--- /dev/null
+# Listing of Parameters
+# ---------------------
+subsection Distributed Lagrange<1,2>
+ set Coupling quadrature order = 3
+ set Dirichlet boundary ids = 0, 1, 2, 3
+ set Embedded configuration finite element degree = 1
+ set Embedded space finite element degree = 1
+ set Embedding space finite element degree = 1
+ set Initial embedded space refinement = 8
+ set Initial embedding space refinement = 4
+ set Local refinements steps near embedded domain = 3
+ set Use displacement in embedded interface = false
+ set Verbosity level = 10
+ subsection Embedded configuration
+ # Sometimes it is convenient to use symbolic constants in the expression
+ # that describes the function, rather than having to use its numeric value
+ # everywhere the constant appears. These values can be defined using this
+ # parameter, in the form `var1=value1, var2=value2, ...'.
+ #
+ # A typical example would be to set this runtime parameter to
+ # `pi=3.1415926536' and then use `pi' in the expression of the actual
+ # formula. (That said, for convenience this class actually defines both
+ # `pi' and `Pi' by default, but you get the idea.)
+ set Function constants = R=.3, Cx=.4, Cy=.4 # default:
+ # The formula that denotes the function you want to evaluate for
+ # particular values of the independent variables. This expression may
+ # contain any of the usual operations such as addition or multiplication,
+ # as well as all of the common functions such as `sin' or `cos'. In
+ # addition, it may contain expressions like `if(x>0, 1, -1)' where the
+ # expression evaluates to the second argument if the first argument is
+ # true, and to the third argument otherwise. For a full overview of
+ # possible expressions accepted see the documentation of the muparser
+ # library at http://muparser.beltoforion.de/.
+ #
+ # If the function you are describing represents a vector-valued function
+ # with multiple components, then separate the expressions for individual
+ # components by a semicolon.
+ set Function expression = R*cos(2*pi*x)+Cx; R*sin(2*pi*x)+Cy # default: 0
+ # The names of the variables as they will be used in the function,
+ # separated by commas. By default, the names of variables at which the
+ # function will be evaluated are `x' (in 1d), `x,y' (in 2d) or `x,y,z' (in
+ # 3d) for spatial coordinates and `t' for time. You can then use these
+ # variable names in your function expression and they will be replaced by
+ # the values of these variables at which the function is currently
+ # evaluated. However, you can also choose a different set of names for the
+ # independent variables at which to evaluate your function expression. For
+ # example, if you work in spherical coordinates, you may wish to set this
+ # input parameter to `r,phi,theta,t' and then use these variable names in
+ # your function expression.
+ set Variable names = x,y,t
+ end
+ subsection Embedded value
+ # Sometimes it is convenient to use symbolic constants in the expression
+ # that describes the function, rather than having to use its numeric value
+ # everywhere the constant appears. These values can be defined using this
+ # parameter, in the form `var1=value1, var2=value2, ...'.
+ #
+ # A typical example would be to set this runtime parameter to
+ # `pi=3.1415926536' and then use `pi' in the expression of the actual
+ # formula. (That said, for convenience this class actually defines both
+ # `pi' and `Pi' by default, but you get the idea.)
+ set Function constants =
+ # The formula that denotes the function you want to evaluate for
+ # particular values of the independent variables. This expression may
+ # contain any of the usual operations such as addition or multiplication,
+ # as well as all of the common functions such as `sin' or `cos'. In
+ # addition, it may contain expressions like `if(x>0, 1, -1)' where the
+ # expression evaluates to the second argument if the first argument is
+ # true, and to the third argument otherwise. For a full overview of
+ # possible expressions accepted see the documentation of the muparser
+ # library at http://muparser.beltoforion.de/.
+ #
+ # If the function you are describing represents a vector-valued function
+ # with multiple components, then separate the expressions for individual
+ # components by a semicolon.
+ set Function expression = 1 # default: 0
+ # The names of the variables as they will be used in the function,
+ # separated by commas. By default, the names of variables at which the
+ # function will be evaluated are `x' (in 1d), `x,y' (in 2d) or `x,y,z' (in
+ # 3d) for spatial coordinates and `t' for time. You can then use these
+ # variable names in your function expression and they will be replaced by
+ # the values of these variables at which the function is currently
+ # evaluated. However, you can also choose a different set of names for the
+ # independent variables at which to evaluate your function expression. For
+ # example, if you work in spherical coordinates, you may wish to set this
+ # input parameter to `r,phi,theta,t' and then use these variable names in
+ # your function expression.
