<h5> Use LaplaceOperator with a second AffineConstraints object without Dirichlet conditions </h5>
-A second alternative to get the right hand side that re-uses the
-@p LaplaceOperator::apply_add() function is to instead add a second constraint
-matrix that skips Dirichlet constraints on the read operation. To do this, we
-initialize a MatrixFree object in a more extended way with two different
-DoFHandler - AffineConstraints combinations. The zeroth component includes
-Dirichlet conditions for solving the linear system, whereas first component
-also reads from Dirichlet-constrained degrees of freedom for the right hand
-side assembly:
- constraints.clear();
- constraints.reinit(locally_relevant_dofs);
- DoFTools::make_hanging_node_constraints(dof_handler,
- constraints);
- VectorTools::interpolate_boundary_values (dof_handler,
- 0,
- BoundaryValues<dim>(),
- constraints);
- constraints.close();
- constraints_without_dirichlet.clear();
- constraints_without_dirichlet.reinit(locally_relevant_dofs);
- DoFTools::make_hanging_node_constraints(dof_handler,
- constraints_without_dirichlet);
- constraints_without_dirichlet.close();
- std::vector<const DoFHandler<dim> *> dof_handlers(2, &dof_handler);
- {
- std::vector<const ConstraintMatrix *> constraint(2);
- constraint[0] = &constraints;
- constraint[1] = &constraints_without_dirichlet;
- typename MatrixFree<dim,number>::AdditionalData additional_data;
- additional_data.mapping_update_flags = (update_gradients | update_JxW_values |
- update_quadrature_points);
- std::shared_ptr<MatrixFree<dim,double> > matrix_free;
- matrix_free->reinit (mapping, dof_handlers, constraint,
- QGauss<1>(fe.degree+1), additional_data);
- // select zeroth block in matrix_free for the main matrix
- std::vector<unsigned int> selected_block {0};
- laplace_operator.initialize(matrix_free, selected_block);
- }
-This @p matrix_free object is then passed to a @p LaplaceOperator class
-instance @p laplace_operator that gets used in the linear solver. Alongside,
-we create a second @p LaplaceOperator object that fills the right hand side:
+A second alternative to get the right hand side that re-uses the @p
+LaplaceOperator::apply_add() function is to instead add a second LaplaceOperator
+that skips Dirichlet constraints. To do this, we initialize a second MatrixFree
+object which does not have any boundary value constraints. This @p matrix_free
+object is then passed to a @p LaplaceOperator class instance @p
+inhomogeneous_operator that is only used to create the right hand side:
template <int dim>
void LaplaceProblem<dim>::assemble_rhs()
- LaplaceOperator<dim, fe_degree, double> laplace_operator_inhomogenous;
- // select first block in matrix_free to use constraints_without_dirichlet
- std::vector<unsigned int> selected_block{1};
- laplace_operator_inhomogeneous.initialize(matrix_free, selected_block);
- solution = 0;
+ system_rhs = 0;
+ AffineConstraints<double> no_constraints;
+ no_constraints.close();
+ LaplaceOperator<dim, degree_finite_element, double> inhomogeneous_operator;
+ typename MatrixFree<dim, double>::AdditionalData additional_data;
+ additional_data.mapping_update_flags =
+ (update_gradients | update_JxW_values | update_quadrature_points);
+ std::shared_ptr<MatrixFree<dim, double>> matrix_free(
+ new MatrixFree<dim, double>());
+ matrix_free->reinit(dof_handler,
+ no_constraints,
+ QGauss<1>(fe.degree + 1),
+ additional_data);
+ inhomogeneous_operator.initialize(matrix_free);
+ solution = 0.0;
- laplace_operator_inhomogeneous.vmult(system_rhs, solution);
- system_rhs *= -1.;
+ inhomogeneous_operator.evaluate_coefficient(Coefficient<dim>());
+ inhomogeneous_operator.vmult(system_rhs, solution);
+ system_rhs *= -1.0;
- // proceed as usual with integration of right hand side function...
+ FEEvaluation<dim, degree_finite_element> phi(
+ *inhomogeneous_operator.get_matrix_free());
+ for (unsigned int cell = 0;
+ cell < inhomogeneous_operator.get_matrix_free()->n_macro_cells();
+ ++cell)
+ {
+ phi.reinit(cell);
+ for (unsigned int q = 0; q < phi.n_q_points; ++q)
+ phi.submit_value(make_vectorized_array<double>(1.0), q);
+ phi.integrate(true, false);
+ phi.distribute_local_to_global(system_rhs);
+ }
+ system_rhs.compress(VectorOperation::add);
-Instead of adding a second DoFHandler - AffineConstraints pair to
-the same MatrixFree::reinit() call, one could of course also construct an
-independent MatrixFree object that feeds the second @p LaplaceOperator instance,
-see also the discussion in MatrixFreeOperators::Base.
+A more sophisticated implementation of this technique could reuse the original
+MatrixFree object. This can be done by initializing the MatrixFree object with
+multiple blocks, where each block corresponds to a different AffineConstraints
+object. Doing this would require making substantial modifications to the
+LaplaceOperator class, but the MatrixFreeOperators::LaplaceOperator class that
+comes with the library can do this. See the discussion on blocks in
+MatrixFreeOperators::Base for more information on how to set up blocks.