- * Project a function to the boundary
- * of the domain, using the given
- * quadrature formula for the faces. If
- * the @p boundary_values contained
- * values before, the new ones are
- * added, or the old one overwritten if
- * a node of the boundary part to be
- * projected on already was in the
- * variable.
- *
- * If @p component_mapping is empty, it
- * is assumed that the number of
- * components of @p boundary_function
- * matches that of the finite element
- * used by @p dof.
- *
- * In 1d, projection equals
- * interpolation. Therefore,
- * interpolate_boundary_values is
- * called.
- *
- * @arg @p boundary_values: the result
- * of this function, a map containing
- * all indices of degrees of freedom at
- * the boundary (as covered by the
- * boundary parts in @p
- * boundary_functions) and the computed
- * dof value for this degree of
- * freedom.
- *
- * @arg @p component_mapping: if the
- * components in @p boundary_functions
- * and @p dof do not coincide, this
- * vector allows them to be
- * remapped. If the vector is not
- * empty, it has to have one entry for
- * each component in @p dof. This entry
- * is the component number in @p
- * boundary_functions that should be
- * used for this component in @p
- * dof. By default, no remapping is
- * applied.
+ * Project a function or a set of functions to the boundary
+ * of the domain. In other words, compute the solution of the following problem:
+ * Find $u_h \in V_h$ (where $V_h$ is the finite element space represented
+ * by the DoFHandler argument of this function) so that
+ * @f{align*}
+ * \int_{\Gamma} \varphi_i u_h = \sum_{k \in {\cal K}} \int_{\Gamma_k} \varphi_i f_k,
+ * \qquad \forall \varphi_i \in V_h
+ * @f}
+ * where $\Gamma = \bigcup_{k \in {\cal K}} \Gamma_k$, $\Gamma_k \subset \partial\Omega$,
+ * $\cal K$ is the set of indices and $f_k$ the corresponding boundary functions
+ * represented in the function map argument @p boundary_values to this
+ * function, and the integrals are evaluated by quadrature. This problem has a
+ * non-unique solution in the interior, but it is well defined for the degrees
+ * of freedom on the part of the boundary, $\Gamma$, for which we do the
+ * integration. The values of $u_h|_\Gamma$, i.e., the nodal values of the degrees
+ * of freedom of this function along the boundary, are then what is computed by
+ * this function.
+ *
+ * @param mapping The mapping that will be used in the transformations necessary to
+ * integrate along the boundary.
+ * @param dof The DoFHandler that describes the finite element space and the numbering
+ * of degrees of freedom.
+ * @param boundary_functions A map from boundary indicators to pointers to functions
+ * that describe the desired values on those parts of the boundary marked
+ * with this boundary indicator (see @GlossBoundaryIndicator "Boundary indicator").
+ * The projection happens on only those parts of the boundary whose indicators
+ * are represented in this map.
+ * @param q The face quadrature used in the integration necessary to compute the
+ * mass matrix and right hand side of the projection.
+ * @param boundary_values The result of this function. It is a map containing
+ * all indices of degrees of freedom at the boundary (as covered by the
+ * boundary parts in @p boundary_functions) and the computed
+ * dof value for this degree of freedom. If @p boundary_values contained
+ * values before, the new ones are added, or the old ones overwritten if
+ * a node of the boundary part to be projected on was already in this
+ * map.
+ * @param component_mapping It is sometimes convenient to project a vector-valued
+ * function onto only parts of a finite element space (for example, to project
+ * a function with <code>dim</code> components onto the velocity components of a
+ * <code>dim+1</code> component DoFHandler for a Stokes problem). To allow for
+ * this, this argument allows components to be remapped. If the vector is not
+ * empty, it has to have one entry for each vector component of the finite element
+ * used in @p dof. This entry is the component number in @p boundary_functions
+ * that should be used for this component in @p dof. By default, no remapping is
+ * applied.
template <int dim, int spacedim>
void project_boundary_values (const Mapping<dim, spacedim> &mapping,