* Coarsen and refine the mesh according to refinement and coarsening
* flags set.
- * Since the current processor only has control over those cells it owns
- * (i.e. the ones for which <code>cell-@>subdomain_id() ==
- * this-@>locally_owned_subdomain()</code>), refinement and coarsening
- * flags are only respected for those locally owned cells. Flags may be
- * set on other cells as well (and may often, in fact, if you call
- * dealii::Triangulation::prepare_coarsening_and_refinement()) but will
- * be largely ignored: the decision to refine the global mesh will only
- * be affected by flags set on locally owned cells.
+ * Since the current processor only has control over those cells
+ * it owns (i.e. the ones for which <code>cell-@>subdomain_id()
+ * == this-@>locally_owned_subdomain()</code>), refinement and
+ * coarsening flags are only respected for those locally owned
+ * cells. Flags set on other cells will be ignored: the decision
+ * to refine the global mesh will only be affected by flags set
+ * on locally owned cells.
+ *
+ * This is a
+ * @ref GlossCollectiveOperation "collective operation"
+ * and needs to be called by all participating MPI ranks.
* @note This function by default partitions the mesh in such a way that
* the number of cells on all processors is roughly equal. If you want
execute_coarsening_and_refinement() override;
- * Override the implementation of prepare_coarsening_and_refinement from
- * the base class. This is necessary if periodic boundaries are enabled
- * and the level difference over vertices over the periodic boundary
- * must not be more than 2:1.
+ * Prepare the triangulation for coarsening and refinement.
+ *
+ * This function performs necessary modifications of the
+ * coarsening and refinement flags to be consistent in parallel,
+ * to conform to smoothing flags set, and to conform to 2:1
+ * hanging node constraints.
+ *
+ * This is a
+ * @ref GlossCollectiveOperation "collective operation"
+ * and needs to be called by all participating MPI ranks.
virtual bool
prepare_coarsening_and_refinement() override;
memory_consumption_p4est() const;
- * A @ref GlossCollectiveOperation "collective operation" that produces a sequence of output files with
+ * A
+ * @ref GlossCollectiveOperation "collective operation"
+ * that produces a sequence of output files with
* the given file base name that contain the mesh in VTK format.
* More than anything else, this function is useful for debugging the