Daniel Arndt,
Wolfgang Bangerth,
Marc Fehling,
+ Rene Gassm{\"o}ller
Timo Heister,
Luca Heltai,
Martin Kronbichler,
- \affil[4]{School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences,
+\affil[4]{Department of Geological Sciences,
+ University of Florida,
+ 1843 Stadium Road,
+ Gainesville, FL, 32611, USA.
+ {\texttt{rene.gassmoeller@ufl.edu}}}
+ \affil[5]{School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences,
Clemson University,
Clemson, SC, 29634, USA
International School for Advanced Studies,
Via Bonomea 265,
34136, Trieste, Italy.
-\affil[6]{Chair of Numerical Mathematics,
+\affil[7]{Chair of Numerical Mathematics,
University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg,
Holstenhofweg~85, 22043 Hamburg, Germany.
- \author[7,8]{Martin~Kronbichler}
- \affil[7]{Institute for Computational Mechanics,
+ \author[8,9]{Martin~Kronbichler}
+ \affil[8]{Institute for Computational Mechanics,
Technical University of Munich,
Boltzmannstr.~15, 85748 Garching, Germany.
- \affil[8]{Department of Information Technology,
+ \affil[9]{Department of Information Technology,
Uppsala University,
Box 337, 751\,05 Uppsala, Sweden.
-\affil[9]{Department of Mathematics,
+\affil[10]{Department of Mathematics,
Texas A\&M University,
3368 TAMU,
College Station, TX 77845, USA.
-\author[7,10]{Peter Munch}
- \affil[10]{Institute of Materials Research, Materials Mechanics,
+\author[8,11]{Peter Munch}
+ \affil[11]{Institute of Materials Research, Materials Mechanics,
Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht,
Max-Planck-Str. 1, 21502 Geesthacht, Germany.
-\affil[11]{Independent researcher.
+\affil[12]{Independent researcher.
\subsection{Advances in the particle infrastructure}
+\dealii 's particle infrastructure has been modernized to store nearly all
+particle data as a set of continuous data arrays instead of a container of
+objects. This reorganization improves cache efficiency when iterating over
+particles and reduces the amount of data that needs to be moved when a particle
+moves to a different cell. Keeping track of unused data slots allows to reuse
+them for new particles, significantly reducing memory allocations when
+particles are created after other particles have left the local domain. The
+data arrays are rebuild and sorted during every mesh refinement cycle.
+Additionally the particle infrastructure now supports a faster search algorithm
+for particles that moved farther than one cell width between particle sorting
+operations, and support for updating ghost particles (particles that live in
+ghost cells around the local domain) by updating their properties instead of
+destroying and rebuilding their container was added, which improves the
+efficiency of ghost particle exchange significantly.
+Finally the \texttt{Particles::DataOut} class now supports writing particle
+properties as vectors or tensors instead of scalars if the properties are
+marked as such.
\item \texttt{step-66} nonlinear matrix-free solver \todo[inline]{TODO}
-\item \texttt{step-68} parallel particles, load balancing \todo[inline]{TODO}
+\item \texttt{step-68} is a demonstration of how to embed and distribute
+ particles in a parallel triangulation. It tracks the movement of
+ a set of particles in a fluid flow and illustrates how to distribute
+ a parallel domain according to the number of locally owned
+ particles instead of the number of locally owned cells.
\item \texttt{step-71} focuses on automatic and symbolic
differentiation (AD and SD, in short) as a tool to make solvers for complex,
nonlinear problems possible. To this end, \dealii{} can interface to a number
Menno Fraters,
Ivan Fumagalli,
Daniel Garcia-Sanchez,
-Rene Gassmoeller,
Nicola Giuliani,
Krishnakumar Gopalakrishnan,
Alexander Grayver,
Development Program of Oak Ridge National Laboratory, managed by UT-Battelle,
LLC, for the U. S. Department of Energy.
-W.~Bangerth and T.~Heister were partially
+W.~Bangerth, T.~Heister, and R.~Gassm{\"o}ller were partially
supported by the Computational Infrastructure
-in Geodynamics initiative (CIG), through the National Science
+for Geodynamics initiative (CIG), through the National Science
Foundation under Award No.~EAR-1550901 and The
University of California -- Davis.
Award DMS-2028346, OAC-2015848, EAR-1925575, and by
Technical Data Analysis, Inc. through US Navy STTR Contract N68335-18-C-0011.
+R.~Gassm{\"o}ller was also partially supported by the National Science
+Foundation (NSF) award EAR-1925595.
L.~Heltai was partially supported by the Italian Ministry of Instruction,
University and Research (MIUR), under the 2017 PRIN project NA-FROM-PDEs MIUR
PE1, ``Numerical Analysis for Full and Reduced Order Methods for the efficient