]> https://gitweb.dealii.org/ - dealii.git/commitdiff
Also extract the functionality of the write_pvtu_record(). 3658/head
authorWolfgang Bangerth <bangerth@colostate.edu>
Tue, 6 Dec 2016 02:19:41 +0000 (19:19 -0700)
committerWolfgang Bangerth <bangerth@colostate.edu>
Tue, 6 Dec 2016 21:16:23 +0000 (14:16 -0700)
Move it to the DataOutBase namespace, and let the original function call the one
into which it has been refactored.


index 2796d5df9290a112c2c9407e6fc2f39d5a65699d..9e4d8b543d1a71abe3afb2a5767445855a6af4a9 100644 (file)
@@ -1708,14 +1708,14 @@ namespace DataOutBase
                          const VtkFlags &flags);
-   * This writes the footer for the xml based vtu file format. This routine is
+   * This function writes the footer for the xml based vtu file format. This routine is
    * used internally together with DataOutInterface::write_vtu_header() and
    * DataOutInterface::write_vtu_main() by DataOutBase::write_vtu().
   void write_vtu_footer (std::ostream &out);
-   * This writes the main part for the xml based vtu file format. This routine
+   * This function writes the main part for the xml based vtu file format. This routine
    * is used internally together with DataOutInterface::write_vtu_header() and
    * DataOutInterface::write_vtu_footer() by DataOutBase::write_vtu().
@@ -1726,6 +1726,53 @@ namespace DataOutBase
                        const VtkFlags                          &flags,
                        std::ostream                            &out);
+  /**
+   * Some visualization programs, such as ParaView, can read several separate
+   * VTU files that all form part of the same simulation, in order to
+   * parallelize visualization. In that case, you need a
+   * <code>.pvtu</code> file that describes which VTU files (written, for
+   * example, through the DataOutInterface::write_vtu() function) form a group.
+   * The current function can generate such a master record.
+   *
+   * This function is typically not called by itself from user space, but
+   * you may want to call it through DataOutInterface::write_pvtu_record()
+   * since the DataOutInterface class has access to information that you
+   * would have to provide to the current function by hand.
+   *
+   * In any case, whether this function is called directly or via
+   * DataOutInterface::write_pvtu_record(), the master record file so
+   * written contains a list of (scalar or vector) fields that describes which
+   * fields can actually be found in the individual files that comprise the set of
+   * parallel VTU files along with the names of these files. This function
+   * gets the names and types of fields through the third and fourth
+   * argument; you can determine these by hand, but in practice, this function
+   * is most easily called by calling DataOutInterfaces::write_pvtu_record(),
+   * which determines the last two arguments by calling
+   * DataOutInterface::get_dataset_names() and
+   * DataOutInterface::get_vector_data_ranges() functions. The second argument
+   * to this function specifies the names of the files that form the parallel
+   * set.
+   *
+   * @note Use DataOutBase::write_vtu() and DataOutInterface::write_vtu()
+   * for writing each piece. Also note that
+   * only one parallel process needs to call the current function, listing the
+   * names of the files written by all parallel processes.
+   *
+   * @note In order to tell Paraview to group together multiple
+   * <code>pvtu</code> files that each describe one time step of a time
+   * dependent simulation, see the DataOutBase::write_pvd_record()
+   * function.
+   *
+   * @note Older versions of VisIt (before 2.5.1), can not read
+   * <code>pvtu</code> records. However, it can read visit records as written
+   * by the write_visit_record() function.
+   */
+  void
+  write_pvtu_record (std::ostream                                                                  &out,
+                     const std::vector<std::string>                                                &piece_names,
+                     const std::vector<std::string>                                                &data_names,
+                     const std::vector<std_cxx11::tuple<unsigned int, unsigned int, std::string> > &vector_data_ranges);
    * In ParaView it is possible to visualize time-dependent data tagged with
    * the current integration time of a time dependent simulation. To use this
@@ -1764,7 +1811,8 @@ namespace DataOutBase
    *  }
    * @endcode
-   * @note See DataOutInterface::write_vtu or DataOutInterface::write_pvtu_record
+   * @note See DataOutInterface::write_vtu, DataOutInterface::write_pvtu_record,
+   * and DataOutInterface::write_vtu_in_parallel
    * for writing solutions at each timestep.
    * @note The second element of each pair, i.e., the file in which the
@@ -2271,24 +2319,28 @@ public:
    * performance on parallel filesystems. Also see
    * DataOutInterface::write_vtu().
-  void write_vtu_in_parallel (const char *filename, MPI_Comm comm) const;
+  void write_vtu_in_parallel (const char *filename,
+                              MPI_Comm comm) const;
    * Some visualization programs, such as ParaView, can read several separate
-   * VTU files to parallelize visualization. In that case, you need a
+   * VTU files that all form part of the same simulation, in order to
+   * parallelize visualization. In that case, you need a
    * <code>.pvtu</code> file that describes which VTU files (written, for
-   * example, through the write_vtu() function) form a group. The current
-   * function can generate such a master record.
+   * example, through the DataOutInterface::write_vtu() function) form a group.
+   * The current function can generate such a master record.
