template <typename VectorType>
ExplicitRungeKutta<VectorType>::ExplicitRungeKutta(const runge_kutta_method method)
+ // virtual functions called in constructors and destructors never use the
+ // override in a derived class
+ // for clarity be explicit on which function is called
+ // virtual functions called in constructors and destructors never use the
+ // override in a derived class
+ // for clarity be explicit on which function is called
+ // virtual functions called in constructors and destructors never use the
+ // override in a derived class
+ // for clarity be explicit on which function is called
BlockSparseMatrix (const BlockSparsityPattern &sparsity)
+ // virtual functions called in constructors and destructors never use the
+ // override in a derived class
+ // for clarity be explicit on which function is called
BlockSparseMatrix<number>::reinit (sparsity);
+ // virtual functions called in constructors and destructors never use the
+ // override in a derived class
+ // for clarity be explicit on which function is called
ChunkSparseMatrix<number>::reinit (c);
Assert (c.n_rows() == id.m(), ExcDimensionMismatch (c.n_rows(), id.m()));
Assert (c.n_cols() == id.n(), ExcDimensionMismatch (c.n_cols(), id.n()));
+ // virtual functions called in constructors and destructors never use the
+ // override in a derived class
+ // for clarity be explicit on which function is called
ChunkSparseMatrix<number>::reinit (c);
for (size_type i=0; i<n(); ++i)
+ // virtual functions called in constructors and destructors never use the
+ // override in a derived class
+ // for clarity be explicit on which function is called
ReadWriteVector<Number>::reinit(0, true);
+ // virtual functions called in constructors and destructors never use the
+ // override in a derived class
+ // for clarity be explicit on which function is called
ReadWriteVector<Number>::reinit (size, false);
+ // virtual functions called in constructors and destructors never use the
+ // override in a derived class
+ // for clarity be explicit on which function is called
ReadWriteVector<Number>::reinit (locally_stored_indices);
template <typename number>
+ // virtual functions called in constructors and destructors never use the
+ // override in a derived class
+ // for clarity be explicit on which function is called
+ // virtual functions called in constructors and destructors never use the
+ // override in a derived class
+ // for clarity be explicit on which function is called
SparseMatrix<number>::reinit (c);
Assert (c.n_rows() == id.m(), ExcDimensionMismatch (c.n_rows(), id.m()));
Assert (c.n_cols() == id.n(), ExcDimensionMismatch (c.n_cols(), id.n()));
+ // virtual functions called in constructors and destructors never use the
+ // override in a derived class
+ // for clarity be explicit on which function is called
SparseMatrix<number>::reinit (c);
for (size_type i=0; i<n(); ++i)
template <typename number>
+ // virtual functions called in constructors and destructors never use the
+ // override in a derived class
+ // for clarity be explicit on which function is called
values(nullptr, &free)
+ // virtual functions called in constructors and destructors never use the
+ // override in a derived class
+ // for clarity be explicit on which function is called
values(nullptr, &free)
+ // virtual functions called in constructors and destructors never use the
+ // override in a derived class
+ // for clarity be explicit on which function is called
Vector<Number>::reinit (n, false);
template <typename DoFHandlerType, int patch_dim, int patch_space_dim>
DataOut_DoFData<DoFHandlerType,patch_dim,patch_space_dim>::~DataOut_DoFData ()
+ // virtual functions called in constructors and destructors never use the
+ // override in a derived class
+ // for clarity be explicit on which function is called
DataOut_DoFData<DoFHandlerType,patch_dim,patch_space_dim>::clear ();
template <int dim, int spacedim>
Triangulation<dim,spacedim>::~Triangulation ()
+ // virtual functions called in constructors and destructors never use the
+ // override in a derived class
+ // for clarity be explicit on which function is called
Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::clear ();
Assert (triangulation_has_content == false,
DoFHandler<dim,spacedim>::~DoFHandler ()
// release allocated memory
+ // virtual functions called in constructors and destructors never use the
+ // override in a derived class
+ // for clarity be explicit on which function is called
DoFHandler<dim, spacedim>::clear ();
// also release the policy. this needs to happen before the
tria_listeners.clear ();
// ...and release allocated memory
+ // virtual functions called in constructors and destructors never use the
+ // override in a derived class
+ // for clarity be explicit on which function is called
DoFHandler<dim, spacedim>::clear ();
Vector::Vector ()
: communicator (MPI_COMM_SELF)
+ // virtual functions called in constructors and destructors never use the
+ // override in a derived class
+ // for clarity be explicit on which function is called
Vector::create_vector(0, 0);
const IndexSet &read_write_vector_index_set,
const MPI_Comm &communicator)
+ // virtual functions called in constructors and destructors never use the
+ // override in a derived class
+ // for clarity be explicit on which function is called
CommunicationPattern::reinit(vector_space_vector_index_set, read_write_vector_index_set, communicator);