+ set Variable names = x,y,t
+ end
+ subsection Embedding Dirichlet boundary conditions
+ # Sometimes it is convenient to use symbolic constants in the expression
+ # that describes the function, rather than having to use its numeric value
+ # everywhere the constant appears. These values can be defined using this
+ # parameter, in the form `var1=value1, var2=value2, ...'.
+ #
+ # A typical example would be to set this runtime parameter to
+ # `pi=3.1415926536' and then use `pi' in the expression of the actual
+ # formula. (That said, for convenience this class actually defines both
+ # `pi' and `Pi' by default, but you get the idea.)
+ set Function constants =
+ # The formula that denotes the function you want to evaluate for
+ # particular values of the independent variables. This expression may
+ # contain any of the usual operations such as addition or multiplication,
+ # as well as all of the common functions such as `sin' or `cos'. In
+ # addition, it may contain expressions like `if(x>0, 1, -1)' where the
+ # expression evaluates to the second argument if the first argument is
+ # true, and to the third argument otherwise. For a full overview of
+ # possible expressions accepted see the documentation of the muparser
+ # library at http://muparser.beltoforion.de/.
+ #
+ # If the function you are describing represents a vector-valued function
+ # with multiple components, then separate the expressions for individual
+ # components by a semicolon.
+ set Function expression = 0
+ # The names of the variables as they will be used in the function,
+ # separated by commas. By default, the names of variables at which the
+ # function will be evaluated are `x' (in 1d), `x,y' (in 2d) or `x,y,z' (in
+ # 3d) for spatial coordinates and `t' for time. You can then use these
+ # variable names in your function expression and they will be replaced by
+ # the values of these variables at which the function is currently
+ # evaluated. However, you can also choose a different set of names for the
+ # independent variables at which to evaluate your function expression. For
+ # example, if you work in spherical coordinates, you may wish to set this
+ # input parameter to `r,phi,theta,t' and then use these variable names in
+ # your function expression.
+ set Variable names = x,y,t
+ end
+ subsection Embedding rhs function
+ # Sometimes it is convenient to use symbolic constants in the expression
+ # that describes the function, rather than having to use its numeric value
+ # everywhere the constant appears. These values can be defined using this
+ # parameter, in the form `var1=value1, var2=value2, ...'.
+ #
+ # A typical example would be to set this runtime parameter to
+ # `pi=3.1415926536' and then use `pi' in the expression of the actual
+ # formula. (That said, for convenience this class actually defines both
+ # `pi' and `Pi' by default, but you get the idea.)
+ set Function constants =
+ # The formula that denotes the function you want to evaluate for
+ # particular values of the independent variables. This expression may
+ # contain any of the usual operations such as addition or multiplication,
+ # as well as all of the common functions such as `sin' or `cos'. In
+ # addition, it may contain expressions like `if(x>0, 1, -1)' where the
+ # expression evaluates to the second argument if the first argument is
+ # true, and to the third argument otherwise. For a full overview of
+ # possible expressions accepted see the documentation of the muparser
+ # library at http://muparser.beltoforion.de/.
+ #
+ # If the function you are describing represents a vector-valued function
+ # with multiple components, then separate the expressions for individual
+ # components by a semicolon.
+ set Function expression = 0
+ # The names of the variables as they will be used in the function,
+ # separated by commas. By default, the names of variables at which the
+ # function will be evaluated are `x' (in 1d), `x,y' (in 2d) or `x,y,z' (in
+ # 3d) for spatial coordinates and `t' for time. You can then use these
+ # variable names in your function expression and they will be replaced by
+ # the values of these variables at which the function is currently
+ # evaluated. However, you can also choose a different set of names for the
+ # independent variables at which to evaluate your function expression. For
+ # example, if you work in spherical coordinates, you may wish to set this
+ # input parameter to `r,phi,theta,t' and then use these variable names in
+ # your function expression.
