std::array<unsigned int,20> nearby_cells =
+ // This function is nearly always called to place new points on a cell or
+ // cell face. In this case, the general structure of the surrounding points
+ // is known (i.e., if there are eight surrounding points, then they will
+ // almost surely be either eight points around a quadrilateral or the eight
+ // vertices of a cube). Hence, making this assumption, we use two
+ // optimizations (one for structdim == 2 and one for structdim == 3) that
+ // guess the locations of some of the chart points more efficiently than the
+ // affine map approximation. The affine map approximation is used whenever
+ // we don't have a cheaper guess available.
+ // Function that can guess the location of a chart point by assuming that
+ // the eight surrounding points are points on a two-dimensional object
+ // (either a cell in 2D or the face of a hexahedron in 3D), arranged like
+ //
+ // 2 - 7 - 3
+ // | |
+ // 4 5
+ // | |
+ // 0 - 6 - 1
+ //
+ // This function assumes that the first three chart points have been
+ // computed since there is no effective way to guess them.
+ auto guess_chart_point_structdim_2 = [&](const unsigned int i) -> Point<dim>
+ {
+ Assert(surrounding_points.size() == 8 && 2 < i && i < 8,
+ ExcMessage("This function assumes that there are eight surrounding "
+ "points around a two-dimensional object. It also assumes "
+ "that the first three chart points have already been "
+ "computed."));
+ switch (i)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ case 1:
+ case 2:
+ Assert(false, ExcInternalError());
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ return chart_points[1] + (chart_points[2] - chart_points[0]);
+ case 4:
+ return 0.5*(chart_points[0] + chart_points[2]);
+ case 5:
+ return 0.5*(chart_points[1] + chart_points[3]);
+ case 6:
+ return 0.5*(chart_points[0] + chart_points[1]);
+ case 7:
+ return 0.5*(chart_points[2] + chart_points[3]);
+ default:
+ Assert(false, ExcInternalError());
+ }
+ return Point<dim>();
+ };
+ // Function that can guess the location of a chart point by assuming that
+ // the eight surrounding points form the vertices of a hexahedron, arranged
+ // like
+ //
+ // 6-------7
+ // /| /|
+ // / / |
+ // / | / |
+ // 4-------5 |
+ // | 2- -|- -3
+ // | / | /
+ // | | /
+ // |/ |/
+ // 0-------1
+ //
+ // (where vertex 2 is the back left vertex) we can estimate where chart
+ // points 5 - 7 are by computing the height (in chart coordinates) as c4 -
+ // c0 and then adding that onto the appropriate bottom vertex.
+ //
+ // This function assumes that the first five chart points have been computed
+ // since there is no effective way to guess them.
+ auto guess_chart_point_structdim_3 = [&](const unsigned int i) -> Point<dim>
+ {
+ Assert(surrounding_points.size() == 8 && 4 < i && i < 8,
+ ExcMessage("This function assumes that there are eight surrounding "
+ "points around a three-dimensional object. It also "
+ "assumes that the first five chart points have already "
+ "been computed."));
+ return chart_points[i - 4] + (chart_points[4] - chart_points[0]);
+ };
+ // Check if we can use the two chart point shortcuts above before we start:
+ bool use_structdim_2_guesses = false;
+ bool use_structdim_3_guesses = false;
+ // note that in the structdim 2 case: 0 - 6 and 2 - 7 should be roughly
+ // parallel, while in the structdim 3 case, 0 - 6 and 2 - 7 shoud be roughly
+ // orthogonal. Use the angle between these two vectors to figure out if we
+ // should turn on either structdim optimization.
+ if (surrounding_points.size() == 8)
+ {
+ const Tensor<1,spacedim> v06 = surrounding_points[6] - surrounding_points[0];
+ const Tensor<1,spacedim> v27 = surrounding_points[7] - surrounding_points[2];
+ // note that we can save a call to sqrt() by rearranging
+ const double cosine = scalar_product(v06, v27)
+ /std::sqrt(v06.norm_square()*v27.norm_square());
+ if (0.707 < cosine)
+ // the angle is less than pi/4, so these vectors are roughly parallel:
+ // enable the structdim 2 optimization
+ use_structdim_2_guesses = true;
+ else if (spacedim == 3)
+ // otherwise these vectors are roughly orthogonal are roughly
+ // orthogonal: enable the structdim 3 optimization if we are in 3D
+ use_structdim_3_guesses = true;
+ }
+ // we should enable at most one of the optimizations
+ Assert((!use_structdim_2_guesses && !use_structdim_3_guesses)
+ || (use_structdim_2_guesses ^ use_structdim_3_guesses),
+ ExcInternalError());
// check whether all points are inside the unit cell of the current chart
for (unsigned int c=0; c<nearby_cells.size(); ++c)
bool inside_unit_cell = true;
for (unsigned int i=0; i<surrounding_points.size(); ++i)
- // some initial guesses - assuming that the chart points end up in a
- // regular (cube-like) pattern which they often do).
