# include <deal.II/lac/read_vector.h>
# include <deal.II/lac/trilinos_tpetra_communication_pattern.h>
+# include <deal.II/lac/vector.h>
# include <deal.II/lac/vector_operation.h>
# include <deal.II/lac/vector_type_traits.h>
Vector &
operator=(const Vector &V);
+ /**
+ * Copy function. This function takes a Vector and copies all the
+ * elements. The Vector will have the same parallel distribution as @p
+ * V.
+ */
+ template <typename OtherNumber>
+ Vector &
+ operator=(const dealii::Vector<OtherNumber> &V);
* Sets all elements of the vector to the scalar @p s. This operation is
* only allowed if @p s is equal to zero.
+ template <typename Number, typename MemorySpace>
+ template <typename OtherNumber>
+ Vector<Number, MemorySpace> &
+ Vector<Number, MemorySpace>::operator=(const dealii::Vector<OtherNumber> &V)
+ {
+ static_assert(
+ std::is_same<Number, OtherNumber>::value,
+ "TpetraWrappers::Vector and dealii::Vector must use the same number type here.");
+ vector.reset();
+ nonlocal_vector.reset();
+ Teuchos::Array<OtherNumber> vector_data(V.begin(), V.end());
+ vector = Utilities::Trilinos::internal::make_rcp<VectorType>(
+ V.locally_owned_elements().make_tpetra_map_rcp(), vector_data);
+ has_ghost = false;
+ compressed = true;
+ return *this;
+ }
template <typename Number, typename MemorySpace>
Vector<Number, MemorySpace> &
Vector<Number, MemorySpace>::operator=(const Number s)
} // namespace TrilinosWrappers
# endif
+namespace LinearAlgebra
+ namespace TpetraWrappers
+ {
+ template <typename Number, typename MemorySpace>
+ class Vector;
+ }
+} // namespace LinearAlgebra
+# endif
template <typename number>
class LAPACKFullMatrix;
explicit Vector(const TrilinosWrappers::MPI::Vector &v);
+ /**
+ * Another copy constructor: copy the values from a Trilinos wrapper vector.
+ * This copy constructor is only available if Trilinos was detected during
+ * configuration time.
+ *
+ * @note Due to the communication model used in MPI, this operation can
+ * only succeed if all processes that have knowledge of @p v
+ * (i.e. those given by <code>v.get_mpi_communicator()</code>) do it at
+ * the same time. This means that unless you use a split MPI communicator
+ * then it is not normally possible for only one or a subset of processes
+ * to obtain a copy of a parallel vector while the other jobs do something
+ * else. In other words, calling this function is a @ref GlossCollectiveOperation "collective operation"
+ * that needs to be executed by all MPI processes that jointly share @p v.
+ */
+ template <typename OtherNumber, typename MemorySpace>
+ explicit Vector(
+ const LinearAlgebra::TpetraWrappers::Vector<OtherNumber, MemorySpace> &v);
* Constructor. Set dimension to @p n and initialize all elements with zero.
operator=(const TrilinosWrappers::MPI::Vector &v);
+ /**
+ * Another copy operator: copy the values from a (sequential or parallel,
+ * depending on the underlying compiler) Trilinos wrapper vector class. This
+ * operator is only available if Trilinos was detected during configuration
+ * time.
+ *
+ * @note Due to the communication model used in MPI, this operation can
+ * only succeed if all processes that have knowledge of @p v
+ * (i.e. those given by <code>v.get_mpi_communicator()</code>) do it at
+ * the same time. This means that unless you use a split MPI communicator
+ * then it is not normally possible for only one or a subset of processes
+ * to obtain a copy of a parallel vector while the other jobs do something
+ * else. In other words, calling this function is a @ref GlossCollectiveOperation "collective operation"
+ * that needs to be executed by all MPI processes that jointly share @p v.
+ */
+ template <typename OtherNumber, typename MemorySpace>
+ Vector<Number> &
+ operator=(
+ const LinearAlgebra::TpetraWrappers::Vector<OtherNumber, MemorySpace> &v);
* Test for equality. This function assumes that the present vector and the
* one to compare with have the same size already, since comparing vectors
# include <deal.II/lac/trilinos_vector.h>
+# include <deal.II/lac/trilinos_tpetra_vector.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
+template <typename Number>
+template <typename OtherNumber, typename MemorySpace>
+ const LinearAlgebra::TpetraWrappers::Vector<OtherNumber, MemorySpace> &v)
+ : values(v.size())
+ static_assert(
+ std::is_same<Number, OtherNumber>::value,
+ "TpetraWrappers::Vector and dealii::Vector must use the same number type here.");
+ if (size() != 0)
+ {
+ // Copy the distributed vector to
+ // a local one at all processors
+ // that know about the original vector.