-   * The file so written contains a list of (scalar or vector) fields whose
-   * values are described by the individual files that comprise the set of
+   * The master record file generated by this function
+   * contains a list of (scalar or vector) fields that describes which
+   * fields can actually be found in the individual files that comprise the set of
    * parallel VTU files along with the names of these files. This function
-   * gets the names and types of fields through the get_patches() function of
-   * this class like all the other write_xxx() functions. The second argument
+   * gets the names and types of fields through the get_dataset_names() and
+   * get_vector_data_ranges() functions of this class. The second argument
    * to this function specifies the names of the files that form the parallel
    * set.
-   * @note See DataOutBase::write_vtu for writing each piece. Also note that
+   * @note Use DataOutBase::write_vtu() and DataOutInterface::write_vtu()
+   * for writing each piece. Also note that
    * only one parallel process needs to call the current function, listing the
    * names of the files written by all parallel processes.
@@ -2296,7 +2348,7 @@ public:
    * @note In order to tell Paraview to group together multiple
    * <code>pvtu</code> files that each describe one time step of a time
-   * dependent simulation, see the DataOutInterface::write_pvd_record()
+   * dependent simulation, see the DataOutBase::write_pvd_record()
    * function.
    * @note Older versions of VisIt (before 2.5.1), can not read
index 53ba05fc3cce6eb7116db9cc1a59a543358a41c6..dcf22b37231150a15dbd1296f90c949c66726102 100644 (file)
@@ -5318,6 +5318,102 @@ namespace DataOutBase
+  void
+  write_pvtu_record (std::ostream                                                                  &out,
+                     const std::vector<std::string>                                                &piece_names,
+                     const std::vector<std::string>                                                &data_names,
+                     const std::vector<std_cxx11::tuple<unsigned int, unsigned int, std::string> > &vector_data_ranges)
+  {
+    AssertThrow (out, ExcIO());
+    const unsigned int n_data_sets = data_names.size();
+    out << "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n";
+    out << "<!--\n";
+    out << "#This file was generated by the deal.II library"
+        << " on " << Utilities::System::get_date()
+        << " at " << Utilities::System::get_time()
+        << "\n-->\n";
+    out << "<VTKFile type=\"PUnstructuredGrid\" version=\"0.1\" byte_order=\"LittleEndian\">\n";
+    out << "  <PUnstructuredGrid GhostLevel=\"0\">\n";
+    out << "    <PPointData Scalars=\"scalars\">\n";
+    // We need to output in the same order as
+    // the write_vtu function does:
+    std::vector<bool> data_set_written (n_data_sets, false);
+    for (unsigned int n_th_vector=0; n_th_vector<vector_data_ranges.size(); ++n_th_vector)
+      {
+        AssertThrow (std_cxx11::get<1>(vector_data_ranges[n_th_vector]) >=
+                     std_cxx11::get<0>(vector_data_ranges[n_th_vector]),
+                     ExcLowerRange (std_cxx11::get<1>(vector_data_ranges[n_th_vector]),
+                                    std_cxx11::get<0>(vector_data_ranges[n_th_vector])));
+        AssertThrow (std_cxx11::get<1>(vector_data_ranges[n_th_vector]) < n_data_sets,
+                     ExcIndexRange (std_cxx11::get<1>(vector_data_ranges[n_th_vector]),
+                                    0, n_data_sets));
+        AssertThrow (std_cxx11::get<1>(vector_data_ranges[n_th_vector]) + 1
+                     - std_cxx11::get<0>(vector_data_ranges[n_th_vector]) <= 3,
+                     ExcMessage ("Can't declare a vector with more than 3 components "
+                                 "in VTK"));
+        // mark these components as already
+        // written:
+        for (unsigned int i=std_cxx11::get<0>(vector_data_ranges[n_th_vector]);
+             i<=std_cxx11::get<1>(vector_data_ranges[n_th_vector]);
+             ++i)
+          data_set_written[i] = true;
+        // write the
+        // header. concatenate all the
+        // component names with double
+        // underscores unless a vector
+        // name has been specified
+        out << "    <PDataArray type=\"Float64\" Name=\"";
+        if (std_cxx11::get<2>(vector_data_ranges[n_th_vector]) != "")
+          out << std_cxx11::get<2>(vector_data_ranges[n_th_vector]);
+        else
+          {
+            for (unsigned int i=std_cxx11::get<0>(vector_data_ranges[n_th_vector]);
+                 i<std_cxx11::get<1>(vector_data_ranges[n_th_vector]);
+                 ++i)
+              out << data_names[i] << "__";
+            out << data_names[std_cxx11::get<1>(vector_data_ranges[n_th_vector])];
+          }
+        out << "\" NumberOfComponents=\"3\" format=\"ascii\"/>\n";
+      }
