for (unsigned int i = 0; i < *n_converged; i++)
double residual_norm_i = 0.0;
- // EPSComputeResidualNorm is L2-norm and is not consistent with the stopping criteria
- // used during the solution process.
- // Yet, this is the norm which gives error bounds (Saad, 1992, ch3):
- // | \lambda - \widehat\lambda | <= ||r||_2
- ierr = EPSComputeResidualNorm (eps, i, &residual_norm_i);
- // EPSComputeRelativeError may not be consistent with the stopping criteria
- // used during the solution process. Given EPS_CONV_ABS set above,
- // this can be either the l2 norm or the mass-matrix induced norm
- // when EPS_GHEP is set.
- // ierr = EPSComputeRelativeError (solver_data->eps, i, &residual_norm_i);
- // EPSGetErrorEstimate is consistent with the residual norm
- // used during the solution process. However, it is not guaranteed to
- // be derived from the residual even when EPSSetTrueResidual is set.
- // ierr = EPSGetErrorEstimate (solver_data->eps, i, &residual_norm_i);
+ // EPSComputeError (or, in older versions of SLEPc,
+ // EPSComputeResidualNorm) uses an L2-norm and is not consistent
+ // with the stopping criterion used during the solution process (see
+ // the SLEPC manual, section 2.5). However, the norm that gives error
+ // bounds (Saad, 1992, ch3) is (for Hermitian problems)
+ // | \lambda - \widehat\lambda | <= ||r||_2
+ //
+ // Similarly, EPSComputeRelativeError may not be consistent with the
+ // stopping criterion used in the solution process.
+ //
+ // EPSGetErrorEstimate is (according to the SLEPc manual) consistent
+ // with the residual norm used during the solution process. However,
+ // it is not guaranteed to be derived from the residual even when
+ // EPSSetTrueResidual is set: see the discussion in the thread
+ //
+ //
+ //
+ // for more information.
+ ierr = EPSComputeError(eps, i, EPS_ERROR_ABSOLUTE, &residual_norm_i);
+ ierr = EPSComputeResidualNorm(eps, i, &residual_norm_i);
AssertThrow (ierr == 0, ExcSLEPcError(ierr));
residual_norm = std::max (residual_norm, residual_norm_i);