nullptr, \
nullptr, \
- ::dealii::StandardExceptions::ExcInternalError())
+ ::dealii::StandardExceptions::ExcMessage( \
+ "The program has hit a line of code that the programmer " \
+ "marked with the macro DEAL_II_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE() to " \
+ "indicate that the program should never reach this " \
+ "location. You will have to find out (best done in a " \
+ "debugger) why that happened. Typical reasons include " \
+ "passing invalid arguments to functions (for example, if " \
+ "a function takes an 'enum' with two possible values " \
+ "as argument, but you call the function with a third " \
+ "value), or if the programmer of the code that triggered " \
+ "the error believed that a variable can only have " \
+ "specific values, but either that assumption is wrong " \
+ "or the computation of that value is buggy." \
+ "\n\n" \
+ "In those latter conditions, where some internal " \
+ "assumption is not satisfied, there may not be very " \
+ "much you can do if you encounter such an exception, " \
+ "since it indicates an error in deal.II, not in your " \
+ "own program. If that is the situation you encounter, " \
+ "try to come up with " \
+ "the smallest possible program that still demonstrates " \
+ "the error and contact the deal.II mailing lists with it " \
+ "to obtain help."))
namespace deal_II_exceptions