- const int MB = n_rows, NB = std::ceil((double)n_columns / n_mpi_processes);
+ const int MB = n_rows;
+ /*
+ * If the ratio n_columns/n_mpi_processes is smaller than the column block
+ * size of the original matrix, the redistribution and saving of the matrix
+ * requires a significant amount of MPI communication. Therefore, it is better
+ * to set a minimum value for the block size NB, causing only
+ * ceil(n_columns/NB) processes being actively involved in saving the matrix.
+ * Example: A 2*10^9 x 400 matrix is distributed on a 80 x 5 process grid
+ * using block size 32. Instead of distributing the matrix on a 1 x 400
+ * process grid with a row block size of 2*10^9 and a column block size of 1,
+ * the minimum value for NB yields that only ceil(400/32)=13 processes will be
+ * writing the matrix to disk.
+ */
+ const int NB = std::max((int)std::ceil((double)n_columns / n_mpi_processes),
+ column_block_size);
ScaLAPACKMatrix<NumberType> tmp(n_rows, n_columns, column_grid, MB, NB);
- const int MB = n_rows, NB = std::ceil((double)n_columns / n_mpi_processes);
+ const int MB = n_rows;
+ // for the choice of NB see explanation in save_parallel()
+ const int NB = std::max((int)std::ceil((double)n_columns / n_mpi_processes),
+ column_block_size);
ScaLAPACKMatrix<NumberType> tmp(n_rows, n_columns, column_grid, MB, NB);
// get pointer to data held by the process