* In case the quadrature formula is a tensor product, this function
- * returns the one-dimensional basis objects.
+ * returns the @p dim one-dimensional basis objects.
* Otherwise, calling this function is not allowed.
+ *
+ * For @p dim equal to one, we can not return the std::array as a const
+ * reference and have to return it by value. In this case, the array
+ * will always contain a single element (@p this).
+ *
+ * @note The actual return type of this function is
+ * @code
+ * std::conditional<dim == 1,
+ * std::array<Quadrature<1>, dim>,
+ * const std::array<Quadrature<1>, dim> &>::type
+ * @endcode
+ * The type is abbreviated in the online documentation to improve
+ * readability of this page.
+#ifndef DOXYGEN
typename std::conditional<dim == 1,
std::array<Quadrature<1>, dim>,
const std::array<Quadrature<1>, dim> &>::type
+ const std::array<Quadrature<1>, dim> &
get_tensor_basis() const;