template <int dim>
-test(const FiniteElement<dim> &fe, const unsigned int n_subdivisions = 1)
+test(const FiniteElement<dim> &fe)
const auto &pattern = fe.get_local_dof_sparsity_pattern();
deallog << fe.get_name() << ":\n";
// The simplest case is a single iso Q1:
- test<1>(FE_Q_iso_Q1<1>(2), 1);
+ test<1>(FE_Q_iso_Q1<1>(2));
+ test<1>(FE_Q_iso_Q1<1>(3));
+ // It also works with custom support points:
+ std::vector<Point<1>> points = {Point<1>(0.0), Point<1>(0.1), Point<1>(1.0)};
+ test<1>(FE_Q_iso_Q1<1>(points));
+ std::vector<Point<1>> points2 = {Point<1>(0.0),
+ Point<1>(0.1),
+ Point<1>(0.2),
+ Point<1>(1.0)};
+ test<1>(FE_Q_iso_Q1<1>(points2));
// The 2 iso Q1 elements couple using their pattern:
- test<1>(FESystem<1, 1>(FE_DGQ<1>(1), 1, FE_Q_iso_Q1<1>(2), 2), 1);
+ test<1>(FESystem<1, 1>(FE_DGQ<1>(1), 1, FE_Q_iso_Q1<1>(2), 2));
// The coupling between the first two to the third copy is a full coupling
// currently, because we don't detect this yet:
- test<1>(FESystem<1, 1>(FE_Q_iso_Q1<1>(2), 2, FE_Q_iso_Q1<1>(2), 1), 1);
+ test<1>(FESystem<1, 1>(FE_Q_iso_Q1<1>(2), 2, FE_Q_iso_Q1<1>(2), 1));
// Different iso_Q1 degrees always couple fully (off diagonal blocks):
- test<1>(FESystem<1, 1>(FE_Q_iso_Q1<1>(2), 1, FE_Q_iso_Q1<1>(3), 1), 1);
+ test<1>(FESystem<1, 1>(FE_Q_iso_Q1<1>(2), 1, FE_Q_iso_Q1<1>(3), 1));