+ set Variable names = x,y,t
+ end
+ subsection Schur solver control
+ set Log frequency = 1
+ set Log history = false
+ set Log result = true
+ set Max steps = 1000 # default: 100
+ set Reduction = 1.e-12 # default: 1.e-2
+ set Tolerance = 1.e-12 # default: 1.e-10
+ end
--- /dev/null
+< , monitor(std::cout, TimerOutput::summary, TimerOutput::cpu_and_wall_times)
+> , monitor(std::cout, TimerOutput::never, TimerOutput::cpu_and_wall_times)
+< deallog.depth_console(parameters.verbosity_level);
+> deallog.depth_console(1);
+< parameter_file = "parameters.prm";
+> parameter_file = "../../../source/step-60/parameters.prm";
+< ParameterAcceptor::initialize(parameter_file, "used_parameters.prm");
+> ParameterAcceptor::initialize(parameter_file, "../../../source/step-60/used_parameters.prm");
--- /dev/null
+DEAL::Embedded dofs: 257
+DEAL::Embedding minimal diameter: 0.0110485, embedded maximal diameter: 0.00736292, ratio: 0.666416
+DEAL::Embedding dofs: 2429
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+Solving problem in 2 space dimensions.
+ Number of active cells: 1024
+ Total number of cells: 1365
+ Number of pressure degrees of freedom: 3136
+L2_error_pressure 0.0200372
+L2_error_vel: 0.0629738
+L2_error_flux: 0.0890227
--- /dev/null
+> #include "../example_test.h"
+< solver.solve(system_matrix, solution, system_rhs, preconditioner);
+> //solver.solve(system_matrix, solution, system_rhs, preconditioner);
+> check_solver_within_range(std::cout,
+> solver.solve(system_matrix, solution, system_rhs, preconditioner)
+> , solver_control.last_step(), 2, 13);
+< std::cout << " converged in " << solver_control.last_step()
+< << " iterations"
+< << " in " << time.last_wall_time() << " seconds " << std::endl;
+> // std::cout << " converged in " << solver_control.last_step()
+> // << " iterations"
+> // << " in " << time.last_wall_time() << " seconds " << std::endl;
+< settings.get_parameters((argc > 1) ? (argv[1]) : "");
+> settings.get_parameters((argc > 1) ? (argv[1]) : "../../../source/step-63/sor.prm");
--- /dev/null
+ Cycle 0:
+ Number of active cells: 32 (2 levels)
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 48
+ Solving with GMRES to tol 4.11776e-09...
+Solver stopped within 2 - 13 iterations
+ Cycle 1:
+ Number of active cells: 128 (3 levels)
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 160
+ Solving with GMRES to tol 4.35567e-09...
+Solver stopped within 2 - 13 iterations
+ Cycle 2:
+ Number of active cells: 512 (4 levels)
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 576
+ Solving with GMRES to tol 3.73965e-09...
+Solver stopped within 2 - 13 iterations
+ Cycle 3:
+ Number of active cells: 2048 (5 levels)
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 2176
+ Solving with GMRES to tol 2.96763e-09...
+Solver stopped within 2 - 13 iterations
+ Cycle 4:
+ Number of active cells: 8192 (6 levels)
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 8448
+ Solving with GMRES to tol 2.33887e-09...
+Solver stopped within 2 - 13 iterations
+ Cycle 5:
+ Number of active cells: 32768 (7 levels)
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 33280
+ Solving with GMRES to tol 1.93553e-09...
+Solver stopped within 2 - 13 iterations
+ Cycle 6:
+ Number of active cells: 131072 (8 levels)
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 132096
+ Solving with GMRES to tol 1.83347e-09...
+Solver stopped within 2 - 13 iterations
--- /dev/null
+> #include "../example_test.h"
+< cg.solve(*system_matrix_dev, solution_dev, system_rhs_dev, preconditioner);
+< pcout << " Solved in " << solver_control.last_step() << " iterations."
+< << std::endl;
+> //cg.solve(*system_matrix_dev, solution_dev, system_rhs_dev, preconditioner);
+> check_solver_within_range(pcout,cg.solve(*system_matrix_dev, solution_dev, system_rhs_dev, preconditioner),
+> solver_control.last_step(),
+> 26, 228);
+> // pcout << " Solved in " << solver_control.last_step() << " iterations."
