* of the blocks in the underlying MatrixFree object by optional integer
* lists that specify the chosen blocks.
- * One application of selection is in problems with a Newton-type iteration
+ * One application of constructing a matrix-free operator only on selected
+ * blocks would be the setting of the step-32 tutorial program: This
+ * problem has three <i>blocks</i>, one for the velocity, one for the
+ * pressure, and one for temperature. The time lag scheme used for temporal
+ * evolution splits the temperature equation away from the Stokes system in
+ * velocity and pressure. However, there are cross terms like the velocity
+ * that enters the temperature advection-diffusion equation or the
+ * temperature that enters the right hand side of the velocity. In order to
+ * be sure that MatrixFree uses the same integer indexing to the different
+ * blocks, one needs to put all the three blocks into the same MatrixFree
+ * object. However, when solving a linear system the operators involved
+ * either address the first two in the Stokes solver, or the last one for
+ * the temperature solver. In the former case, a BlockVector of two
+ * components would be selected with a vector selecting the blocks {0, 1} in
+ * MatrixFree, whereas in the latter, a non-block vector selecting the block
+ * {2} would be used.
+ *
+ * A second application of selection is in problems with a Newton-type iteration
* or problems with inhomogeneous boundary conditions. In such a case, one
* has to deal with two different sets of constraints: One set of
* constraints applies to the solution vector which might include hanging
* node constraints or periodicity constraints but no constraints on
* inhomogeneous Dirichlet boundaries. Before the nonlinear iteration, the
- * boundary values are set to the expected value in the vector representing
+ * boundary values are set to the expected value in the vector, representing
* the initial guess. In each iteration of the Newton method, a linear
* system subject to zero Dirichlet boundary conditions is solved that is
* then added to the initial guess. This setup can be realized by using a
* function, i.e., a vector of length 1 that selects exactly the first
* constraint matrix with index 0.
- * A second application of using selectively constructing a matrix-free
- * operator would be the setting of the step-32 tutorial program: This
- * problem has three <i>blocks</i>, one for the velocity, one for the
- * pressure, and one for temperature. The time lag scheme used for temporal
- * evolution splits the temperature equation away from the Stokes system in
- * velocity and pressure. However, there are cross terms like the velocity
- * that enters the temperature advection-diffusion equation or the
- * temperature that enters the right hand side of the velocity. In order to
- * be sure that MatrixFree uses the same integer indexing to the different
- * blocks, one needs to put all three blocks into the same MatrixFree
- * object. However, when solving a linear system the operators involved
- * either address the first two in the Stokes solver, or the last one for
- * the temperature solver. In the former case, a BlockVector of two
- * components would be selected with a vector selecting the blocks {0, 1} in
- * MatrixFree, whereas in the latter, a non-block vector selecting the block
- * {2} would be used.
+ * For systems of PDEs where the different blocks of MatrixFree are
+ * associated with different physical components of the equations, adding
+ * another block with a different ConstraintMatrix argument solely for the
+ * purpose of boundary conditions might lead to cumbersome index
+ * handling. Instead, one could set up a second MatrixFree instance with the
+ * different constraint matrix but the same interpretation of blocks, and
+ * use that for interpolating inhomogeneous boundary conditions (see also
+ * the discussion in the results section of the step-37 tutorial program):
+ *
+ * @code
+ * matrix_free_inhomogeneous.reinit(dof_handler, constraints_no_dirichlet,
+ * quadrature, additional_data);
+ * operator_inhomogeneous.initialize(matrix_free_inhomogeneous, selected_blocks);
+ * LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector<double> inhomogeneity;
+ * matrix_free_inhomogeneous.initialize_dof_vector(inhomogeneity);
+ * constraints_with_dirichlet.distribute(inhomogeneity);
+ * operator_inhomogeneous.vmult(system_rhs, inhomogeneity);
+ * system_rhs *= -1.;
+ * // proceed with other terms from right hand side...
+ * @endcode
* @author Denis Davydov, Daniel Arndt, Martin Kronbichler, 2016, 2017