\author[14]{Konrad Simon}
- \affil[14]{Department of Mathematics/Center for Earth System Research and Sustainability (CEN),
- University of Hamburg, Grindelberg 5, 20144 Hamburg, Germany}
+ \affil[14]{Department of Mathematics/Center
+ for Earth System Research and Sustainability (CEN), University of
+ Hamburg, Grindelberg 5, 20144 Hamburg, Germany.
+ \texttt{konrad.simon@uni-hamburg.de}}}
the \texttt{DEAL\_II\_\allowbreak DEPRECATED\_EARLY} macro, which indicates that a feature will be
deprecated in the next release. In contrast to the first macro, it will only give
warnings if \dealii{} has been configured with \texttt{-D DEAL\_II\_EARLY\_DEPRECATIONS=ON}.
\item After each update of the master branch of \dealii{}, we build a new Docker image
with all features enabled. It is
accessible on \texttt{Docker Hub} via \texttt{dealii/dealii:master-focal}. This image is
particular useful when used in the continuous-integration processes of user codes.
+ \item A long standing orientation issue for the vector valued finite
+ element \texttt{FE\_RaviartThomas<3>} was resolved. This issue
+ prevented the user from using this class on meshes with cells that
+ do not have standard orientation, i.e., cells that have faces that
+ are flipped and rotated relative to their neighbors. In all eight
+ possible neighboring configurations we can now guarantee that the
+ necessary $H(\mathrm{div})$-conformity condition is met for all
+ polynomaial orders. This is verified through a new conformity test
+ on non-standard meshes.
The changelog lists more than 200 other features and bugfixes.