+> // << std::endl;
--- /dev/null
+Cycle 0
+ Number of active cells: 8
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 343
+Solver stopped within 26 - 228 iterations
+ solution norm: 0.0205439
+Cycle 1
+ Number of active cells: 64
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 2197
+Solver stopped within 26 - 228 iterations
+ solution norm: 0.0205269
+Cycle 2
+ Number of active cells: 512
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 15625
+Solver stopped within 26 - 228 iterations
+ solution norm: 0.0205261
+Cycle 3
+ Number of active cells: 4096
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 117649
+Solver stopped within 26 - 228 iterations
+ solution norm: 0.0205261
> #include <deal.II/base/multithread_info.h>
+> #include "../example_test.h"
< triangulation.refine_global(9 - 2 * dim);
> triangulation.refine_global(2);
+< solver.solve(system_matrix, solution, system_rhs, preconditioner);
+> //solver.solve(system_matrix, solution, system_rhs, preconditioner);
+> check_solver_within_range(std::cout,
+> solver.solve(system_matrix, solution, system_rhs, preconditioner),
+> solver_control.last_step(),
+> 137, 228);
+< std::cout << " Number of solver iterations: "
+< << solver_control.last_step() << std::endl;
+> // std::cout << " Number of solver iterations: "
+> // << solver_control.last_step() << std::endl;
< timer.print_summary();
< std::cout << " Memory consumption cache: "
< << 1e-6 * mapping.memory_consumption() << " MB" << std::endl;
< timer.print_summary();
> dealii::MultithreadInfo::set_thread_limit(2);
Number of active cells: 832
Number of degrees of freedom: 22981
- Number of solver iterations: 138
+Solver stopped within 137 - 228 iterations
L2 error vs exact solution: 1.39878e-06
H1 error vs exact solution: 5.16394e-05
Max cell-wise error estimate: 0.0217657
Number of active cells: 832
Number of degrees of freedom: 22981
- Number of solver iterations: 138
+Solver stopped within 137 - 228 iterations
L2 error vs exact solution: 1.39878e-06
H1 error vs exact solution: 5.16394e-05
Max cell-wise error estimate: 0.0217657
< constexpr unsigned int n_global_refinements = 3;
> constexpr unsigned int n_global_refinements = 2;
< constexpr double final_time = testcase == 0 ? 10 : 2.0;
> constexpr double final_time = testcase == 0 ? 5 : 2.0;
< const std::string filename =
< "solution_" + Utilities::int_to_string(result_number, 3) + ".vtu";
< data_out.write_vtu_in_parallel(filename, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
> (void)result_number;
< const unsigned int n_vect_number = VectorizedArray<Number>::size();
< const unsigned int n_vect_bits = 8 * sizeof(Number) * n_vect_number;
< pcout << "Vectorization over " << n_vect_number << ' '
< << (std::is_same_v<Number, double> ? "doubles" : "floats") << " = "
< << n_vect_bits << " bits ("
< << Utilities::System::get_current_vectorization_level() << ')'
< << std::endl;
< timer.print_wall_time_statistics(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
--- /dev/null
+< DiscreteTime discrete_time(0, par.final_time, par.time_step);
+> DiscreteTime discrete_time(0, 0.04, par.time_step);
+< prm_file = "parameters.prm";
+> prm_file = "../../../source/step-68/parameters.prm";
--- /dev/null
+Number of particles inserted: 384
+Repartitioning triangulation after particle generation
+Writing particle output file: analytical-particles-0
+Writing particle output file: analytical-particles-10
+Writing particle output file: analytical-particles-20
+Number of particles inserted: 384
+Repartitioning triangulation after particle generation
+Writing particle output file: interpolated-particles-0
+Writing background field file: background-0
+Writing particle output file: interpolated-particles-10
+Writing background field file: background-10
+Writing particle output file: interpolated-particles-20
+Writing background field file: background-20
--- /dev/null
+< t_final = 4.;
+> t_final = 4.0;
+< ParameterAcceptor::initialize("step-69.prm");
+> ParameterAcceptor::initialize("../../../source/step-69/step-69.prm");
+< while (t < t_final)
+> while (t < 0.01)
+< computing_timer.print_summary();
+< pcout << timer_output.str() << std::endl;
+> // computing_timer.print_summary();
+> // pcout << timer_output.str() << std::endl;
--- /dev/null
+Reading parameters and allocating objects... done
+ ####################################################
+ ######### #########
+ ######### create triangulation #########
+ ######### #########
+ ######### #########
+ ####################################################
+Number of active cells: 36864
+ ####################################################
+ ######### #########
+ ######### compute offline data #########
+ ######### #########
+ ######### #########
+ ####################################################
+Number of degrees of freedom: 37376
+ ####################################################
+ ######### #########
+ ######### set up time step #########
+ ######### #########
+ ######### #########
+ ####################################################
+ ####################################################
+ ######### #########
+ ######### interpolate initial values #########
+ ######### #########
