--- /dev/null
+< smoother_data[0].smoothing_range = 1e-3;
+< smoother_data[0].degree = numbers::invalid_unsigned_int;
+< smoother_data[0].eig_cg_n_iterations = mg_matrices[0].m();
+> smoother_data[0].smoothing_range = 20;
+> smoother_data[0].degree = 5;
+> smoother_data[0].max_eigenvalue = 2;
+> smoother_data[0].eig_cg_n_iterations = 0;
+> smoother_data[level].eigenvalue_algorithm =
+> internal::EigenvalueAlgorithm::power_iteration;
+< pcout << "Total setup time (wall) " << setup_time << "s\n";
+< << (solver_control.last_step() < 10 ? " " : " ") << "(CPU/wall) "
+< << time.cpu_time() << "s/" << time.wall_time() << "s\n";
+> << std::endl;
+< {
+< const unsigned int n_vect_doubles = VectorizedArray<double>::size();
+< const unsigned int n_vect_bits = 8 * sizeof(double) * n_vect_doubles;
+< pcout << "Vectorization over " << n_vect_doubles
+< << " doubles = " << n_vect_bits << " bits ("
+< << Utilities::System::get_current_vectorization_level() << ')'
+< << std::endl;
+< }
+< for (unsigned int cycle = 0; cycle < 9 - dim; ++cycle)
+> for (unsigned int cycle = 0; cycle < 5; ++cycle)
--- /dev/null
+Cycle 0
+Number of degrees of freedom: 125
+Time solve (5 iterations)
+Cycle 1
+Number of degrees of freedom: 729
+Time solve (6 iterations)
+Cycle 2
+Number of degrees of freedom: 4913
+Time solve (6 iterations)
+Cycle 3
+Number of degrees of freedom: 35937
+Time solve (6 iterations)
+Cycle 4
+Number of degrees of freedom: 274625
+Time solve (6 iterations)
--- /dev/null
+< // it is passed as a template argument to the implementation of the
+> // it is passed as a template argument to the implementation of the
+< , n_global_refinements(10 - 2 * dim)
+> , n_global_refinements(9 - 2 * dim)
+< , final_time(10.)
+> , final_time(-5.)
+< {
+< pcout << "Number of MPI ranks: "
+< << Utilities::MPI::n_mpi_processes(MPI_COMM_WORLD) << std::endl;
+< pcout << "Number of threads on each rank: "
+< << MultithreadInfo::n_threads() << std::endl;
+< const unsigned int n_vect_doubles = VectorizedArray<double>::size();
+< const unsigned int n_vect_bits = 8 * sizeof(double) * n_vect_doubles;
+< pcout << "Vectorization over " << n_vect_doubles
+< << " doubles = " << n_vect_bits << " bits ("
+< << Utilities::System::get_current_vectorization_level() << ')'
+< << std::endl
+< << std::endl;
+< }
+< double wtime = 0;
+< double output_time = 0;
+< wtime += timer.wall_time();
+< timer.restart();
+< output_time += timer.wall_time();
+< timer.restart();
+< output_time += timer.wall_time();
+< pcout << " Average wallclock time per time step: "
+< << wtime / timestep_number << 's' << std::endl;
+< pcout << " Spent " << output_time << "s on output and " << wtime
+< << "s on computations." << std::endl;
+< argc, argv, numbers::invalid_unsigned_int);
+> argc, argv, 2);
--- /dev/null
+ Number of global active cells: 3892
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 63529
+ Time step size: 0.00586166, finest cell: 0.234375
+ Time: -10, solution norm: 9.5599
+ Time: -8.83, solution norm: 23.497
+ Time: -7.66, solution norm: 29.495
+ Time: -6.48, solution norm: 27.202
+ Time: -5.31, solution norm: 18.398
+ Time: -5, solution norm: 15.171
+ Performed 853 time steps.
--- /dev/null
+< const unsigned int degree_finite_element = 8;
+> const unsigned int degree_finite_element = 5;
+< smoother_data[level].eig_cg_n_iterations = 10;
+> smoother_data[level].eig_cg_n_iterations = 15;
+< smoother_data[0].smoothing_range = 2e-2;
+< smoother_data[0].degree = numbers::invalid_unsigned_int;
+> smoother_data[0].smoothing_range = 100;
+> smoother_data[0].degree = 15;
+> smoother_data[0].max_eigenvalue = 4;
+> smoother_data[level].eigenvalue_algorithm =
+> internal::EigenvalueAlgorithm::power_iteration;
+< pcout << "Total setup time " << setup_time << " s\n";
+< pcout << "Time solve (" << solver_control.last_step() << " iterations) "
+< << time.wall_time() << " s" << std::endl;
+> pcout << "Time solve (" << solver_control.last_step() << " iterations) "
+> << std::endl;
+< for (unsigned int cycle = 0; cycle < 9 - dim; ++cycle)
+> for (unsigned int cycle = 0; cycle < 3; ++cycle)
--- /dev/null
+Running with 1 MPI process, element FE_DGQHermite<3>(5)
+Cycle 0
+Number of degrees of freedom: 1728
+Time solve (13 iterations)
+Verification via L2 error: 0.667141
+Cycle 1
+Number of degrees of freedom: 13824
+Time solve (14 iterations)
+Verification via L2 error: 0.0232412
+Cycle 2
+Number of degrees of freedom: 110592
+Time solve (14 iterations)
+Verification via L2 error: 0.00034861
--- /dev/null
+> #include <deal.II/base/multithread_info.h>
+< triangulation.refine_global(9 - 2 * dim);
+> triangulation.refine_global(2);
+< timer.print_summary();
+< std::cout << " Memory consumption cache: "
+< << 1e-6 * mapping.memory_consumption() << " MB" << std::endl;
+< timer.print_summary();
+> dealii::MultithreadInfo::set_thread_limit(2);
--- /dev/null
+====== Running with the basic MappingQ class ======
+ Number of active cells: 832
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 22981
+ Number of solver iterations: 138
+ L2 error vs exact solution: 1.39878e-06
+ H1 error vs exact solution: 5.16394e-05
+ Max cell-wise error estimate: 0.0217657
+====== Running with the optimized MappingQCache class ======
+ Number of active cells: 832
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 22981
+ Number of solver iterations: 138
+ L2 error vs exact solution: 1.39878e-06
+ H1 error vs exact solution: 5.16394e-05
+ Max cell-wise error estimate: 0.0217657