+    for (unsigned int data_set=0; data_set<n_data_sets; ++data_set)
+      if (data_set_written[data_set] == false)
+        {
+          out << "    <PDataArray type=\"Float64\" Name=\""
+              << data_names[data_set]
+              << "\" format=\"ascii\"/>\n";
+        }
+    out << "    </PPointData>\n";
+    out << "    <PPoints>\n";
+    out << "      <PDataArray type=\"Float64\" NumberOfComponents=\"3\"/>\n";
+    out << "    </PPoints>\n";
+    for (unsigned int i=0; i<piece_names.size(); ++i)
+      out << "    <Piece Source=\"" << piece_names[i] << "\"/>\n";
+    out << "  </PUnstructuredGrid>\n";
+    out << "</VTKFile>\n";
+    out.flush();
+    // assert the stream is still ok
+    AssertThrow (out, ExcIO());
+  }
   write_pvd_record (std::ostream &out,
                     const std::vector<std::pair<double,std::string> >  &times_and_names)
@@ -6332,95 +6428,10 @@ void
 DataOutInterface<dim,spacedim>::write_pvtu_record (std::ostream &out,
                                                    const std::vector<std::string> &piece_names) const
-  AssertThrow (out, ExcIO());
-  const std::vector<std::string> data_names = get_dataset_names();
-  const std::vector<std_cxx11::tuple<unsigned int, unsigned int, std::string> > vector_data_ranges
-    = get_vector_data_ranges();
-  const unsigned int n_data_sets = data_names.size();
-  out << "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n";
-  out << "<!--\n";
-  out << "#This file was generated by the deal.II library"
-      << " on " << Utilities::System::get_date()
-      << " at " << Utilities::System::get_time()
-      << "\n-->\n";
-  out << "<VTKFile type=\"PUnstructuredGrid\" version=\"0.1\" byte_order=\"LittleEndian\">\n";
-  out << "  <PUnstructuredGrid GhostLevel=\"0\">\n";
-  out << "    <PPointData Scalars=\"scalars\">\n";
-  // We need to output in the same order as
-  // the write_vtu function does:
-  std::vector<bool> data_set_written (n_data_sets, false);
-  for (unsigned int n_th_vector=0; n_th_vector<vector_data_ranges.size(); ++n_th_vector)
-    {
-      AssertThrow (std_cxx11::get<1>(vector_data_ranges[n_th_vector]) >=
-                   std_cxx11::get<0>(vector_data_ranges[n_th_vector]),
-                   ExcLowerRange (std_cxx11::get<1>(vector_data_ranges[n_th_vector]),
-                                  std_cxx11::get<0>(vector_data_ranges[n_th_vector])));
-      AssertThrow (std_cxx11::get<1>(vector_data_ranges[n_th_vector]) < n_data_sets,
-                   ExcIndexRange (std_cxx11::get<1>(vector_data_ranges[n_th_vector]),
-                                  0, n_data_sets));
-      AssertThrow (std_cxx11::get<1>(vector_data_ranges[n_th_vector]) + 1
-                   - std_cxx11::get<0>(vector_data_ranges[n_th_vector]) <= 3,
-                   ExcMessage ("Can't declare a vector with more than 3 components "
-                               "in VTK"));
-      // mark these components as already
-      // written:
-      for (unsigned int i=std_cxx11::get<0>(vector_data_ranges[n_th_vector]);
-           i<=std_cxx11::get<1>(vector_data_ranges[n_th_vector]);
-           ++i)
-        data_set_written[i] = true;
-      // write the
-      // header. concatenate all the
-      // component names with double
-      // underscores unless a vector
-      // name has been specified
-      out << "    <PDataArray type=\"Float64\" Name=\"";
-      if (std_cxx11::get<2>(vector_data_ranges[n_th_vector]) != "")
-        out << std_cxx11::get<2>(vector_data_ranges[n_th_vector]);
-      else
-        {
-          for (unsigned int i=std_cxx11::get<0>(vector_data_ranges[n_th_vector]);
-               i<std_cxx11::get<1>(vector_data_ranges[n_th_vector]);
-               ++i)
-            out << data_names[i] << "__";
-          out << data_names[std_cxx11::get<1>(vector_data_ranges[n_th_vector])];
-        }
-      out << "\" NumberOfComponents=\"3\" format=\"ascii\"/>\n";
-    }
-  for (unsigned int data_set=0; data_set<n_data_sets; ++data_set)
-    if (data_set_written[data_set] == false)
-      {
-        out << "    <PDataArray type=\"Float64\" Name=\""
-            << data_names[data_set]
-            << "\" format=\"ascii\"/>\n";
-      }
-  out << "    </PPointData>\n";
-  out << "    <PPoints>\n";
-  out << "      <PDataArray type=\"Float64\" NumberOfComponents=\"3\"/>\n";
-  out << "    </PPoints>\n";
-  for (unsigned int i=0; i<piece_names.size(); ++i)
-    out << "    <Piece Source=\"" << piece_names[i] << "\"/>\n";
-  out << "  </PUnstructuredGrid>\n";
-  out << "</VTKFile>\n";
-  out.flush();
-  // assert the stream is still ok
-  AssertThrow (out, ExcIO());
+  DataOutBase::write_pvtu_record(out,
+                                 piece_names,
+                                 get_dataset_names(),
+                                 get_vector_data_ranges());

In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.

Douglas Adams

Typeset in Trocchi and Trocchi Bold Sans Serif.