Another practice based on
<a href="">GNUPLOT</a> is trying to
print out the mesh with locations and numbering of the support
-points where you need to include GridOut and MappingQ1 first.
+points. For that, you need to include header files for GridOut and MappingQ1.
The code for this is:
std::ofstream out("gnuplot.gpl");
out << "e" << std::endl;
-After run the code, we can get a file called gnuplot.gpl. To view this
+After we run the code, we get a file called gnuplot.gpl. To view this
file, we can run the following code in the command line:
gnuplot -p gnuplot.gpl
+With that, you will get a picture similar to
+@image html support_point_dofs1.png
+depending on the mesh you are looking at. For more information, see DoFTools::write_gnuplot_dof_support_point_info.