+ typename LinearAlgebra::TpetraWrappers::Vector<OtherNumber,
+ MemorySpace>::VectorType
+ localized_vector(complete_index_set(size()).make_tpetra_map_rcp(),
+ v.get_mpi_communicator());
+ Teuchos::RCP<const typename LinearAlgebra::TpetraWrappers::
+ Vector<OtherNumber, MemorySpace>::ImportType>
+ importer = Tpetra::createImport(v.trilinos_vector().getMap(),
+ localized_vector.getMap());
+ localized_vector.doImport(v.trilinos_vector(), *importer, Tpetra::INSERT);
+ // get a kokkos view from the localized_vector
+ auto localized_vector_2d =
+ localized_vector.template getLocalView<Kokkos::HostSpace>(
+ Tpetra::Access::ReadOnly);
+# else
+ localized_vector.template sync<Kokkos::HostSpace>();
+ auto localized_vector_2d =
+ localized_vector.template getLocalView<Kokkos::HostSpace>();
+# endif
+ auto localized_vector_1d =
+ Kokkos::subview(localized_vector_2d, Kokkos::ALL(), 0);
+ const size_t local_length = localized_vector.getLocalLength();
+ Kokkos::DefaultHostExecutionSpace exec;
+ Kokkos::View<Number *, Kokkos::HostSpace> values_view(values.data(),
+ local_length);
+ Kokkos::deep_copy(exec, values_view, localized_vector_1d);
+ exec.fence();
+ }
template <typename Number>
inline Vector<Number> &
Vector<Number>::operator=(const Vector<Number> &v)
+template <typename Number>
+template <typename OtherNumber, typename MemorySpace>
+Vector<Number> &
+ const LinearAlgebra::TpetraWrappers::Vector<OtherNumber, MemorySpace> &v)
+ static_assert(
+ std::is_same<Number, OtherNumber>::value,
+ "TpetraWrappers::Vector and dealii::Vector must use the same number type here.");
+ if (v.size() != size())
+ reinit(v.size(), true);
+ if (size() != 0)
+ {
+ // Copy the distributed vector to
+ // a local one at all processors
+ // that know about the original vector.
+ typename LinearAlgebra::TpetraWrappers::Vector<OtherNumber,
+ MemorySpace>::VectorType
+ localized_vector(complete_index_set(size()).make_tpetra_map_rcp(),
+ v.get_mpi_communicator());
+ Teuchos::RCP<const typename LinearAlgebra::TpetraWrappers::
+ Vector<OtherNumber, MemorySpace>::ImportType>
+ importer = Tpetra::createImport(v.trilinos_vector().getMap(),
+ localized_vector.getMap());
+ localized_vector.doImport(v.trilinos_vector(), *importer, Tpetra::INSERT);
+ // get a kokkos view from the localized_vector
+ auto localized_vector_2d =
+ localized_vector.template getLocalView<Kokkos::HostSpace>(
+ Tpetra::Access::ReadOnly);
+# else
+ localized_vector.template sync<Kokkos::HostSpace>();
+ auto localized_vector_2d =
+ localized_vector.template getLocalView<Kokkos::HostSpace>();
+# endif
+ auto localized_vector_1d =
+ Kokkos::subview(localized_vector_2d, Kokkos::ALL(), 0);
+ const size_t local_length = localized_vector.getLocalLength();
+ Kokkos::DefaultHostExecutionSpace exec;
+ Kokkos::View<Number *, Kokkos::HostSpace> values_view(values.data(),
+ local_length);
+ Kokkos::deep_copy(exec, values_view, localized_vector_1d);
+ exec.fence();
+ }
+ return *this;
template <typename Number>
template <typename Number2>
# endif
template class Vector<float>;
+ template Vector<float> &
+ Vector<float>::operator=<float>(const dealii::Vector<float> &);
namespace internal
template class VectorReference<float>;
# endif
template class Vector<double>;
+ template Vector<double> &
+ Vector<double>::operator=<double>(const dealii::Vector<double> &);
namespace internal
template class VectorReference<double>;
# endif
template class Vector<std::complex<float>>;
+ template Vector<std::complex<float>> &
+ Vector<std::complex<float>>::operator=
+ <std::complex<float>>(const dealii::Vector<std::complex<float>> &);
namespace internal
template class VectorReference<std::complex<float>>;
# endif
template class Vector<std::complex<double>>;
+ template Vector<std::complex<double>> &
+ Vector<std::complex<double>>::operator=
+ <std::complex<double>>(const dealii::Vector<std::complex<double>> &);
namespace internal
template class VectorReference<std::complex<double>>;
return -1;
+template Vector<float>::Vector(
+ const LinearAlgebra::TpetraWrappers::Vector<float> &);
+template Vector<float> &
+ <float>(const LinearAlgebra::TpetraWrappers::Vector<float> &);
+# endif
+template Vector<double>::Vector(
+ const LinearAlgebra::TpetraWrappers::Vector<double> &);
+template Vector<double> &
+ <double>(const LinearAlgebra::TpetraWrappers::Vector<double> &);
+# endif
+template Vector<std::complex<float>>::Vector(
+ const LinearAlgebra::TpetraWrappers::Vector<std::complex<float>> &);
+template Vector<std::complex<float>> &
+ const LinearAlgebra::TpetraWrappers::Vector<std::complex<float>> &);
+# endif
+template Vector<std::complex<double>>::Vector(
+ const LinearAlgebra::TpetraWrappers::Vector<std::complex<double>> &);
+template Vector<std::complex<double>> &
+ const LinearAlgebra::TpetraWrappers::Vector<std::complex<double>> &);
+# endif
+# endif