ const ReadWriteVector<Number> &V,
+ VectorOperation::values operation,
+ const std::shared_ptr<const Utilities::MPI::CommunicationPatternBase>
+ &communication_pattern)
+ {
+ import_elements(V, operation);
+ }
+ template <typename Number>
+ void
+ Vector<Number>::import_elements(const ReadWriteVector<Number> &V,
+ VectorOperation::values operation)
+ {
+ // Create an empty CommunicationPattern
+ const Teuchos::RCP<const Utilities::MPI::CommunicationPatternBase>
+ communication_pattern_empty;
+ import_elements(V, operation, communication_pattern_empty);
+ }
template <typename Number>
Vector<Number> &
Vector<Number>::operator*=(const Number factor)
+ template <typename Number>
+ Teuchos::RCP<Tpetra::Vector<Number, int, types::signed_global_dof_index>>
+ Vector<Number>::trilinos_rcp()
+ {
+ return vector;
+ }
+ template <typename Number>
+ Teuchos::RCP<
+ const Tpetra::Vector<Number, int, types::signed_global_dof_index>>
+ Vector<Number>::trilinos_rcp() const
+ {
+ return vector.getConst();
+ }
template <typename Number>
Vector<Number>::print(std::ostream &out,
+ template <typename Number>
+ const MPI_Comm
+ Vector<Number>::mpi_comm() const
+ {
+ MPI_Comm out;
+ const Teuchos::MpiComm<int> *mpi_comm =
+ dynamic_cast<const Teuchos::MpiComm<int> *>(
+ vector->getMap()->getComm().get());
+ out = *mpi_comm->getRawMpiComm();
+# else
+ out = MPI_COMM_SELF;
+# endif
+ return out;
+ }
template <typename Number>
const MPI_Comm mpi_comm)
source_stored_elements = source_index_set;
tpetra_comm_pattern =
- std::make_shared<TpetraWrappers::CommunicationPattern>(
- locally_owned_elements(), source_index_set, mpi_comm);
+ Teuchos::rcp(new TpetraWrappers::CommunicationPattern(
+ locally_owned_elements(), source_index_set, mpi_comm));
} // namespace TpetraWrappers
} // namespace LinearAlgebra