namespace Utilities
- * Construct TriangulationDescription::Description from a given
- * partitioned triangulation `tria` and a specified process.
+ * Construct a TriangulationDescription::Description object that for the
+ * current process, using a given triangulation `tria` describes how
+ * one can re-create a partitioned triangulation (such as a
+ * parallel::fullydistributed::Triangulation).
* The input triangulation can be either
* a serial triangulation of type dealii::Triangulation which has been
- * colored (subdomain_id and/or level_subdomain_id has been set) or a
- * distributed triangulation of type
- * dealii::parallel::distributed::Triangulation, where the partitioning is
- * adopted unaltered.
- *
- * Example for a serial Triangulation:
+ * colored (i.e., for which the subdomain_id and/or level_subdomain_id have
+ * been set to create partitions), or a distributed triangulation of type
+ * dealii::parallel::distributed::Triangulation, where the output of
+ * this function takes over the existing partitioning unaltered.
+ * An example for a serial Triangulation looks like this:
* @code
* Triangulation<dim, spacedim> tria_base;
- * // fill serial triangulation (e.g., read external mesh)
+ * // Create a serial triangulation (here by reading an external mesh):
* GridIn<dim, spacedim> grid_in;
* grid_in.attach_triangulation(tria_base);
- * // partition serial triangulation
+ * // Partition serial triangulation:
* GridTools::partition_triangulation(
* Utilities::MPI::n_mpi_processes(comm), tria_base);
- * // create description
+ * // Create building blocks:
* const TriangulationDescription::Description<dim, spacedim> description =
* TriangulationDescription::Utilities::
* create_description_from_triangulation(tria_base, comm);
- * // create triangulation
+ * // Create a fully distributed triangulation:
* parallel::fullydistributed::Triangulation<dim, spacedim> tria_pft(comm);
* tria_pft.create_triangulation(description);
* @endcode
+ * In this example, *all* processes in a parallel universe read the same
+ * mesh, and partition it in the same way based on the subdomain ids set
+ * by GridTools::partition_triangulation(). Then, on each process,
+ * the current function creates building blocks that extract information
+ * about those cells whose subdomain ids match the current process's
+ * rank (plus perhaps other necessary information), and in a last step,
+ * we create a fully distributed triangulation out of these building blocks.
- * Example for parallel::distributed::Triangulation (partitioning can be
- * skipped, since the triangulation has already been partitioned by p4est):
- *
+ * In contrast, when starting with a parallel::distributed::Triangulation
+ * object, partitioning can be skipped, since the triangulation has already
+ * been partitioned and the corresponding code looks as follows:
* @code
* parallel::distributed::Triangulation<dim, spacedim> tria_base(comm);
- * // fill tria_base (not shown)
+ * // Create a triangulation (not shown, see for example step-40)
+ * ...
- * // create triangulation
+ * // Create building blocks:
* const TriangulationDescription::Description<dim, spacedim> description =
* TriangulationDescription::Utilities::
* create_description_from_triangulation(tria_base, comm);
- * // create triangulation
+ * // Create a fully distributed triangulation:
* parallel::fullydistributed::Triangulation<dim, spacedim> tria_pft(comm);
* tria_pft.create_triangulation(description);
* @endcode
+ * This code therefore takes a dealii::parallel::distributed::Triangulation
+ * object (such as the ones used, for example, in step-40 and many other
+ * tutorial programs) and converts it into a
+ * dealii::parallel::fullydistributed::Triangulation.
- * @param tria Partitioned input triangulation.
- * @param comm MPI_Communicator to be used. In the case
- * of dealii::parallel::distributed::Triangulation, the communicators have
- * to match.
- * @param settings See the description of the Settings enumerator.
- * @param my_rank_in Construct Description for the specified rank (only
- * working for serial triangulations that have been partitioned by
- * functions like GridTools::partition_triangulation()).
- * @return Description to be used to set up a Triangulation.
+ * @param[in] tria The input triangulation. This function uses the
+ * partitioning provided by either explicitly setting subdomain_ids (if the
+ * triangulation is sequential) or based on how the existing triangulation
+ * is already distributed to different processes.
+ * @param[in] comm The MPI communicator to be used. If the input
+ * triangulation is parallel, then the communicators have to match.
+ * @param[in] settings See the description of the Settings enumerator.
+ * @param[in] my_rank_in Construct Description for the specified rank. This
+ * parameter can only be set for serial input triangulations that have
+ * been partitioned by functions like GridTools::partition_triangulation().
+ * For parallel input triangulations, `my_rank_in` needs to equal to the
+ * default value, or to the rank of the current process within the given
+ * communicator.
+ * @return The Description object that can then be used to set up a
+ * dealii::parallel::fullydistributed::Triangulation.
- * @note If construct_multigrid_hierarchy is set in the settings, the source
- * triangulation has to be set up with limit_level_difference_at_vertices.
+ * @note If `construct_multigrid_hierarchy` is set in the @p settings, then
+ * the input triangulation has to be set up with
+ * `limit_level_difference_at_vertices` among the triangulation's
+ * smoothing flags provided to the triangulation constructor.
template <int dim, int spacedim = dim>
Description<dim, spacedim>
const unsigned int my_rank_in = numbers::invalid_unsigned_int);
- * Similar to the above function but the owner of active cells are provided
- * by a cell vector (see also
+ * Similar to the above function but the desired owners of active cells are
+ * not provided via the subdomain_ids of cells, but rather by the
+ * corresponding values of a cell vector (see also
* parallel::TriangulationBase::global_active_cell_index_partitioner() and
- * CellAccessor::global_active_cell_index()). This function allows to
- * repartition distributed Triangulation objects.
+ * CellAccessor::global_active_cell_index()). This function allows
+ * repartitioning Triangulation objects that are already distributed and
+ * that may be partitioned differently than the desired partitioning.
- * If the setup of multigrid levels is requested, they are partitioned
- * according to a first-child policy.
+ * If the setup of multigrid levels is requested by the @p settings argument,
+ * they are partitioned according to a first-child policy.
* @note The communicator is extracted from the vector @p partition.
* subcommunicator need to set up the local triangulation with the
* special-purpose communicator MPI_COMM_NULL.
- * @note The multgrid levels are currently not constructed, since
+ * @note The multigrid levels are currently not constructed, since
* @p partition only describes the partitioning of the active level.
template <int dim, int spacedim>