* };
* ```
+ * @note Conceptually, this class is not so different from
+ * [std::future](https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/thread/future), which
+ * can also be used to represent a possibly-not-yet-available value on which
+ * one can wait when used with the "deferred" policy of
+ * [std::async](https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/thread/async).
+ * In particular, the following code could be used in place
+ * of the one above:
+ * ```
+ * template<...>
+ * class FE
+ * {
+ * public:
+ * FE () {
+ * prolongation_matrix = std::async(std::launch::deferred,
+ * [&](){
+ * // Some expensive operation initializing the prolongation matrix
+ * // that we only want to perform once and when necessary.
+ * });
+ * }
+ *
+ * const FullMatrix<double> & get_prolongation_matrix() const
+ * {
+ * return prolongation_matrix.get();
+ * }
+ *
+ * private:
+ * std::future<FullMatrix<double>> prolongation_matrix;
+ * };
+ * ```
+ * The difference to what Lazy does is that for Lazy, the action must be
+ * specified in the place where we want to access the deferred computation's
+ * result. In contrast, in the scheme with `std::future` and `std::async`,
+ * the action has to be provided at the point where the `std::future`
+ * object is initialized. Both are valid approaches and, depending on
+ * context, can usefully be employed. The difference is simply in what
+ * kind of information the provided lambda function can capture: Is it
+ * the environment available at the time the constructor is run, or the
+ * environment available at the time the access function is run. The latter
+ * has the advantage that the information captured is always up to date,
+ * whereas in the scheme with `std::async`, one has to be careful not to
+ * capture information in the lambda function that could be changed by later
+ * calls to member functions but before the lambda function is finally
+ * evaluated in the getter function.
+ *
* @dealiiConceptRequires{std::is_move_constructible_v<T> &&
std::is_move_assignable_v<T >}