Only run mesh_converter tests if the testsuite is set up as a dependent
project of the deal.II. In case of an already installed deal.II library,
not all necessary files and configuration for the mesh_converter tests are
a-framework algorithms all-headers aniso arpack base bits build_tests
codim_one deal.II distributed_grids fe gla grid hp integrators lac lapack
- manifold matrix_free mesh_converter metis mpi multigrid opencascade petsc
- serialization slepc trilinos umfpack
+ manifold matrix_free metis mpi multigrid opencascade petsc serialization
+ slepc trilinos umfpack
+ # Only set up mesh_converter tests if the testsuite is set up as a
+ # dependent project:
+ LIST(APPEND _categories mesh_converter)
# Custom targets for the testsuite:
In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of
people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.
Douglas Adams