+ Point<dim> guess;
+ // an optimization: keep track of whether or not we used the affine
+ // approximation so that we don't call pull_back with the same
+ // initial guess twice (i.e., if pull_back fails the first time,
+ // don't try again with the same function arguments).
+ bool used_affine_approximation = false;
// if we have already computed three points, we can guess the fourth
// to be the missing corner point of a rectangle
- if (i == 3)
+ if (i == 3 && surrounding_points.size() == 8)
+ guess = chart_points[1] + (chart_points[2] - chart_points[0]);
+ else if (use_structdim_2_guesses && 3 < i)
+ guess = guess_chart_point_structdim_2(i);
+ else if (use_structdim_3_guesses && 4 < i)
+ guess = guess_chart_point_structdim_3(i);
+ else
- const Point<dim> p3 = chart_points[1] +
- Point<dim>(chart_points[2]-chart_points[0]);
- chart_points[i] = pull_back(cell, surrounding_points[i], p3);
+ guess = cell->real_to_unit_cell_affine_approximation(surrounding_points[i]);
+ used_affine_approximation = true;
- // 8 points usually form either a cube or a rectangle with vertices
- // and line mid points. Get the initial guess with line segment
- // midpoints in 2D and assuming a cube for 3D.
- else if (surrounding_points.size() == 8 &&
- ((dim == 3 && i > 4) || (dim == 2 && i > 3)))
- {
- Point<dim> guess;
- switch (dim)
- {
- case 2:
- // inline the standard numbering
- //
- // 2 - 7 - 3
- // | |
- // 4 5
- // | |
- // 0 - 6 - 1
- //
- // to calculate guesses based on averaging already computed
- // chart points.
- switch (i)
- {
- case 4:
- guess = 0.5*(chart_points[0] + chart_points[2]);
- break;
- case 5:
- guess = 0.5*(chart_points[1] + chart_points[3]);
- break;
- case 6:
- guess = 0.5*(chart_points[0] + chart_points[1]);
- break;
- case 7:
- guess = 0.5*(chart_points[2] + chart_points[3]);
- break;
- default:
- Assert(false, ExcInternalError());
- }
- break;
- case 3:
- // Assuming that we are in 3D and have the points around a
- // cube numbered as
- //
- // 6-------7
- // /| /|
- // / / |
- // / | / |
- // 4-------5 |
- // | 2- -|- -3
- // | / | /
- // | | /
- // |/ |/
- // 0-------1
- //
- // (where vertex 2 is the back left vertex) we can estimate
- // where chart points 5 - 7 are by computing the height (in
- // chart coordinates) as c4 - c0 and then adding that onto the
- // appropriate bottom vertex.
- guess = chart_points[i - 4] + (chart_points[4] - chart_points[0]);
- break;
- default:
- Assert(false, ExcInternalError());
- }
+ chart_points[i] = pull_back(cell, surrounding_points[i], guess);
- // This guess should be pretty good, but if the pull_back fails
- // then try again with affine approximation (which is more
- // expensive)
+ // the initial guess may not have been good enough: if applicable,
+ // try again with the affine approximation (which is more accurate
+ // than the cheap methods used above)
+ if (chart_points[i][0] == internal::invalid_pull_back_coordinate &&
+ !used_affine_approximation)
+ {
+ guess = cell->real_to_unit_cell_affine_approximation(surrounding_points[i]);
chart_points[i] = pull_back(cell, surrounding_points[i], guess);
- if (chart_points[i][0] == internal::invalid_pull_back_coordinate)
- {
- chart_points[i] = pull_back(cell, surrounding_points[i],
- cell->real_to_unit_cell_affine_approximation(surrounding_points[i]));
- }
- else
- chart_points[i] = pull_back(cell, surrounding_points[i],
- cell->real_to_unit_cell_affine_approximation(surrounding_points[i]));
// Tolerance 1e-6 chosen that the method also works with
// SphericalManifold