+ ######### #########
+ ####################################################
+MainLoop<dim>::interpolate_initial_values(t = 0)
+MainLoop<dim>::output(t = 0)
+ ####################################################
+ ######### #########
+ ######### enter main loop #########
+ ######### #########
+ ######### #########
+ ####################################################
+ ####################################################
+ ######### #########
+ ######### Cycle 000001 (0.0%) #########
+ ######### at time t = 0.00000000 #########
+ ######### #########
+ ####################################################
+ ####################################################
+ ######### #########
+ ######### Cycle 000002 (0.0%) #########
+ ######### at time t = 0.00047162 #########
+ ######### #########
+ ####################################################
+ ####################################################
+ ######### #########
+ ######### Cycle 000003 (0.0%) #########
+ ######### at time t = 0.00095766 #########
+ ######### #########
+ ####################################################
+ ####################################################
+ ######### #########
+ ######### Cycle 000004 (0.0%) #########
+ ######### at time t = 0.00144812 #########
+ ######### #########
+ ####################################################
+ ####################################################
+ ######### #########
+ ######### Cycle 000005 (0.0%) #########
+ ######### at time t = 0.00194250 #########
+ ######### #########
+ ####################################################
+ ####################################################
+ ######### #########
+ ######### Cycle 000006 (0.1%) #########
+ ######### at time t = 0.00244039 #########
+ ######### #########
+ ####################################################
+ ####################################################
+ ######### #########
+ ######### Cycle 000007 (0.1%) #########
+ ######### at time t = 0.00294140 #########
+ ######### #########
+ ####################################################
+ ####################################################
+ ######### #########
+ ######### Cycle 000008 (0.1%) #########
+ ######### at time t = 0.00344520 #########
+ ######### #########
+ ####################################################
+ ####################################################
+ ######### #########
+ ######### Cycle 000009 (0.1%) #########
+ ######### at time t = 0.00395144 #########
+ ######### #########
+ ####################################################
+ ####################################################
+ ######### #########
+ ######### Cycle 000010 (0.1%) #########
+ ######### at time t = 0.00445967 #########
+ ######### #########
+ ####################################################
+ ####################################################
+ ######### #########
+ ######### Cycle 000011 (0.1%) #########
+ ######### at time t = 0.00496964 #########
+ ######### #########
+ ####################################################
+ ####################################################
+ ######### #########
+ ######### Cycle 000012 (0.1%) #########
+ ######### at time t = 0.00548105 #########
+ ######### #########
+ ####################################################
+ ####################################################
+ ######### #########
+ ######### Cycle 000013 (0.1%) #########
+ ######### at time t = 0.00599373 #########
+ ######### #########
+ ####################################################
+ ####################################################
+ ######### #########
+ ######### Cycle 000014 (0.2%) #########
+ ######### at time t = 0.00650751 #########
+ ######### #########
+ ####################################################
+ ####################################################
+ ######### #########
+ ######### Cycle 000015 (0.2%) #########
+ ######### at time t = 0.00702215 #########
+ ######### #########
+ ####################################################
+ ####################################################
+ ######### #########
+ ######### Cycle 000016 (0.2%) #########
+ ######### at time t = 0.00753756 #########
+ ######### #########
+ ####################################################
+ ####################################################
+ ######### #########
+ ######### Cycle 000017 (0.2%) #########
+ ######### at time t = 0.00805362 #########
+ ######### #########
+ ####################################################
+ ####################################################
+ ######### #########
+ ######### Cycle 000018 (0.2%) #########
+ ######### at time t = 0.00856990 #########
+ ######### #########
+ ####################################################
+ ####################################################
+ ######### #########
+ ######### Cycle 000019 (0.2%) #########
+ ######### at time t = 0.00908599 #########
+ ######### #########
+ ####################################################
+ ####################################################
+ ######### #########
+ ######### Cycle 000020 (0.2%) #########
+ ######### at time t = 0.00960148 #########
+ ######### #########
+ ####################################################